Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Thread starter Joey D
I find myself loving it, then hating it, then loving it :P It's only awkward when you're in closed environments, out in the open the control scheme works far better. The most annoying thing is the "punch" command, because if you're just that little too far away you end up swinging at air and they get to shoot you dead before you get another chance...

Ah well, I'm buying it for the single player anyway - online's just a bonus :)
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It just came out in the US. Its the first icon on the new release screen next to the Command and Conquer Commanders Challenge.
Well the multiplayer is great, but I was disappointed to see that there was no single player in the demo, considering the PS store description said there was a single player option included with it. :irked:

But overall I loved the multiplayer and looking forward to the real game. :)
Well, you must just hate all multiplayer shooters then.

Sweet, now we have a moderator that makes fun of members behind their backs. You get an A+ for maturity 👍

And it would be true if he said something like "I don't like playing with other people." :sly:

Oh and thanks for the laugh...I love how you still kept arguing after I said I was done. The whole "I dislike the game, but never said I disliked its features" argument is very amusing.
How is that behind your back? It was as in front of you as possible on the Internet. Posted openly on an open forum in which the discussion it refers to was taking place.

After I said I was finished and left the thread. I came back in the thread to see if there was any good information coming out on the game...and found that junk. That's not a good way to set an example.

Moderator tail kissing FTL 👎

Anyways...theres a demo out? I'll have to check it out.
Sweet, now we have a moderator that makes fun of members behind their backs. You get an A+ for maturity 👍

Foolkiller has already addressed this. Not sure why I shouldn't be allowed to make fun of people though...

After I said I was finished and left the thread.

You were finished the second you started making things up to support a position that didn't exist. Like this one:

The whole "I dislike the game, but never said I disliked its features" argument

Which never happened except in your own head.

That aside, I had no idea you'd "left the thread". You didn't say that at any point and, unlike others, I only actually pay attention to what is written rather than what takes place only inside the head of the author.

Which kinda renders the already foolish notion that I made fun of you behind your back even more absurd. And that's without even mentioning the fact that you're obviously still reading the thread despite claiming that you've left it!

The Beta looks pretty, by the way, but doesn't play so well.
I think the co-op is really fun. I haven't tried the competitive multiplayer yet though. So far so good though.