Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Thread starter Joey D
I bought it today and played it allll dayyyy longggg. I had nothing better to do anyways. It really is as awesome as people hype it out to be. I got to Chapter 22 i think. maybe 23. On the hard difficulty.
Good game, i'll appreciate it more on my second playthrough, haven't even touched online mode but i will. Interesting tidbit though; anyone with a uncharted 1 completed save game, will get 100,000 to spend in the U2 online store. :)
Received my limited edition this morning. Quite surprised to get it 2 days before release.

Just hope Blockbuster can post Forza 3 before the post strike.
I got it last night. I have enjoyed it so far. I also tried a deathmatch online and I must say I am probably the worst player I got only 1 kill and I think I lucked into that one :)
i went to try the online BETA demo last night for the first time and it told me the offer Expired. You snooze, you lose :dunce:. May pick it up this afternoon on the way home.
Got my copy today. I just burnt through the breaking and entering section before heading out, I'll crack into it good and proper tonight :)

Tis so awesome.
Just beat the game an hour ago. Took me bit over 10 hours to complete. Fun game. I still need to collect about 60-70 treasures! Oh boy, I need to find a nice treasure hunter strategy ; )..

Also Need to get all the trophies, its fun.

Anyone knows how long is the CO-OP mode?
And I still need to play the Multilayer aspect.
Just beat the game an hour ago. Took me bit over 10 hours to complete. Fun game. I still need to collect about 60-70 treasures! Oh boy, I need to find a nice treasure hunter strategy ; )..

Also Need to get all the trophies, its fun.

Anyone knows how long is the CO-OP mode?
And I still need to play the Multilayer aspect.

Here's a great guide, i got 31 treasures on my first round and will go for another to finish them up. I must say that there are treasures that without the map you would NEVER find them.

Thanks, they also have video just in case, awesome! will get to it tomorrow!

Also I need help, 10 kills in a row by single punch.. I think Ill do those on super easy mode, how many shots i need to fire so I can only kill someone by one punch, 10 times in a row!
Also I need help, 10 kills in a row by single punch.. I think Ill do those on super easy mode, how many shots i need to fire so I can only kill someone by one punch, 10 times in a row!

In the first game, the way to get that achievement was by using a combo with a gunshot in it. I forget, but I think it was Square>R1>Square.
Well after my friend told me today that Uncharted 2 was about 10x better than the original I could not wait any longer. All the positive critism and reviews about the game by members in this thread influenced me as well.

Just picked up my copy and will be firing it up shortly!
So I beat the game on wednesday. It's a great game. The level of detail is just amazing. Great story, though I personally think the end is kinda lame.
In the first game, the way to get that achievement was by using a combo with a gunshot in it. I forget, but I think it was Square>R1>Square.

Thanks, I'll try it, the combat is bit different, better but different. But the combo sounds about right, if only I can pull it off! :D

10 times in a row? Can't they make it 5 times in a row? Comon, I will be restarting the level 100 times because at 8th guy I accidentally shoot him to death!
i picked it up on my way home from work yesterday and last night i put in about 5hrs or so if i remember correctly. I have been taking my time, enjoying the scenery along the way. Currently i'm making my way through the moving train that just left the train-yard. I hope i'm not close to the end yet as i don't want this adventure to be over! Beautiful game, some of the best graphics i have seen to date. I like the mechanics, fighting with the counters (similar to batman Arkham asylum). the cover system works well too. Not going to try the online till i finish the game, i'm on Normal now, so i will try it on the harder difficulty first. :)👍
I played for about two hours last night and man it is awesome! The detail and scenery is superb.

I haven't got that far yet but so far I am impressed!
This game is very enjoyable. The only thing I have against is sometimes in the platforming portions you aren't allowed to climb what you think you be able to climb. That's really minor but other that this is very good game.
Finished on normal in 12 hours. Great game with fun gameplay and great graphics. I'm going through it again and will spend some time just "playing" the game. Shorter than I thought it was going to be, but with my ADD, thats just fine.
Got my copy today,i played for a few hours with the missus,and she thinks its a lot of fun and beautifull graphics....comming from her that really means something i kid you not!!!!....lol.

Only got to chapter 4...she wants to find every single treasure you know...

This game is SO good.... :drool:

are jawdroppingly detailed, and the voice acting and cutscenes are better than most modern films. Awesome.
Turn out 10 kills in a row with single punch was not that tough. Found goot level where I could hit reset button and in seconds I could do it over again if I mess up. After 15 minutes I got ONE trophy lol.. Rest is piece of cake now.
Got many trophies today. I still need few weapon Trophies, complete HArd and crushing modes, and find all the treasures. One last one will be kill 60 or 70 guys without dying, I'll do that one on super easy.

Game is amazing, I still watch all the cut scenes the second play though! wow!
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Just amazes me how good this game really is! In a later chapter there is stuff in it that is just unreal! Don't know how ND comes up with stuff like that!!👍
This game is SO good.... :drool:

are jawdroppingly detailed, and the voice acting and cutscenes are better than most modern films. Awesome.

Some of the best fire rendering I've seen to date. Stunning.
Just finished my first playthrough of the game. Fantastic. Did it on normal difficulty so my next task will be to complete it on hard, after I have a go at the multiplayer. Apparently there a few more maps than there were in the beta so I am curious as to what they are.
Just polished off my first game on Hard, 11 hours 25 mins. I've heard so much good stuff about the multiplayer that I might have to give it a burn.
I've finished it. Damn that last chapter was difficult. All time running in circles and shooting those blue things.

But whole game is great. I was a little disapointed about that puffy jumpy creatures and villains in Shabala place, I hoped it doesn't change in Crysis and it was still kinda realistic. =)

10/10 for me!
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Is this game worth getting? I rented the first one and absolutely loved it, but i couldn't justify dropping 60 bucks on a game with no multiplayer, or much replay value. I played the multiplayer demo/beta and it was fun, but i didn't like how many shots it took to bring somebody down. Can someone tell me if the multiplayer is better in the full game? I'm going to rent it for sure, i trust that the single player is just as stellar as Uncharted 1.
Yes this game is really awesome! And No the game doesn't seem to install anything!👍:)

Really? Don't know how they'd patch it as everything is on the optical drive...

Might have to get this out/buy it, over half-term.