Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

If the EU/UK demo comes next week it won't be too bad. The games out here on Dec 7th but I COULD get it on import from the US if it got here sooner. But I'll probably wait.
I hope the demo arrives soon.
Is it just me or is the demo kinda hard? I died a few times, and I still haven't even beaten it yet. And for the first time, while playing the demo, my PS3 froze. Im not sure why.
Is it just me or is the demo kinda hard? I died a few times, and I still haven't even beaten it yet. And for the first time, while playing the demo, my PS3 froze. Im not sure why.

Try waiting under cover for a bit when the screen gets grey, and you'll "recover" from your injuries. Try shooting barrels too. It takes a while to get used to but you'll get the hang of it.
Some quick impressions. I'll start with the negative:

I don't like the combat. In fact, I think I'd be perfectly happy just wandering around. I got bored with the demo when I ended up in a spot that seemed to have constantly spawning enemies.. I'd kill two or three, then two or three more show up... and again, and again.. I must have killed over a dozen people in that same area, and they just kept on coming.

The AI's reaction to getting shot could be better. Yeah, they react to the location of the hit.. jerk back from an arm shot, limp off to cover for a leg shot, etc. But they don't die when I shoot them in the head. Wazzup wit dat?

For some reason, every time I went into melee combat, the camera would move around to put a nice big tree or bush in between itself and the action.

Now, the good things:

Voice acting. Very nice to have actors who actually act their parts instead of just reading the lines off a piece of paper. And, as mentioned above, the little "oh boy" moments when a grenade comes in, etc. And that they're not afraid to let a little cussing slip by. While I'm not a fan of gratuitous cursing, I also don't like to see them intentionally censor cursing (i.e. "gosh darnit").

Controls: I actually like the controls. Responsive and, for the most part, intuitive. Could use a little work on the aiming during combat.

Animation: Very impressed. I like that we finally have a character who can't jump any higher or further than a normal everyday human. I like how he scrambles around when doing various things. The only "off" thing I noticed was when you do short movements.. for example, you take a single step forward, and when you release the stick, he jerks to a stop as though he's just been running instead of leisurely walking. A couple of "WIP glitches" here and there, but nothing that probably won't be fixed.

Graphics: OMFG. That's all I can say. One of the best-looking games I've played, period.

All in all, despite my gripes about the combat, I give the demo two thumbs up. I don't know when I'll get around to buying the game, but I think it's safe to say that it's on my list now, up at the top, just behind Assassin's Creed. :)
I played the Demo over and over a couple of times last night and I have to say I suck really bad at this game. I was only playing the game on EASY and I died so many times it wasn't even funny. I even duck behind cover only to find one of the AI has ran around and was shooting me from the side.

The graphics are amazing in this game, animation is some of the best I've seen and having some of the grass or bushes move when you walk through them is a nice little touch. I wish it would've been that way for all tree branches and all vegetation but I'm just happy that we're getting to the point where these details are beginning to come out in games. Sounds are also top notch and the music score is very exciting and makes me feel like I'm in an Indiana Jones movie.:lol: Also a very nice touch with the water effect and how main character's clothes would get wet when he goes in the water. Also the little touches like his shirt wrinkling when he walks. I love the little things!

I do agree with the poster above that the AI should've been made to react to being shot more realistically. There were occasions where I shot a couple of AI in the chest a couple of times and they just took a few steps back then started shooting back like the bullets didn't phase them at all. Overall a great Demo and I'm definitely getting this when it comes out.
Yea, I when I shoot someone in the chest, twice, I expect them to at least fall to the ground and then maybe commence shooting a little bit.
It would seem the demo has been fixed so non US PS3's can download it. I'm just about to do that!
Yeah, I heard that too. I presume you have to redownload it as it didn't work when I tried my first download.
Yeah, demo works now.

Graphics are superb. Best I've seen for a console. Framerate drops a little when looking at some scenery sometimes, but what game doesn't these days? Gameplay takes a little getting used to, but I'm not sure why you're complaining why enemies take too many hits. 3 shots on normal mode with the pistol - other games are MUCH worse.

It's not quite something I would buy though, even though it was a good introduction. A little comical really!
The enemies go down pretty quick if you take a head shot. :)

Graphics are pretty good and gameplay was easy to get used to I thought. Being able to hid behind things is a little 'Gears of War'-ish but that's ok, it's a good system. Something new I didn't see was the ability to switch shoulders that the gun is on. Looking forward to this game, although I must say, Lora Croft is easier on the eyes than Drake.
I quite liked it. Looks very good and was smooth and virtually free of tearing. Nice sound too.
Not too easy but not too frustrating either.
Definately on my 'must get' list. November/December is going to be a pricey few months with 4 games or more to get along with my new Sony Full HD LCD TV!
I like controls and graphics are best so far we seen on ps3. Too bad framerate is not 60fps and there is tearing which means it can not hold lock even at 30fps. Framerate is not so bad you can not enjoy the game, but takes away some glory of those amazing visuals.Yes i admit, i am a framerate junkie and so Ninja gaiden eg. feels better play for me. I played Uncharted on my pc lcd with component -> vga tricks , so i can not say if tearing is better with real HDTV.(Sony 40x3500 arrives around christmas if i am lucky)

Time will tell if this is an other good "run-through-seven-hour-game" like Heavenly sword. Or maybe there is more depth to it from linear running and shooting through jungle. Uncharted is definitely not a flop like lair is.

Everyone knows this is an old build right?

Is it? Why would they put out an old build if there is newer one?
The enemies go down pretty quick if you take a head shot. :)

Graphics are pretty good and gameplay was easy to get used to I thought. Being able to hid behind things is a little 'Gears of War'-ish but that's ok, it's a good system. Something new I didn't see was the ability to switch shoulders that the gun is on. Looking forward to this game, although I must say, Lora Croft is easier on the eyes than Drake.

I didn't think he looked that bad. His smile is pretty cute and those jeans seem to fit him very nicely. I agree that Lora Croft is hotter, though.
Looking forward to this game, although I must say, Lora Croft is easier on the eyes than Drake.

I've been wondering if like Heavenly Sword, that at some point in the game you take control of the female character... in which case something tells me Pako will "accidentally" have her walk under the waterfall and get wet. ;)

Although if this really was a feature, you'd think the developers would have at least mentioned it by now, so I suspect Pako won't be hosting any wet T-shirt contests on this uncharted island any time soon. :D
I didn't think he looked that bad. His smile is pretty cute and those jeans seem to fit him very nicely. I agree that Lora Croft is hotter, though.


I've been wondering if like Heavenly Sword, that at some point in the game you take control of the female character... in which case something tells me Pako will "accidentally" have her walk under the waterfall and get wet. ;)

Although if this really was a feature, you'd think the developers would have at least mentioned it by now, so I suspect Pako won't be hosting any wet T-shirt contests on this uncharted island any time soon. :D


We'll have to see if that 'feature' will be available. :)
I played the demo a bit, not all the way through, but I had a look. Looks very good! Certainly a Tomb-Raider-ish type of game.

I was a bit disappointed when I was exploring around the edges of the 'rooms' and saw the character clip through some of the foliage, but then when walking around in the center of the 'rooms', he actually moved the grasses as he walked through them, so that was nice to see.
Yeah, demo works now.

The explanation that's now coming out is a little head scratching:

(in part)
"We're really sorry about what happened and didn't anticipate this at all. We just didn't know people from other territories could connect to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store and download demos ... now we do!" co-president Christophe Balestra wrote on the official PlayStation Blog late on Friday.

"Just didn't know" hungh... sure :rolleyes:
They fixed it, no one died, who cares why they did it in the first place?

Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to suggest it deserved a major headline or anything, I just usually find explanations that fake ignorance a little distasteful is all. I think your tone is spot on though, the mess up was corrected in a short period of time and that's good. 👍
Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to suggest it deserved a major headline or anything, I just usually find explanations that fake ignorance a little distasteful is all. I think your tone is spot on though, the mess up was corrected in a short period of time and that's good. 👍
I agree with you both... it was a terrible excuse... but nice that they fixed the issue so quickly. 👍
It's not a 'terrible' excuse. You cannot expect a company to test their game on every regions console for a DEMO. You have to understand, this is the E3 demo that was shown many months back. Their priority was not the demo, rather, finishing the game etc.

The way it sounds, most of you would rather they spend more time and resources putting out a demo than finishing the game to get it in your hands as soon as possible.
It seems to me that a lot of people think that a demo is a slice of pie out of the finished product. Although this 'may' occur on occasion, this is certainly not the case for most of the demo's we have seen lately. "Just didn't know...." sounds more like frustrated sarcasm to me.

There must be some frustration on the developers end as well. When something is released for a specific region, why should they get chastised when it's not working on other regions (even if it's made available by exploiting multiple region accounts for download stores).
We're really sorry about what happened and didn't anticipate this at all. We just didn't know people from other territories could connect to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store and download demos ... now we do!" co-president Christophe Balestra wrote on the official PlayStation Blog late on Friday.

:lol:...... That statement is bloody genius!

It's not a 'terrible' excuse. You cannot expect a company to test their game on every regions console for a DEMO. You have to understand, this is the E3 demo that was shown many months back. Their priority was not the demo, rather, finishing the game etc.
It appears you are completely misreading our criticism, certainly when you quote my "terrible" remark.

What is terrible is the excuse...

We just didn't know people from other territories could connect to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store and download demos
That is what is terrible, not that a demo might have a bug, not that demos are inferior to the actual game and thus often are a poor representative of what a game actually is like, none of that... as those are not only understandable, but acceptable in my view.

What's 'terrible' in my mind was the excuse they gave that has been quoted above and earlier.

The way it sounds, most of you would rather they spend more time and resources putting out a demo than finishing the game to get it in your hands as soon as possible.
I'm sorry, but I really don't know how you managed to come to that kind of conclusion. I certainly don't see posts from "most of us" that suggest that at all.
It appears you are completely misreading our criticism, certainly when you quote my "terrible" remark.

What is terrible is the excuse...

That is what is terrible, not that a demo might have a bug, not that demos are inferior to the actual game and thus often are a poor representative of what a game actually is like, none of that... as those are not only understandable, but acceptable in my view.

What's 'terrible' in my mind was the excuse they gave that has been quoted above and earlier.

I'm sorry, but I really don't know how you managed to come to that kind of conclusion. I certainly don't see posts from "most of us" that suggest that at all.

If you say so.


Let's be a bit more sensational why don't we?

"This excuse is disgusting! Atrocious! Revolting!"

Basically, everyone is being childish. Once again people think that these comments should be taken to heart. Why should they even have to worry about other territories all the time when they are putting out the demo on the 22nd in PAL?

Basically, the expectation that they should hold the hand of all gamers and cater to everyone world wide is ridiculous, and just because they made a sincere apology to even ACKNOWLEDGE gamers in other area's, and said they didn't know...you think it's terrible? Give me a flipping break. THey could have just as easily ignored them. Get serious, or don't respond, it's ridiculous to ridicule them for saying whatever the hell they want, especially when they FIXED what wasn't even a PROBLEM.
If you say so.


Well seeing as you are continuing to not only misinterpret my comment, but have also decided to claim everyone is being childish, it's fairly clear you have no intention of wanting to have a reasonable discussion, so I guess I’ll elect to agree to disagree, and let my previous comment support my position on the subject.

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