Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Played treh demo thsi weekend and now I will be getting this game. It is rare that I get a demo that is beautiful, makes sense, and is fun.

My only complaint is that I am really getting into it and as I step through an archway the screen goes blank.

It's like giving a junky a taste of a new drug and then telling him he was to wait at least a few weeks to get more.

It's not a real complaint against the developers, but the demo made me want more, which was its goal. It's just now I don't want to wait.

And while some people claimed that the enemies didn't take shots realistically I will say that one guy was hiding and had his leg sticking out and I hit it and he jumped back behind cover. Or another time a guy was creeping up on my hiding spot and I came out and put two in his chest. He fell down. I thought he was dead, but when I came back out to shoot at another guy he was standing up and almost on me.....BOOM headshot! That stopped him.

A lot of the character motions look good as they did a lot of motion capture, but I have a feeling that shooting someone for a realistic motion just wasn't happening.

Knowing the demo was from an earlier build and it is this beautiful I can't wait to see what is in store for the finished game.
Im really interested in this game, looks beautiful and the storyline is quite interesting... plus its first party and I haven't got a PS3 exclusive game yet (I know shock horror!).....

Does anyone think this game is going to be long?, like have long gameplay lasting more than a few hours to complete and replayability? Has it got any online components?


Im really interested in this game, looks beautiful and the storyline is quite interesting... plus its first party and I haven't got a PS3 exclusive game yet (I know shock horror!).....
You still have not picked up a copy of F1:CE??? :eek:

You love driving games, and presumably less arcade style than sim style... so what is keeping you from getting F1:CE? If you are basing it on the demo, don't. You can read reviews of the game in the F1:CE Forum here on GTP and it's fairly unanimous that the demo is a very poor representative of the game, and that the game is fantastic, and has many features GT fans have been wishing would be included in GT5, like optional crash damage and mechanical failures, real race penalties.

It also has an excellent career mode and online racing support. 👍

Even if you despise Formula One, it still is a great game!

You still have not picked up a copy of F1:CE??? :eek:

You love driving games, and presumably less arcade style than sim style... so what is keeping you from getting F1:CE? If you are basing it on the demo, don't. You can read reviews of the game in the F1:CE Forum here on GTP and it's fairly unanimous that the demo is a very poor representative of the game, and that the game is fantastic, and has many features GT fans have been wishing would be included in GT5, like optional crash damage and mechanical failures, real race penalties.

It also has an excellent career mode and online racing support. 👍

Even if you despise Formula One, it still is a great game!

I know I know! I should be hung! :crazy:... The demo was OK-ish but yeah I have seen the full version and its alot better.... I only have 2 problems that are stopping me from buying it!

1. If it was based on this last season then I would buy it in a shot.. Its a pity its the 06 season, If they offered an update to change the cars to last season then I would go for it. I just liked the way the field was organised this year, its was great racing! The commentary in the game is great from Martin Brundle, I actually know his daughter Charlie.

2. I read some reviews, particularly Gamespots saying basically it was too hard for them! Now being a GT fan Im no stranger to hard driving games but this one you are going bloody fast and a slight bump and its all over... You can turn all the aids on but then it wouldn't be realistic, I guess what im saying is that my driving it probably not up to it..

I guess not getting my PS3 till august and with GTHD wetting my appetite I didn't really notice F1CE... I had a 2 game free deal with the console (one had to be Gundamn! :ouch:) and I chose GRAW because it looked ace and came out that very day! If I could have picked another it probably would have been CE...


Sorry i quoted bit wrong. I maent it is as unrealistic in action movies.(i quess you just wanted to be sarcastic)
I guess I misunderstood your meaning, and sarcasm is always at the top of my list of things to do.

But I agree, it doesn't seem any more unrealistic than movies.

Plus, I think it would take something out of the game if everytime you shot someone they fell down, writhing in pain. To do that Drake would have to do the same thing. Shot in the arm and it is useless for at least a few levels. Where's the fun in that?

And I love how the AI will try to sneak around and flank your cover. From what little I played of Gears of War (first few levels) I never saw that. I haven't seen that in any games that involve close combat with a cover system.
I know I know! I should be hung! :crazy:... The demo was OK-ish but yeah I have seen the full version and its alot better.... I only have 2 problems that are stopping me from buying it!

Hung is probably a little harsh, now lashed with a bull whip to within inches of your life... better ;)

1. If it was based on this last season then I would buy it in a shot.. Its a pity its the 06 season, If they offered an update to change the cars to last season then I would go for it. I just liked the way the field was organised this year, its was great racing! The commentary in the game is great from Martin Brundle, I actually know his daughter Charlie.

Everyone would love a simple update like that, but FOM will never allow that to happen. Best get it out of your mind now.

2. I read some reviews, particularly Gamespots saying basically it was too hard for them! Now being a GT fan Im no stranger to hard driving games but this one you are going bloody fast and a slight bump and its all over... You can turn all the aids on but then it wouldn't be realistic, I guess what im saying is that my driving it probably not up to it..

I have yet to meet a hardcore GT nut that didn't begin to salivate immediately after seeing this game in action. Seriously the first time you are on the grid, mid pack, the starting lights go off and then the ROAR of 22 mechanical screaming banshees pounds into your ear drums you'll see what I mean (especially if you have a proper surround sound setup) :drool:

And without the aids on, yeah sure it is a challenge, but trust me it is a challenge in a good way. Like the first time you nailed Laguna Seca in a 600hp RWD Supra. You feel that same sense of accomplishment as you know that hot lap was because of skill and not blind luck. :D

Sooooooo, speaking of driving in Uncharted... :sly:
9.1 is FANTASTIC!! Though 9/10 in graphics is quite questionable. Yes the game has minor issues (screen tearing/texture pop-up) but every other game of this gen has it. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about the score, it's just sad to see a game get a free pass even though it has more terrible issues compared to uncharted. *sigh* and they get a 10 aw c'mon
I guess one could say Eurogamer was pleased with the finished product.

The review's concluding paragraph:
By focusing on keeping things fun at all times, it might not be considered the most expansive or ambitious game out there. It doesn't have a free-form openworld, but this is proof - if it were needed - that making a linear action game is nothing to be sneered at. By starting with a great control and camera system, building on that with excellent combat and a wonderful spin on Ico's platform adventuring, and then topping it off with a decent storyline, Naughty Dog has cooked up one of the most relentlessly entertaining, fat-free games to emerge in ages. Topped off with the most stunning use of the PS3's underused technical prowess yet, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is, for my money, the first must-have PlayStation 3 title.
Dunno about that. They liked Assasins Creed. uk.gamespot.com
And Uncharted looks the better game to be honest.
Getting AC this Friday and (hopefully) Uncharted just a few days after its US launch on import. (And Mass Effect around the same time)
Add them to my new Full HD tv I'm getting (delivery in 5 days) I'm gonna be very, very happy. Damn my 12 hour shift work (well, upto a point - I could'nt afford all this if it wasn't for my job!).
I think uncharted has more appeal, it seems like it would be more engaging and last longer, AC I reckon would get quite repetitive but its still gonna look great.....

Does anyone know how many hours of gameplay uncharted has??, as long as its not like 5 or something! :indiff:

.....Hmmm decisions!
I'll skip Assassin Creed and go for Uncharted. Uncharted should last about 8-10 hours depend on how you play. It will last much longer if you spend time to look for hidden stuff.
The demo didnt do anything for me, I disliked the gun fights and seemed to be too many enemies. But a 9+ review definitely warrants a purchase. :D
Finally the first game to buy for my PS3 instead of my 360.
Well seeing as you are continuing to not only misinterpret my comment, but have also decided to claim everyone is being childish, it's fairly clear you have no intention of wanting to have a reasonable discussion, so I guess I’ll elect to agree to disagree, and let my previous comment support my position on the subject.

I'm not misinterpreting your comment. His comemnts were valid, yours were not.

Maybe 5% of the installed PSN user base in all territories actually knows that there are different stores for different regions. There are roughly 3 to 4 MILLION people with PS3's around the world.

I find it extremely hard to believe that even half of them know that they can download different content from the different playstation stores, let alone even KNOW about the Playstation store.
I'm not misinterpreting your comment. His comemnts were valid, yours were not.
Yes, no, no.

Get your facts straight pleeeeease!

Please read the quote more carefully!

Christophe Balestra
We just didn't know people from other territories could connect to the US PLAYSTATION Network Store and download demos ... now we do!

First of all, it's not just one person; "we" is Naughty Dog.

Second of all, neither him nor they are just your average consumer! He is the bloody co-president of Naughty Dog, and they are bloody developers for the PS3!

Thirdly, they aren't just a developer for the PS3, they have been developing exclusively for Sony for the PlayStation for many years now.

Fourthly, it's published by Sony... which means they would have been at least partially responsible for the publication of the demo.

I'm sorry, but that was a terrible excuse, as clearly any number of people at Naughty Dog and Sony absolutely must have known that any one around the world can download free content from any store. It's the worst kept secret about the PS3. People have been doing it for nearly a year now. There have been countless posts on Sony's developer's blog from users talking about getting content from other stores, and I have no doubt Sony's support has been filled with inquiries about doing that, and also being able to actual buy content from other regions.

So not only are you trying to say my personal opinion about how terrible the excuse was is wrong... which in itself is an argument you could never win, as would mine if I attempted to prove your personal opinion that it wasn't terrible... but in addition you have succeeded in making several exaggeration, misquotes, and did a bang up job of getting completely off topic...

So can you please just move on now and agree to disagree?
Now that we are back on topic...

I've gone ahead and updated the first post with pics, detailed info, and links about the game.

Also, there will be an open chat with the developers of Uncharted, specifically the co-presidents of Naughty Dog, Evan Walls and the aforementioned Christophe Balestra.

The chat is going to be held today, Thursday 7PM EST/4PM PST on the PlayStation.com forum.

Click HERE for more details.









The enemies go down pretty quick if you take a head shot. :)

Hmmm, we must be playing a different game. I finally got to playing this, and I'm disgusted. Everything looks and sounds so amazing, and these idiots have the nerve to ruin this game with horrible combat scenarios.

Four shots to the head to kill a bad guy? Only one to describe that. Retarded.

*sigh* The idiots ruined another game for me.
Hmmm, we must be playing a different game. I finally got to playing this, and I'm disgusted. Everything looks and sounds so amazing, and these idiots have the nerve to ruin this game with horrible combat scenarios.

Four shots to the head to kill a bad guy? Only one to describe that. Retarded.

*sigh* The idiots ruined another game for me.
It's just a demo, and you'll find they actually leave it to the player to pick the difficulty level, which changes how effective your bullets are.

That said, as has been mentioned by others... its a game... not a simulator, and as such, how lame would it be if there was no options and that every time someone is shot they react as in real life.

Also, as mentioned earlier by others, compare it to other games and movies... they would all be a good deal more dull if guns and bullets were presented in a realistic way, as well as the damage they inflict.

At the very least, I wouldn't try and base the entire game on a relatively short and very beta like build. Just think about the PS3 games you like, and compare them to their demos, if they had any. In general the demos are poor representatives of the actual games. I certainly would have never bought F1:CE based on the demo. Fortunately I did buy it, and it’s easily one of my favorite games on any platform.
Not to forget that it is made by naughty Dog, whose resume consists of the original Crash Bandicoot games and the Jak and Daxter trilogy. Of course it's going to have a cartoonish quality underneath, it's meant to be fun.
Finally played the demo and I really felt let down, after seeing all the nice screen shots and cut scenes this was not thrilling at all, the mechanics reminded me so much of stranglehold with regards to moving through the environments and the combat.

The graphics are not as jaw dropping as I expected, the plants look a bit too false always swaying in repeating patterns but its the combat I hate the most.

The cover system is ok but stuff doesn't get shot up (in the demo) and you tend to get hit hiding behind stuff anyway. As has been mentioned shooting bad guys 4 times in the head is stupid and they seem to constantly respawn! You run out of ammo way too quickly, the grenade system is strait out of gears, nice use of the sixaxis but it seems a bit out of place.

I don't know how to describe it, its like the games story and design is great but the gameplay lets it down...

Enemies respawn? Definitely didn't get that. :odd: Plus I never ran out of ammo - if you kill them quickly enough I could run over and pick some more up.

I suppose it isn't as easy on Hard difficulty (I played on Normal), but I had neither of those issues, unless it's different on Hard.
I played it on normal mode and I never got close to running out of ammo nor did any guy take four shots anywhere to take down. Three body shots or a head shot.

Ammo is dropped by everyone you kill and the reason why you are getting shot while under cover is because the AI is intelligent enough to sneak up on you and/or flank your position.

No one respwaned, but new guys do come in from entrances.
I guess its because of hanging around too long in one area and more and more people are arriving (I call it spawning)...

I have fired at a guy 3 times and he didn't die, maybe just hit his limbs...

I'm used to games with hundreds of rounds where you can be trigger happy... thats probably why I'm running out of ammo..... I just spray the general area where a baddy is!.. guess its more of a tactical game than that!

Besides all this, it just wasn't quite what I expected.. but then again demos are demos.. I think someone said this was an old build??


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