Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Friday is one of the worst days of the week.... Yes, it's nice that the work week is ending. But for all those Monday-Friday 9-5 workers...EVERYONE becomes a complete selfish 🤬 who HAS to get ahead of everyone else. There's always lines of people waiting outside restaurants to "celebrate" the end of the week, :censored:holes weaving through traffic, cutting people off, and running red lights to make it home ASAP, people rushing through grocery stores to get their week/weekend food. Everyone is in a rush to spend their time off as soon as they can, at the sacrifice of not only their own safety, but others around them.

Friday is just another day... It's not worth being a dick to everyone else around you just so you can get home quicker.
Luke Combs is overrated.
Though he hasn't been around very long, my whole family (my sister especially) just loves him and everything he comes out with and they just can't seem to get enough of him. Some of the other country music fans I know really like him as well. Me however, I am somewhat indifferent about him and I don't know anyone else who feels the same. I think his music is just "good" for the most part, but not “fantastic”, if anything I think it's slightly above average at best. For me his every hit gets overplayed to the point where I don't even enjoy listening to it anymore after a while and I just don't think it's good enough to justify how frequently they play it. "When it rains it pours” is not a bad song, but I swear it was the 2nd most overplayed song of 2017 and I still don't care to listen to it all that much due to how often radio stations played it. I sort of feel the same about every other hit he’s had, but this one is the biggest offender for me.

At the end of the day, I don't dislike him and I don't think he's a bad singer, I am just not as a big of a fan of him as everyone else is and I just think his music gets played way more than it should.
Overrated? Maybe so... but he definitely deserves the success he has and I could listen to some of his music on repeat. He is one of the few newer artists out that I could probably listen to a whole album and not be dissatisfied.

I saw him in concert mid 2017 when he was first getting big. He sang great with just a guitar for a few verses and the chorus before the band came in on a couple songs and I've been a fan ever since.

On a second thought, I feel like he may be underrated in a way. He is popular (very popular), that's why I think he can overrated. But he is also very talented, and I think people can overlook that.
Yeah, it wasn't a serious question. But thanks for the response anyway.


Information isn't too hard to come by these days and I could easily have gotten what I needed with a few finger swipes.

It was much more an expression of my apathy toward the subject matter. I actually addressed it in a profile post a couple years ago (not that you'd have had any reason to notice it, let alone remember).

I like old country well enough, but my cutoff is about '83 (though it's rare that I'd care for anything that late) with the exception of artists from before then that get grandfathered in.
I specifically remember seeing this. :)
he definitely deserves the success he has and I could listen to some of his music on repeat. He is one of the few newer artists out that I could probably listen to a whole album and not be dissatisfied.
I have listened to the entirety of his album "This One's for You" and yes I agree that the man certainly has talent and yes he does deserve recognition for it, but at this point I think it's been somewhat overstated by now. Again, I like him, but i'm just not obsessed with him.

One thing I have been thinking about since I posted that is considering he's from North Carolina and I happen to live in North Carolina, that could potentially explain why I hear him at least twice (if not 3 times) every hour on the radio.
Nickelback isn't that bad. I mean, there's plenty of artists out there who are far, far worse. Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, Lil Pump, Travis Scott, etc...

Other than Kanye I don’t know any of those people so I can’t really compare them but Nickleback certainly get more hate than they deserve.

For my money, they’re a better band than Green Day, who are equally as big but do the same poppy, soft rock rubbish as Nickleback.
It seems like hating Nickelback is on the way out anyways. Now it's seemingly Imagine Dragons that's the popular band to hate.
Edit: I just Googled them. Search specifically stated “pop band” whereas Nickleback are designated a rock band.

Their first album was mainly alternative rock and is actually a decent album. With each subsequent release they've ventured more and more into pop territory though, which is probably why they are challenging Nickelback for the "most hated" album.
Nickleback are a reoccurring feature on many a message board...
No doubt...and in case it isn't clear, that was an attempt at humor.

As for Imagine Dragons, I indicated elsewhere I liked the song with the clapping ("I'm on top of the world, hey!"), but I'm othersise unfamiliar with them.

As for Imagine Dragons, I indicated elsewhere I liked the song with the clapping ("I'm on top of the world, hey!")

I just had a listen to this one. Well, I got about 30 seconds in and stopped. It really isn’t my cup of tea.
Nickelback isn't that bad. I mean, there's plenty of artists out there who are far, far worse. Cardi B, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, Lil Pump, Travis Scott, etc...

Kanye may be a controversial figure, but in the world of rap music he is one of the best musicians out there. So is Travis Scott in the trap genre, a very good artist and we can even say a pioneer of the breakout of the genre. Even Nicky Minaj is half decent apart from a couple of tracks like Anaconda which are worthless.
For someone who taught "google-fu", you sure do ask that alot. :lol:

I didn't think I could possibly loathe that song any more than I already did (I had to hear it multiple times a day for a few months when it came out)... Then I saw the video. "Yeah let's make it black and white and start it with "a film made by" to make it seem like there is some sort of meaning to all this nonsensical ********." Not to forget that the lyrics appear to just be the guy pumping his own ego... Infact, I guess shooting a video in Dubai and bringing out a highway full of Ferraris could also be considered ego pumping, so maybe it's not so nonsensical after all. Just sad. :P Yeah, I know, my opinion here isn't exactly unpopular.

And no, I'm not just on the Imagine Dragons hate wagon as a trend follower. It's just coincidence that something I really dislike is now the hate of the moment.
I just had a listen to this one. Well, I got about 30 seconds in and stopped. It really isn’t my cup of tea.
And that's just fine by me. It's not something I'd actively seek out, but it's fun, and if it's playing somewhere that I am as when I first heard it and looked to see what it was, I wouldn't be compelled to find somewhere else to be.
Ah, the Nickelback topic never gets old in this thread.

Green Day? That's a punk bad.

Imagine Dragons... I've liked them since high school and my opinion of them has not drastically changed. I think I even like them more now after listening to their non-hits.

I happen to really like all three of them. All for different reasons, but if I would have to choose one over the other... I suppose I would choose Green Day. Mostly because I know about 10 Nickelback songs, 15 Imagine Dragons songs, and probably 30 Green Day songs.

Not that I even particularly listen to Green Day more than the others, they've just made the impact the other two haven't.
Here's one:

There's a definite Euro-centric elitism in motorsports.


It's lazy, and therefore empty at best, disrespectful at the worst. If you care about someone's passing, say something meaningful... RIP threads and posts are a waste of time, you don't mean it if that's the best you've get to say... also.. "Rest in Peace"... it's not a rest, a person is dead, they are not resting, they are decomposing. They are not at Peace, they just don't exist anymore... please GTP, stop saying RIP, and start saying something worthwhile.

It's lazy, and therefore empty at best, disrespectful at the worst. If you care about someone's passing, say something meaningful... RIP threads and posts are a waste of time, you don't mean it if that's the best you've get to say... also.. "Rest in Peace"... it's not a rest, a person is dead, they are not resting, they are decomposing. They are not at Peace, they just don't exist anymore... please GTP, stop saying RIP, and start saying something worthwhile.

I hadn't put much thought into this before but now that you've brought it up it does seems like a bit of an empty sentiment.

It's lazy, and therefore empty at best, disrespectful at the worst. If you care about someone's passing, say something meaningful... RIP threads and posts are a waste of time, you don't mean it if that's the best you've get to say... also.. "Rest in Peace"... it's not a rest, a person is dead, they are not resting, they are decomposing. They are not at Peace, they just don't exist anymore... please GTP, stop saying RIP, and start saying something worthwhile.
So...I'm guilty of this, but I agree completely. I don't do it with any measurable frequency, but it's an expression I've used [once] on GTP, and on an indeterminate number of occasions overall.