Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Doesn't like beards but find a mustache, which are the work of the devil* acceptable!

* with the following exceptions, who are only ever allowed to wear one.
  • Burt Renynolds
  • Tom Selleck
  • Salvadore Daly
  • Sam O'Neill
  • Alex Trebek
I filled in the blank for you.
Doesn't like beards but find a mustache, which are the work of the devil* acceptable!

* with the following exceptions, who are only ever allowed to wear one.
  • Burt Renynolds
  • Tom Selleck
  • Salvadore Daly
  • Sam O'Neill

You forgot Rich Uncle Pennybags.

I think it's a myth that growing a beard in some way saves time by not shaving. Modern beard-wearing man still has to shave their neck and other unwanted areas plus all the other grooming needs a beard requires if one doesn't want to look homeless or like you've been stranded on a desert island. I've not been clean-shaven in probably a decade, but neither have i ever had a proper full on beard. I get close if i've not had a trim in 5 or 6 days or so, but the long stubble/short beard just starts irritating my skin and the faffing required to keep it looking acceptable starts taking more time then just trimming it every 2 to 3 days.
Are you saying you have a hipster beard but the rest of you is smooth like a pebble?

Interesting. :scared:

Isn't everyone bored of the hipster beard yet? This has to stop!
You forgot Rich Uncle Pennybags.

View attachment 798747

There is one more acceptable moustache wearer:


I have a beard. I shave the neck and lower lip, i.e. the complete inverse of a soul patch. The neck because of the obvious itchy-scratchyness and the lower lip just because I really don't like the feeling of facial hair there. It makes me feel like a tramp.

And I absolutely concur that it's a bother to keep it in check. I do so with scissors about twice a week on the moustache and sides, and once a week I'll go over the lip and neck as mentioned. But I like having a beard, so the maintenance is a tolerable sufferance.
I keep my beard trimmed for seven months out of the year. In the winter, I figure it is irrational to shave the fur my body produced to keep me warm and then have a colder face and neck, or to wear a scarf. So I've removed hair from my face and then I'm supposed to wear cotton/plastic fiber or another animal's hair to replace it? That seems silly. :P

It's also fun to shave on April 1 and wait to see how long it takes my wife to notice, a game her father plays with her every year that I've adopted too. :lol:
I would say there is almost definitely more than one Michael Cera but I was referring to the one in that picture.
And here I figured you must have been referring to another of the same name.

The recent explosion of true crime murder documentaries, whilst clearly vilifying the perpetrators, do seem to really glamourise them in an overblown, glitzy way way whilst trivialising the victims.

With regards to terrorist attacks or mass shootings you often hear "don't give them any credit, don't name them" and the like so why not the same for serial killers? You should remember the victims and put the killers in the shade.

Sadly I know that won't happen because it simply isn't compelling television.
Luke Combs is overrated.
Though he hasn't been around very long, my whole family (my sister especially) just loves him and everything he comes out with and they just can't seem to get enough of him. Some of the other country music fans I know really like him as well. Me however, I am somewhat indifferent about him and I don't know anyone else who feels the same. I think his music is just "good" for the most part, but not “fantastic”, if anything I think it's slightly above average at best. For me his every hit gets overplayed to the point where I don't even enjoy listening to it anymore after a while and I just don't think it's good enough to justify how frequently they play it. "When it rains it pours” is not a bad song, but I swear it was the 2nd most overplayed song of 2017 and I still don't care to listen to it all that much due to how often radio stations played it. I sort of feel the same about every other hit he’s had, but this one is the biggest offender for me.

At the end of the day, I don't dislike him and I don't think he's a bad singer, I am just not as a big of a fan of him as everyone else is and I just think his music gets played way more than it should.
He's a country music artist that hasn’t been around too long, but has a few hits already that are somewhat unavoidable on our local country stations.

It’s remarkably strange to me how my post is the only one on GTP that explicitly mentions him by name, meanwhile I can’t seem to get a break from him where I live. :boggled: In fact I have already heard him several times since my last post.

(the previous two are not related and your post is just from where you quoted me)
He's a country music artist that hasn’t been around too long, but has a few hits already that are somewhat unavoidable on our local country stations.
Yeah, it wasn't a serious question. But thanks for the response anyway.


Information isn't too hard to come by these days and I could easily have gotten what I needed with a few finger swipes.

It was much more an expression of my apathy toward the subject matter. I actually addressed it in a profile post a couple years ago (not that you'd have had any reason to notice it, let alone remember).

I like old country well enough, but my cutoff is about '83 (though it's rare that I'd care for anything that late) with the exception of artists from before then that get grandfathered in.