Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Alright I'm curious, why?

I found it a lazy pastiche of The Wicker Man and the fact that Edward Woodward is in both is not lost on me. I'm sure it's supposed to parody other police or action films but it doesn't click. I just didn't find it interesting or funny.

It also came out when I was in my late teens; everyone at sixth form (US: college) wouldn't shut up about it and kept talking about CORNETTO ICE CREAMS CORNETTO CORNETTO CORNETTO ISN'T THAT SO ORIGINAL?

It's like they thought a film having a common confectionery product be a partially recurring, non-essential prop was somehow deep and esoteric.

You misspelled Sucker Punch.

I saw that film at the pictures and had excised it from my memory. Had. Thanks for the reminder.

Also a terrible film but that would be a popular opinion.
Also a terrible film but that would be a popular opinion.

Indeed. I’ve seen it probably 5 times and I still think it’s crap. I just enjoy the soundtrack.

Hot Fuzz, erm, probably the least enjoyable work of theirs but I wouldn’t go as far as calling it “rubbish”. There are far worse films out there, and the bit with the “yaaarp” impressions on the phone has me in bulk every time.
Oh, here's a topical one. Obviously the two new CGI remakes are unoriginal, uninspiring and unnecessary but when talking about the original animated:

Aladdin >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lion King

Popular or unpopular?
Sonic's design for the live-action film trailer is not ugly, even before the "redesign."
All the hype with Endgame is annoying.
I totally agree. I understand that it's really exciting for some people but at the end of the day it's just a movie, what you could easily forget after a month. The hype of it wasn't that annoying but seeing my friends losing their minds because of it is beyond me. There are several other examples though, hwich I wouldn't like to mention, because this thread would turn into a 'Who will hit TheNuvolari with a pitchfork in the head' thread. :lol:

Not like I don't overpraise some movies or series either - watching one of them is in my daily routine!
Lmao give up the surprised act man. The movie was out already last month and it would be hilarious if you're suggesting that you still haven't watched it yet.

Some people, such as myself, wait until it comes out on Blu Ray since it's actually cheaper than going to the theater. Granted I don't really have a problem with spoilers, but it's not like it's difficult to put things in a spoiler box.
Some people, such as myself, wait until it comes out on Blu Ray since it's actually cheaper than going to the theater. Granted I don't really have a problem with spoilers, but it's not like it's difficult to put things in a spoiler box.
Well, I'm sure that a lot of people who have watched it have spilled about it in social media by this time already so it'd be given that most of the followers of the movie, if not all, have already known or became aware of what happened. Besides, it premiered half a month ago. I get the vexation if I did spilled it way before or during the time it just came out in theatres but that's not what I did. :lol:
The movie was out already last month and it would be hilarious if you're suggesting that you still haven't watched it yet.
I haven't seen it yet and won't until:
Some people, such as myself, wait until it comes out on Blu Ray

You lost me on the cheaper part, though. At least for startup for me. :lol:
I don't really have a problem with spoilers
I do! I prefer being in the dark and not having someone else's opinion in my head when I see a movie.
Well, I'm sure that a lot of people who have watched it have spilled about it in social media by this time already
Personally, I have a pretty good filter for avoiding those. I don't use social media. Besides GTPlanet.
so it'd be given that most of the followers of the movie, if not all, have already known or became aware of what happened.
Most, sure, but clearly not all.
I get the vexation if I did spilled it way before or during the time it just came out in theatres but that's not what I did. :lol:
It hasn't premiered in my theater yet. ;)
Well, I'm sure that a lot of people who have watched it have spilled about it in social media by this time already so it'd be given that most of the followers of the movie, if not all, have already known or became aware of what happened. Besides, it premiered half a month ago. :lol:

Do you really want to be compared to the average social media user? :odd:

I get the vexation if I did spilled it way before or during the time it just came out in theatres but that's not what I did.

Again, it's not that difficult to put something in a spoiler box just as a common courtesy. I get that it's been out for a few weeks now, but it's still new enough where lots of people still haven't seen it for various reasons.
I do! I prefer being in the dark and not having someone else's opinion in my head when I see a movie.
Again, it's not that difficult to put something in a spoiler box just as a common courtesy. I get that it's been out for a few weeks now, but it's still new enough where lots of people still haven't seen it for various reasons.
Exactly. I myself have yet to see it.... :grumpy:
Do you really want to be compared to the average social media user? :odd:

Again, it's not that difficult to put something in a spoiler box just as a common courtesy. I get that it's been out for a few weeks now, but it's still new enough where lots of people still haven't seen it for various reasons.
Oh boy.. :indiff:

So I have to adjust myself and remain tight-lipped regarding that matter until you or everyone else is done watching it? Man, I didn't knew that it was still a big deal for some of you guys here who haven't watched it yet until now, after all.

But seeing the title of the movie already did suggest a hint of what's about to happen. Not that I'm blaming that you don't know yet but it's not gonna be called like that for whatever reason.

I haven't seen it yet and won't until:


You lost me on the cheaper part, though. At least for startup for me. :lol:

I do! I prefer being in the dark and not having someone else's opinion in my head when I see a movie.
I apologize for that, sir. But I'm not someone who's forcing you or anyone else to do that. You don't also have to read something you didn't want to hear or see..

It hasn't premiered in my theater yet. ;)
Really? I am so sorry to hear but why is that? :confused:
I apologize for that, sir. But I'm not someone who's forcing you or anyone else to do that. You don't also have to read something you didn't want to hear..
I don't go into the Endgame thread so I can avoid spoilers. Going into another thread and seeing spoilers that aren't in spoiler tags shouldn't happen.
I don't go into the Endgame thread so I can avoid spoilers. Going into another thread and seeing spoilers that aren't in spoiler tags shouldn't happen.
Noted, sir. Maybe I should have known earlier but it wouldn't remain like that forever, would it? Not that I'd do it again though but some probably would. :)
I do! I prefer being in the dark and not having someone else's opinion in my head when I see a movie.

I prefer it as well, but I figure if a spoiler ruins a movie it probably isn't that great of a movie.

So I have to adjust myself and remain tight-lipped regarding that matter

You don't have to remain tight lipped.

All you have to do is put the spoiler in a box, it's rather easy.

Really? I am so sorry to hear but why is that? :confused:

Presumably because he's not a pirate.
It’s still relatively new where I am, I haven’t watched trailers, read anything about it or used any social media other than GTP. All to avoid knowing anything about the movie before seeing it.

Like others here, I don’t do cinemas and watch my moves at home so it’s a few months before that’s possible in most instances.
So I have to adjust myself and remain tight-lipped regarding that matter until you or everyone else is done watching it? Man, I didn't knew that it was still a big deal for some of you guys here who haven't watched it yet until now, after all.
The movie's still in theaters.

Sure, it's not like only a select few have been bestowed with the honor of seeing it, but we're also nowhere near "The movie's been out 24 years; you've no excuse for not knowing how The Usual Suspects ends!"

It takes 12-16 weeks for a movie to get to DVD from theatrical release and we're 10-14 weeks away from that point. I really don't think it's so absurd that people who want to see it haven't yet.

But seeing the title of the movie already did suggest a hint of what's about to happen. Not that I'm blaming that you don't know yet but it's not gonna be called like that for whatever reason.
Imagine the surprise awaiting a railfan who's about to see Trainspotting.


Presumably because he's not a pirate.
I mean...


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You don't have to remain tight lipped.

All you have to do is put the spoiler in a box, it's rather easy.

Well, I already did hahaha. Not so used to using these tags so much but at least I already know by now. Btw, sorry for the misunderstandings. Won't happen again. :lol::)

Presumably because he's not a pirate.
That's not my point. Rather why hasn't it hit the theatres in his place yet.
The movie's still in theaters.

Sure, it's not like only a select few have been bestowed with the honor of seeing it, but we're also nowhere near "The movie's been out 24 years; you've no excuse for not knowing how The Usual Suspects ends!"
I never said that. I was just surprised that it's still a big deal here for those who haven't watched it yet.

It takes 12-16 weeks for a movie to get to DVD from theatrical release and we're 10-14 weeks away from that point. I really don't think it's so absurd that people who want to see it haven't yet.
Imagine the surprise awaiting a railfan who's about to see Trainspotting.
So people still watch DVDs? Wow. It's not the case anymore where I live. :lol:
I never said that. I was just surprised that it's still a big deal here for those who haven't watched it yet.
Never said what? In that statement I was establishing the fact that we're somewhere between official theatrical release and decades after. What followed was the point I was making, which is that we're much, much, much closer to the former than the latter.

So people still watch DVDs? Wow. It's not the case anymore where I live. :lol:
Except it's not on DVD, rather that point is 10-14 weeks away if you figure the 12-16 weeks it usually takes movies to go from theatrical release to DVD.

I would have thought the implication that we're just two weeks since the theatrical debut was the kicker.