Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
I'll never understand how people have such strong opinions on phones. I do the exact same stuff on my Android phone that I did on my iPhone, I just paid less for the Android.
Never had iPhone as personal phone. My next phone will likely be running Android. Still think it's 🤬. BB10 is far superior IMO. Good to see though QNX dominating car market.
Pineapple is terrible in every single way.
Well, you've obviously never had it on a pizza. Hawaiian pizza is really good - now there's an unpopular opinion. However, putting giant cubes of overcooked ham on it is unforgivable. Small, thinly sliced pieces that get just a bit crispy, and maybe some bacon, work well with the sweetness of the pineapple.
Pineapple is terrible in every single way.

I generally feel the same, but a restaurant nearby does awesome salsa that includes a little bit of pineapple. With a fish burrito, it's actually pretty amazing.

I'll never understand how people have such strong opinions on phones. I do the exact same stuff on my Android phone that I did on my iPhone, I just paid less for the Android.

Yeah, I think the brand-loyal extremists are (thankfully) the minority. I've got an iPhone, and I considered getting a Droid when I first got this, but the Apple was chosen because of all my other Mac uses (school, work, home). There's some things I like about one, and some the other, but I recognize that regardless of which I have, I'll be doing the same thing on either. The functionality is pretty much identical for most users.
-Religion are a bunch of superstitions.
-Dreamcast is the best gaming console ever.
-Abortion to a certain period of gestation should be legal.
PS4 and Xbox ONE are really just cheaper PCs with no strong difference between them except for certain exclusives. The "Black Box that plays games stereotype"
PS4 and Xbox ONE are really just cheaper PCs with no strong difference between them except for certain exclusives. The "Black Box that plays games stereotype"
You could say they are cheaper PCs with a bit of idiot-proofing.
- Sonic Adventure 2 was a good game.
- The Nintendo Wii U is a lot more fun than the Xbox One.
- Eggs taste best with syrup.
- Panic! At The Disco is a great band.
- I like the way the Bentley Bentayga looks.
- JC Mazda Cosmo is best Cosmo.
- I don't like most vegetables because the texture irks me.
- EDM is great.
Here's a first batch. Enjoy rolling you eyes abd scoffing under your breath:

1. American football and baseball are literally the 2 most boring sports in the world.

2. Ken Block got much worse after moving to Ford. His best videos were the first one or 2 with Subaru. The Ford videos never had the same level of car control as the Subaru ones, and they were too corporate

3. Coffee is horrendous in any and all shapes and forms.

4. Religion is a bunch of nonsense crap. It's used to divide society and keep society divided so that we can't stand up against the people running things.

5. Based on other threads this one is gonna be real unpopular here: There are more than 2 genders. This is a scientific fact. Gender is more like a giant sliding scale and people will fall on all different points on it. However they identify is valid, and one of the worst things you can do is ignore, or put down their identity.

6. Mental illness is a serious thing and it's real af. People who say that Depression/ADHD/ADD/etc aren't real either haven't experienced it or don't have friends or family who have had a mental illness

7. Fruit is absolutely disgusting. Doesn't matter what type. It's all gross.

8. People should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they most closely identify with. Failing that, all places should have gender neutral bathrooms so that people can actually feel safe going to the bathroom while out and about.

9. Incest and polygamy should be legal and fine for people as long as they are both consenting and are not being coerced into it.

10. Abortion should be totally legal. It's up to the woman to decide if she wants to carry the child through birth.

11. Always tip your server/barista/bar tender/other service industry job. They aren't glamorous jobs, we work long hours, are often the only people working on holidays and try our hardest to make sure things are 100% correct for you.

12. The HB2 law is disgusting, unconstitutional and is a preview of what queer people can expect if conservatives gain control of the government. The only way to stop North Carolina from continuing to have it as a law is to hit them in the pocket book. That's why the NBA moving the All Star game, and artists canceling concerts are good things.
7. Fruit is absolutely disgusting. Doesn't matter what type. It's all gross.
Lemons are nice. :lol:
Seriously oranges (and only the big ones cut into quarters at that) and lemons are the only fruit I will eat.
11. Always tip your server/barista/bar tender/other service industry job. They aren't glamorous jobs, we work long hours, are often the only people working on holidays and try our hardest to make sure things are 100% correct
As a waiter, I definitely agree with this. I only make $2.62 before tips (which honestly should probably be illegal), but people feel like they can leave 10% or less. It's frustrating, having to meet their demands, your coworkers' demands and your boss' demands all with a smile on you're face and getting tipped poorly because you're too cheap and/or will assume someone else will tip well, which usually never happens. Sorry for the rant.
1. Early 2010s were better than nowadays.

2. Sometimes, a bad man's can be quoted. Particularly the "A bad lie can be a truth if repeated" quote.
I only make $2.62 before tips (which honestly should probably be illegal),
Come here and it is. It is illegal to use tips to bump up wages to the minimum wage and that currently stands at £7.20 for over 25s. £5.30 for your age group.

Here is one.

Just because someone like Hitler said something does not automatically make it a lie or a terrible idea. The majority of ideas from these people are awful but not all of them.
11. Always tip your server/barista/bar tender/other service industry job. They aren't glamorous jobs, we work long hours, are often the only people working on holidays and try our hardest to make sure things are 100% correct for you.
To me, tips are just smoke and mirrors for the 🤬 government and their 🤬 minimum wages. Wages shouldn't be so small that you have to rely on tips to get through the day.
Cricket can actually be fun to watch.
That's a popular opinion, no?