Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
That's uninformed more than anything... you may not like it (and plenty don't) but the songwriting and recordings were in many cases groundbreaking.
I know Queen songs and I have not found anything ''groundbreaking'' that sets them apart from other successful late 70's-80's bands.
Girls should not feel they have to wear makeup if they don't want to.

Heels should be banned. They mess up feet. My mum knows this too well.

I don't like banning things because I don't like something but I know girls that have deformed feet and ugly toes from wearing high heels. Some even need a surgery because they got arthritis from wearing those kind of shoes.

On top of that, my unpopular opinion is that heels look simply stupid.

*oops* double post. :confused:
Some of mine:
  • People who say they can do nothing about their weight are just lazy, eat better and exercise.

For a while now I've held the belief that people think the mind is "magic" and that behaviors can be easy to change. I'm not convinced. We give a break to people with mental health issues like depression, but I don't think it's accurate to look at things in a binary on/off manner. If someone complains about themselves and does seemingly nothing about it, maybe they have a problem.

I know when it comes to me, I don't actively try to be myself. I don't really have a choice. This goes for the good and the bad. I'm wired a certain way, and changing some parts of my behavior could take significant effort and even require external forces.

I'm not going to say that "lazy" people deserve tons of pity, but I do wonder about the best way to approach them.

Their choice, not mine. Creating a child generates a debt of responsibility. If adulthood is reached with even exemplary parenting having taken place, no more than a zeroing of the debt has been achieved, in my opinion.

I agree. Becoming a parent should never be taken lightly. If you decide to go through with it, you should realize that you are forcing someone to live without their consent. The resulting person owes you nothing at no point in time, and that is the mindset you should have while raising that person.

I personally would devote energy to caring for good relatives, but I wouldn't assume that my own children would want anything to do with me once they are self sufficient no matter what I do for them. If they do, it would be a pleasant surprise.

- VR looks like another gimmick and is not the future of gaming.

As it's new, it is being gimmicktized, but it can easily be an extremely important innovation. View control in flight sims for example is extremely important, and tying your view to your head would be a great step up in realism, controls, and immersion. It's not perfect though and won't be until virtual touch is introduced. Without a tactile element, there is a disconnect between senses which can be off putting.

•Having the widows down is better than using the air conditioning in a car.

I don't know what you mean by better, but having the windows down always annoys me. One of the first things I did upon getting a CFD program was to run simulations showing the benefits of using the A/C on fuel economy (which was the main argument my parents deferred to when I complained about open windows). My simulations lined up fairly well with sources I found online that showed that A/C was slightly more efficient at highway speed.

Beyond that it's less noisy, and doesn't leave a direct line for road debris to follow into your face. I will never lower the top on a convertible.

Girls should not feel they have to wear makeup if they don't want to.

Heels should be banned. They mess up feet. My mum knows this too well.

I don't like makeup or heels, but I think people should be able to hold onto whatever normals they want. Like anything else, makeup can be a common interest or focal point around which friendly/familiar interaction can take place. I've never really been into small talk; I prefer to share in activities, so messing around with how you look would be more fun for me than sitting in chair and making shallow conversion. I agree with you that no one should feel that cosmetics are mandatory, but I think it's also important to point out that they aren't the villain. Social expectations are, and they should be done away with.

One point on heels though, I tend to equate them with stuff like sports injuries. I honestly don't see why people want to go into a ring and injure each other. I can appreciate that boxing is a competitive sport like any other, and trying to outfight someone else would be an interesting challenge, but I would never willingly try it in reality.
Couple more from me:

-The St Anger album by Metallica isn't all that bad. Sure, it's not everyone's taste, but it describes what the band was going through at the time pretty well, IMO.

-I like the Star Wars prequals. Not everything was great, but I enjoyed the main story of them. Jar Jar still deserves to die.

-I prefer cereal without milk. Just gets too soggy for me, do not like.
You'd hate me, I leave my cereal for a while and eat it only when it's all soaked through with milk.

I mean, I don't hate it with a burning passion. Had a bowl with milk this morning, and at first it was alright, but the end just overly...milk'd?

Heck, I eat it straight out of the box, no dishes to wash! :lol:
As it's new, it is being gimmicktized, but it can easily be an extremely important innovation. View control in flight sims for example is extremely important, and tying your view to your head would be a great step up in realism, controls, and immersion. It's not perfect though and won't be until virtual touch is introduced. Without a tactile element, there is a disconnect between senses which can be off putting.

I think much like the recent 3D and motion fads it will all come down to how well developers utilize the feature.3D failed as a whole because neither the film or game industry put much focus into it and motion gaming failed because it was poorly executed or just plain boring. VR has a better shot than both of those and so far it seems developers have put more focus into it but only time will tell.

I don't know what you mean by better, but having the windows down always annoys me. One of the first things I did upon getting a CFD program was to run simulations showing the benefits of using the A/C on fuel economy (which was the main argument my parents deferred to when I complained about open windows). My simulations lined up fairly well with sources I found online that showed that A/C was slightly more efficient at highway speed.

Beyond that it's less noisy, and doesn't leave a direct line for road debris to follow into your face. I will never lower the top on a convertible.

Mythbusters came to the same conclusion (open windows produce drag which means the engine has to work harder). Personally I hate wind in my face so I leave the windows up when on any road above city speeds.
Dragon Ball Z is not as good as people see it.

I never grew up with it but I did go to watch it after liking TFS DBZ Abridged Series.

Gosh, during fights, they talk and stare more than Yugioh does and Yugiohs fights are Turn-based Card Games. I fought these fights were meant to be action packed, exciting and over the top (well they do get over the top at the end so I'll give them that).

During the Gohan vs. Cell fight it was, Stare Down > Talking > Fight for 10 seconds > More Talking rinse and repeat with the occasional constant mouth gasping and comic relief.
Pokemon Origins was far worse than the actual anime.

Would've been great if it had more than 4 episodes, but since everything was crammed into 2 hours everything but 4 plot points were just recapped, nothing made me feel any emotion. Not to mention Red is just as stupid and lucky as Ask is, I wasn't expecting an emo-like Red (that would be worse) but at least someone who wasn't just like Ash in nearly every way.

Not to mention half of it is just appealing Charizard fans and nothing more, I have no complaints about Mega Charizard X being incorporated into the story since this was release around the time of Pokemon X and Y but the constant ignorance for every other Pokemon really annoyed me and made every Pokemon except Charizard and Nidoqueen look weak (Charizard knocking out Blastoise with Fire Blast when Blastoise had massive health made me want to flip the desk).

The fact that most of the content was ore Gen III related ruin the nostalgia for me most of the time, I'm fine with Firered and Leafgreen and they are far better than the originals but the feeling of nostalgia is gone when you promote it as being based of the originals when it wasn't.
Pokemon Origins was far worse than the actual anime.

Would've been great if it had more than 4 episodes, but since everything was crammed into 2 hours everything but 4 plot points were just recapped, nothing made me feel any emotion. Not to mention Red is just as stupid and lucky as Ask is, I wasn't expecting an emo-like Red (that would be worse) but at least someone who wasn't just like Ash in nearly every way.

Not to mention half of it is just appealing Charizard fans and nothing more, I have no complaints about Mega Charizard X being incorporated into the story since this was release around the time of Pokemon X and Y but the constant ignorance for every other Pokemon really annoyed me and made every Pokemon except Charizard and Nidoqueen look weak (Charizard knocking out Blastoise with Fire Blast when Blastoise had massive health made me want to flip the desk).

The fact that most of the content was ore Gen III related ruin the nostalgia for me most of the time, I'm fine with Firered and Leafgreen and they are far better than the originals but the feeling of nostalgia is gone when you promote it as being based of the originals when it wasn't.
It sure was worse than the anime. One other thing : I think Charizard is over represented in the Pokemon TV Shows, as well as the movies.
Wait. There are TV shows? And movies?

I thought this Pokémon thing started just a few weeks ago?!?
Pineapple is terrible in every single way.

This, so much this. I thought I was the only person that hated pineapple.

Android is 🤬.

I'll never understand how people have such strong opinions on phones. I do the exact same stuff on my Android phone that I did on my iPhone, I just paid less for the Android.