Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
  • Plastic surgery always makes a person look worse, not better. And I think plastic surgeons specializing in hacking up perfectly fine looking people by exploiting their vanity are morally equal to Dr. Frankenstein. Yeah, that also includes silly cone boobs. The only kind of plastic surgery I'd allow is reconstructive surgery to correct disfigurement caused by illness, genetic defects and accidents.

  • Septum piercings make people look like they have a giant snot hanging from their nose, it is absolutely disgusting.

  • The less skin area covered by tattoos the better, that means 0% = best. Even if a tattoo is an exceptionally well crafted work of art, it is still a step down from the natural human form.

  • I think dark mode on most websites is depressive, and I use light mode on all sites I frequent, including youtube.

  • Social justice is the most unjust and evil concept ever conceived.

  • Free speech is not just beneficial, it is absolutely necessary to fight bad and harmful ideas, bad ideas can only be defeated by exposing them at every turn, not by suppressing or banning them.

  • Doctrine, be that political, or religious is the root of all evil.

  • If you are unable to take a joke at your own expense, that means you are not comfortable with who or what you are.

  • Real chocolate is not made of palm oil, that means milka is not chocolate

  • Ramen noodles are great, stop disparaging them as a meal

  • People visiting or moving to a foreign country should adjust to local culture, and not expect local culture to adjust to them.

  • UBI is the only logical way to counter technological unemployment

  • Crypto / blockchain is the biggest danger to civilization we have faced.

  • playing rugby in body armor and crash helmet does not make it football

  • The only superhero we need is ******** man anyone anywhere on the world not being genuine he flies in and calls it out, and when ******** man is calling it you know it is truly bs.
What The Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
The only tattoos I know to be of use are the eyeliner and eyebrows ink that some women get. Maybe the rule on Adam Savage’s arm.
In Asia it’s very common for women to have tattooed eyebrows as they don’t grow naturally. This done on the cheap results in lots of women having permanent blue eyebrows.
Don’t even get me started on my step-mother’s tattooed eye liner. Yeah, it’s saves on beauty products in the long run, but I can’t imagine the hell she went through to have her ****ing mascara tattooed.

On the other hand, I get drunk and end up with this ‘stick and poke’ job…
Here's a few unpopular opinions.

- Deus Ex (2000) is still better than any RPG that's come out in the last twenty years, and pretty much pioneered the "every choice you make impacts the story going forward."

- Max Payne 1 is better than 2 and 3 combined.

- The only good game ever made from a movie is The Warriors.

- Fast and the Furious should've just been left as one film, and will forever be a cheap action flick series.

One more for the test of time.

Ed Edd n Eddy will forever stand the test of time as the last good Cartoon Network animation, and nothing will ever beat it's tenure for the foreseeable future.
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I love an argument, and I see an opportunity for about a dozen here, let's go...
  • Plastic surgery always makes a person look worse, not better. And I think plastic surgeons specializing in hacking up perfectly fine looking people by exploiting their vanity are morally equal to Dr. Frankenstein. Yeah, that also includes silly cone boobs. The only kind of plastic surgery I'd allow is reconstructive surgery to correct disfigurement caused by illness, genetic defects and accidents.
Everyone has a right to bodily autonomy and whether you want to make an "are you kidding me" level effective attempt to stop your skin aging that's on you and my reaction to it should have no bearing on you. Same goes if you, I don't know, want green skin and tiger stripes, it's your body and you may ruin it as you please.
  • Septum piercings make people look like they have a giant snot hanging from their nose, it is absolutely disgusting.
If you have a weak stomach, sure. It's never been something I found particularly attractive but I'd posit if you're willing to throw away everything else about a person's looks because they wear one little piercing, you're probably shallow enough that you'd find another reason not to like their appearance.
  • The less skin area covered by tattoos the better, that means 0% = best. Even if a tattoo is an exceptionally well crafted work of art, it is still a step down from the natural human form.
People have been tattooing and marking their bodies since before recorded history, evidenced by it being a prevalent practice in uncontacted or pre-agricultural societies that still exist on Earth. The desire for clean unmarked skin doesn't, by my estimation, predate the dark ages, and probably has something to do with Christians not wanting anyone to feel sexy (speculation)
  • I think dark mode on most websites is depressive, and I use light mode on all sites I frequent, including youtube.
My brain agrees but my battery doesn't.
  • Social justice is the most unjust and evil concept ever conceived.
A statement almost always directly followed by a gross misrepresentation of the concept of "social justice".

Every progressive movement in the history of time has had bad actors tack themselves onto it. The modern progressive movement is no different. But the idea that a movement driven by extant and accepted justice movements from the 20th century (feminism, civil rights, gay rights) is fundamentally evil because some cloud cuckoo land resident on twitter said we should castrate all boys (or whatever) is beyond laughable, it really is, and almost exclusively rooted in shameless edgelordery.

  • Free speech is not just beneficial, it is absolutely necessary to fight bad and harmful ideas, bad ideas can only be defeated by exposing them at every turn, not by suppressing or banning them.
An agreeable principle, again often used as a flimsy shield for the stupendously hateful or ignorant of the world. But not something I disagree with.
  • Doctrine, be that political, or religious is the root of all evil.
Ah the edgelord's mantra.

Consider this.

Humanity found plenty of reasons to do untold violence toward one another before we ever had a concept of written doctrine, even before we had language (speculation).

However an absence of doctrine in society has never been shown to provide more opportunity for peace or understanding. Both political and religious doctrines have done exactly that.

Hate religion all you want, it's probably still the basis of your moral compass.
  • If you are unable to take a joke at your own expense, that means you are not comfortable with who or what you are.
If you are unable to make a joke without it being at someone's expense, you aren't funny.
  • Real chocolate is not made of palm oil, that means milka is not chocolate
Sure I can get down with this who eats Milka lmao (spoiled Englishman here)
  • Ramen noodles are great, stop disparaging them as a meal
Fantastic way to try out archaic nutrition deficiencies like scurvy. Nothing where the only flavour is tinted MSG is good food.
  • People visiting or moving to a foreign country should adjust to local culture, and not expect local culture to adjust to them.
Yes, unless it's England, we really don't need anyone else running around acting like the English.
  • UBI is the only logical way to counter technological unemployment
I can think of a few, mostly more radical, mostly involving waiting for a bit of technology (space travel) but while UBI has merit there are also plenty of reasons not to roll it out overnight. Here in the UK our welfare system is already very begrudging in tone and I don't see how you'd make the populace fine with UBI when half the voters support cutting benefits to disabled single mothers. Society isn't nearly mature enough and we should still strive for productivity from all members of society. The answer for me is not to absolve members of society of the responsibility of being productive, it's to set a more reasonable standard for the idea of being a productive member of society. This one has a lot of sides tho and I have more one liners to pop off...

  • Crypto / blockchain is the biggest danger to civilization we have faced.
The biggest danger? I don't see it as any more dangerous than any other wanton money printing activity we've seen in the past.

I find climate change far more concerning personally... Or the fact there are still silos full of nuclear tipped ICBMs pointed all over the world and a land war in Europe.
  • playing rugby in body armor and crash helmet does not make it football
It's a good thing the sport itself plays out almost nothing like Rugby (union or league?) then, isn't it?

Fun fact, rugby passes (thrown backwards) are legal in American football (known as laterals) but are sort of an oddity. If you go looking long enough you can find some NFL plays that ended up way broken down and almost turn into a rugby line.

Regardless it's chalk and cheese and people enjoying a different contact sport from you shouldn't detract from you enjoying your own.

  • The only superhero we need is ******** man anyone anywhere on the world not being genuine he flies in and calls it out, and when ******** man is calling it you know it is truly bs.
Probably the most popular opinion going.
I love an argument, and I see an opportunity for about a dozen here, let's go...

Everyone has a right to bodily autonomy and whether you want to make an "are you kidding me" level effective attempt to stop your skin aging that's on you and my reaction to it should have no bearing on you. Same goes if you, I don't know, want green skin and tiger stripes, it's your body and you may ruin it as you please.
Well, you are kind of missing my point. I meant doctors who offer beauty but turn you into frankenstein's monster are morally questionable. Your argument of bodily autonomy could also be used for suicide, yet suicide by doctor is still illegal.
If you have a weak stomach, sure. It's never been something I found particularly attractive but I'd posit if you're willing to throw away everything else about a person's looks because they wear one little piercing, you're probably shallow enough that you'd find another reason not to like their appearance.
That's speculation, thrown out.
People have been tattooing and marking their bodies since before recorded history, evidenced by it being a prevalent practice in uncontacted or pre-agricultural societies that still exist on Earth. The desire for clean unmarked skin doesn't, by my estimation, predate the dark ages, and probably has something to do with Christians not wanting anyone to feel sexy (speculation)
You are fumbling in the dark. It is exactly because I find clear skin more sexy because tattoos obstruct the shape of the body. (Much like prototype cars are covered in patterns to obstruct a clear view of their shape)
My brain agrees but my battery doesn't.
I don't make a habit of browsing the net on the go.
A statement almost always directly followed by a gross misrepresentation of the concept of "social justice".
Argue against the statement, not what you imagine comes after it. That's a classic strawman argument without even coming up with a strawman argument. I don't think I've even seen that fallacy taken to this extreme.
Every progressive movement in the history of time has had bad actors tack themselves onto it. The modern progressive movement is no different. But the idea that a movement driven by extant and accepted justice movements from the 20th century (feminism, civil rights, gay rights) is fundamentally evil because some cloud cuckoo land resident on twitter said we should castrate all boys (or whatever) is beyond laughable, it really is, and almost exclusively rooted in shameless edgelordery.
My statement is not aimed against extreme actors of said movement. It is against the whole idea. Serving justice at a societal level instead of an individual level can not be just or fair.
An agreeable principle, again often used as a flimsy shield for the stupendously hateful or ignorant of the world. But not something I disagree with.
People who are stupendously hateful and ignorant expose themselves as stupendously hateful and ignorant. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Ah the edgelord's mantra.

Consider this.

Humanity found plenty of reasons to do untold violence toward one another before we ever had a concept of written doctrine, even before we had language (speculation).
I'm not talking about pre-historic times, when we didn't know any better, or fighting was actually about survival due to scarcity.
However an absence of doctrine in society has never been shown to provide more opportunity for peace or understanding. Both political and religious doctrines have done exactly that.
Doctrine has always been used to justify violence through history, from the spanish inquisition to charly hebdo. All by asserting superiority through unchangeable doctrine. Society should be based on science that evolves as we learn more, not doctrine made out of ignorance.
Hate religion all you want, it's probably still the basis of your moral compass.
I find it insulting for you to suggest that without religion I wouldn't know right from wrong. There are bad people and good people, but only religion can make good people do heinous acts. My moral compass is based on empathy, not because some ancient text says it's OK to beat slaves as long as they don't die.
If you are unable to make a joke without it being at someone's expense, you aren't funny.
A joke without a punchline is not a joke. It's ok that some people do not have a sense of humor, the problems start when they try to tell others what they can or cannot joke about. Your statement suggests that some of the best comedians that live or have lived aren't funny. And we must express the distinction between a gag and a joke, as gags really don't have specific punchlines.

Either way you are not addressing the implications of my statement. If you get offended when someone points out something about you, that means you are uncomfortable with that fact. (A good joke works because it is based on truth)
Sure I can get down with this who eats Milka lmao (spoiled Englishman here)
I sometimes eat Milka, it's not bad but it is not real chocolate.
Fantastic way to try out archaic nutrition deficiencies like scurvy. Nothing where the only flavour is tinted MSG is good food.
Obviously no food will gonna sustaion you if you don't eat anything else. But asian insant noodles have a stigma for being the food of the poor. I don't eat it sometimes because I'm poor, I eat it because I think it's tasty.
Yes, unless it's England, we really don't need anyone else running around acting like the English.
Never been to England myself so I don't know how the true English act.
I can think of a few, mostly more radical, mostly involving waiting for a bit of technology (space travel) but while UBI has merit there are also plenty of reasons not to roll it out overnight. Here in the UK our welfare system is already very begrudging in tone and I don't see how you'd make the populace fine with UBI when half the voters support cutting benefits to disabled single mothers. Society isn't nearly mature enough and we should still strive for productivity from all members of society. The answer for me is not to absolve members of society of the responsibility of being productive, it's to set a more reasonable standard for the idea of being a productive member of society. This one has a lot of sides tho and I have more one liners to pop off...
Well, waiting is not really an option is it. And space travel hardly will give paid job opportunities to millions of displaced manual laborers. I know the masses hate the idea of "getting something for nothing" while they are not the ones getting something for nothing. But suddenly don't have any problems with it when they are the beneficiaries. I didn't see an epidemic of them returning their stimulus checks. Instead the most vehement conservative opposers of UBI were happily posting about how they are spending their stimulus payments. If they were truly against getting something for nothing in principle they'd never have cashed those.
The biggest danger? I don't see it as any more dangerous than any other wanton money printing activity we've seen in the past.
Cryptocurrency literally is a means to turn natural resources into money without producing any service or goods for society. I hope I don't have to explain why that is a problem. If you are referring to investment banking or stock market, even those have the benefit of stimulating the economy, and they don't use unreasonable amounts of resources either.
I find climate change far more concerning personally... Or the fact there are still silos full of nuclear tipped ICBMs pointed all over the world and a land war in Europe.
Strategic nukes are in the hands of a few world leaders with hosts of advisers, they wouldn't use them unless contemplating country or continent level suicide. But most average people have access to crypto, and can use it while totally oblivious to the ramifications, including the climate change knock on effect. I mean crypto is already using electricity at the scale of countries, you don't see that as an issue?
It's a good thing the sport itself plays out almost nothing like Rugby (union or league?) then, isn't it?

Fun fact, rugby passes (thrown backwards) are legal in American football (known as laterals) but are sort of an oddity. If you go looking long enough you can find some NFL plays that ended up way broken down and almost turn into a rugby line.

Regardless it's chalk and cheese and people enjoying a different contact sport from you shouldn't detract from you enjoying your own.
I'm not concerned by the validity of the sport or the nuances of it. I'm concerned by the naming of it, which is utterly ridiculous.
Probably the most popular opinion going.
I don't think marvel stans would agree.
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Wow, a reply for every one - love it!
Well, you are kind of missing my point. I meant doctors who offer beauty but turn you into frankenstein's monster are morally questionable. Your argument of bodily autonomy could also be used for suicide, yet suicide by doctor is still illegal.
Except in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Canada and Colombia, where euthanasia is legal (under varying circumstances).

I'd consider the actions of individual bad faith plastic surgeons to be on them rather than on the field as a whole, much like how I think there are, say, osteopaths more interested in collecting £40 per back crack than making meaningful inroads on someone's back problems.

If we let exploitative individuals black mark every field of medicine we wouldn't have hospitals by now.
That's speculation, thrown out.
It is, but given you make three other gripes about the appearance/presentation choices of others in the original post, I felt willing to speculate. You have a lot to say about how people choose to look, you should expect to have that questioned when a lot of people see it as a very petty concern in life.
You are fumbling in the dark. It is exactly because I find clear skin more sexy because tattoos obstruct the shape of the body. (Much like prototype cars are covered in patterns to obstruct a clear view of their shape)
Tattoos can have a wild, wild range of meanings and aesthetics, from a drunken mistake that might remind you of your reckless youth, thru a memory of an event or person in your life you wanted to commemorate, or perhaps something of religious or cultural significance to yourself.

The point being the reactions to others of the aesthetics of one's tattoos are rarely high in the list of concerns for those who have them. Your (or my) preferences don't determine the standard for others, and no one ever put a tattoo gun to someone's neck just to make them ugly (OK, maybe outside of prison and gang culture.)
I don't make a habit of browsing the net on the go.
Your battery thanks you, I assure you
Argue against the statement, not what you imagine comes after it. That's a classic strawman argument without even coming up with a strawman argument. I don't think I've even seen that fallacy taken to this extreme.
A reply to a ridiculous argument does stand to be ridiculous itself. I don't personally see a reasonable argument against holding our societies and justice systems to account for the passage of time and the evolution of culture. Law and rights are a constant progress thing, not a "we've got it right and it will stay like this forever" thing, imo.
My statement is not aimed against extreme actors of said movement. It is against the whole idea. Serving justice at a societal level instead of an individual level can not be just or fair.
And yet you support UBI, a blanket application of social welfare.
People who are stupendously hateful and ignorant expose themselves as stupendously hateful and ignorant. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Again, I don't disagree with this one, but it is too often used to defend the uselessly vitriolic or outright hateful. I believe in free speech and the self-balancing of humanity thru slapping you across the face for saying stupid ****. The point being people should feel free to say what they want but should not feel free from the consequences of being a nob.
I'm not talking about pre-historic times, when we didn't know any better, or fighting was actually about survival due to scarcity.

Doctrine has always been used to justify violence through history, from the spanish inquisition to charly hebdo. All by asserting superiority through unchangeable doctrine. Society should be based on science that evolves as we learn more, not doctrine made out of ignorance.
The presence of men in cloth giving people impetus to bonk each other on the head with large bits of wood has no bearing at all on human's natural tendency to bonk each other on the head with large bits of wood.

You didn't see what I was saying here. Religion and politics have incited plenty of war and violence, they have also incited plenty of peace and progress. Absolute anarchy (the only alternative to dogmatic society) can only be said to have incited the former.
I find it insulting for you to suggest that without religion I wouldn't know right from wrong. There are bad people and good people, but only religion can make good people do heinous acts. My moral compass is based on empathy, not because some ancient text says it's OK to beat slaves as long as they don't die.
The origins of morality are again, a wider conversation than should really be played out here, but personally I believe I got my morals and ethics from my parents and the society I was raised in, which is a society based on many of the principles of Christianity. I do not care for the church or religion but it achieves nothing to discredit that there have been good aspects to Christian society.
A joke without a punchline is not a joke. It's ok that some people do not have a sense of humor, the problems start when they try to tell others what they can or cannot joke about. Your statement suggests that some of the best comedians that live or have lived aren't funny. And we must express the distinction between a gag and a joke, as gags really don't have specific punchlines.
You mistake me again. I said if you cannot make a joke without it being at someone's expense, you aren't funny.

That doesn't imply you automatically aren't funny if you make jokes that have a butt to them.

All the truly great comedians could do both. Personally I think there is much more art and craft to the former - picking on people is easy.
Either way you are not addressing the implications of my statement. If you get offended when someone points out something about you, that means you are uncomfortable with that fact. (A good joke works because it is based on truth)
I think there is a case where someone makes a joke about you that was completely unwarranted, without knowing if you are OK with it, which they do to get a rise from you or your peers.

I don't think those kinds of jokes are funny at all. I can joke with some of my friends about their appearances or habits, but they wouldn't care to hear it from strangers.

Joking on someone for things they can't control is just bullying and low hanging fruit and is very rarely funny.
I sometimes eat Milka, it's not bad but it is not real chocolate.
I have vague memories of eating it and it being analogous to cardboard, again the UK is spoiled in that sense.
Obviously no food will gonna sustaion you if you don't eat anything else. But asian insant noodles have a stigma for being the food of the poor. I don't eat it sometimes because I'm poor, I eat it because I think it's tasty.
People blame the poor in many Western nations for their bad habits, being unhealthy and eating junk.

A society that has a class for whom the only affordable food is processed trash devoid of true nutrition needs a deeper looking at. People don't eat frozen trash because they love it, they eat it because they can afford it and it's what is presented and marketed to them. People make a lot of money off this industry.

With all of that said, instant ramen sucks ass, you can do a better job with some plain noodles making a simple stock broth, and in the end it only adds a couple of minutes work (and if you batch cook, can be just as cheap).
Never been to England myself so I don't know how the true English act.
See how I'm posting now? Yes, we're like that.

Terrible place.
Well, waiting is not really an option is it. And space travel hardly will give paid job opportunities to millions of displaced manual laborers. I know the masses hate the idea of "getting something for nothing" while they are not the ones getting something for nothing. But suddenly don't have any problems with it when they are the beneficiaries. I didn't see an epidemic of them returning their stimulus checks. Instead the most vehement conservative opposers of UBI were happily posting about how they are spending their stimulus payments. If they were truly against getting something for nothing in principle they'd never have cashed those.
I can see UBI being a thing in the future and I do actually support the principle, I'm simply against rushing it into societies not mature enough to handle it.

I see it as a part of measures to address the economy and productivity as we push automation into more industries, but it's not a silver bullet that can solve every problem relating to that.
Cryptocurrency literally is a means to turn natural resources into money without producing any service or goods for society. I hope I don't have to explain why that is a problem. If you are referring to investment banking or stock market, even those have the benefit of stimulating the economy, and they don't use unreasonable amounts of resources either.
Crypto is, yes, short sighted, greedy and a horrifying bubble that I believe will ruin quite a few lives of quite ordinary people when all is said and done.

I just don't rank it as the most majorest of major issues in all majordom right now. Horrifying economic bubbles come along and pop on a 20 year rota - all I know is I'll never catch one at the start, so I'll never bother.

The scariest things about crypto are the ways it contributes to other global issues - the link to climate change/energy consumption is quite well known, and cryptocurrencies were a coup for international drug smuggling and crime operations.

As in many other cases high minded idealism cannot stand up when co-opted by brutal, selfish realists.
Strategic nukes are in the hands of a few world leaders with hosts of advisers, they wouldn't use them unless contemplating country or continent level suicide. But most average people have access to crypto, and can use it while totally oblivious to the ramifications, including the climate change knock on effect. I mean crypto is already using electricity at the scale of countries, you don't see that as an issue?
I do not see the sense blaming crypto miners upping usage on dirty energy grids that should have been made far cleaner/more renewable based over the past 30-40 years. The resistance to this needed change is also biting us in the arse with regards to the Ukraine, as too much of Europe is dependant on archaic dirty fuels.

The problems with crypto are symptoms of other ills with the world - at its conception it was a very pure and idealistic pursuit.
I'm not concerned by the validity of the sport or the nuances of it. I'm concerned by the naming of it, which is utterly ridiculous.
Well, it is a kicking game and...

You know what, I've given you enough stick without pretending I know or care enough about American football to defend it.
I don't think marvel stans would agree.
Well, to be fair, I just don't value their opinions very highly
Well, it is a kicking game and...

You know what, I've given you enough stick without pretending I know or care enough about American football to defend it.
I don't think you need to know much about it. He's complaining about the naming of it.. not the nuances of it... Pads on the top half of the body, not football... pads only on the shins, football.... see... nothing to do with nuance, feet or balls.
  • The less skin area covered by tattoos the better, that means 0% = best. Even if a tattoo is an exceptionally well crafted work of art, it is still a step down from the natural human form.
Nope, it's subjective, as such an objective claim of fact is automatically wrong.
It is exactly because I find clear skin more sexy because tattoos obstruct the shape of the body.
You have little experience around tattoos or tattoo artists if that's your view, a tattoo can, by its very design obstruct or accent the shape of the body. However clothing, lighting and pigmentation can also all obstruct or accent the shape of the body, I take it from your view on this you wander around stark-bollock naked at all times? If not, your issue with tattoo's is hypocritical.
  • Social justice is the most unjust and evil concept ever conceived.
Fairness in relations between individuals in society and equal access to wealth, opportunities, and social privileges is an evil concept? Given that human rights are one of the core tenants of Social Justice I think that could be considered a bold hill to climb, but I suspect you are using the term in a rather right-wing biased manner here, which is hilarious given you also said:
  • Doctrine, be that political, or religious is the root of all evil.
And even on that, no. Doctrine is no more than a set of beliefs and/or principals, and as such can be a force for good, bad or neutral.
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I don't think you need to know much about it. He's complaining about the naming of it.. not the nuances of it... Pads on the top half of the body, not football... pads only on the shins, football.... see... nothing to do with nuance, feet or balls.
But soccer can be played with the whole of the legs, chest and head, and American football teams have a dedicated position called "kicker" while football has a dedicated position for not using one's feet (keeper).

Enough cherry picking can make a dumb semantic argument out of anything. I am not sure there's any reality in which renaming American football "American set play run throw and occasionally kickball" would achieve anything positive or noteworthy at all, altho I suppose the logo for the NASPRTAOKL would be pretty funny.
No one should have piercings anywhere other than the ears.
Nope, people should have piercings wherever they like.

That you are OK with ears, but not other body areas is however interesting from a cultural conformity perspective. Particularly given that for a good number of other locations, you would have no idea of them existing in day to day interactions.

Do you have a limit on the number and location on the ears as well, or are you happy for ears to be a free-for-all. A dozen in each ear = fine, one in the nose = bad. Just seems odd.
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What exactly about ears gives them the exception? Genuine question.
I suspect UK/European cultural conformity. Ears are (within limits to number, placement and to a degree gender) socially acceptable, other areas are considered socially deviant and the mark of outsiders to social norms.
Genital piercings weird me out but each to their own I suppose.
Not my bag either, but each to their own, and I certainly wouldn't want to stop anyone doing it. They are supposed to enhance certain activities for all involved however, so I can see the appeal!
Jeebus. Neckbeardy mother****ers overly concerned with the appearance of others.
Your argument of bodily autonomy could also be used for suicide, yet suicide by doctor is still illegal.
That something is prohibited by law isn't a rational argument against it or something related to it.

Laws should exist to preserve rights and prevent harm without violating rights or allowing harm by prohibiting action that prevents it. Laws that neither preserve nor violate rights are superfluous and probably shouldn't be laws. Laws that weigh the rights of some against the rights of others should be reworked so as to preserve rights without violating rights. Laws that preserve no rights and prevent no harm while violating rights definitely should not be laws.

Suicide itself, which is to say nothing of one who may assist it, is frequently illegal. This is wrong, as an individual whose rights are observed and respected should be able to exit life on their own terms. Prohibitions on suicide are likely rooted in religious doctrine, what with suicide being a "sin."

Prohibitions on assisting suicide, which is to say nothing of suicide itself, may be an attempt to preserve the rights of some by insulating them from those who would perpetrate harm. "It's not a victimless crime" arguments are offered in support of these and similar prohibitions, but you'll note that individuals are harmed not by the act that is prohibited broadly but by tangential legitimately harmful acts.
I suspect UK/European cultural conformity. Ears are (within limits to number, placement and to a degree gender) socially acceptable, other areas are considered socially deviant and the mark of outsiders to social norms.
I suspect so too, but I'd love to hear some individuals' justification as that simply seems too broad minded and abstract a notion to really influence someone day to day. We could say the same for showing ankles, or cleavage, or men having unkempt beards, but those standards are largely held to be archaic. Why is "only ears should be pierced" clinging on, when in principle it makes so much less sense than either of "you should not get piercings" or "pierce whatever you like".
Nope, people should have piercings wherever they like.

That you are OK with ears, but not other body areas is however interesting from a cultural conformity perspective. Particularly given that for a good number of other locations, you would have no idea of them existing in day to day interactions.

Do you have a limit on the number and location on the ears as well, or are you happy for ears to be a free-for-all. A dozen in each ear = fine, one in the nose = bad. Just seems odd.

What exactly about ears gives them the exception? Genuine question.
I just think they look awful, particularly septum and lip piercings. Regarding the ears, large hoop earrings make me nervous for safety reasons. Going further south, nipple and navel piercings are really off-putting, and genital piercings just look like a trip to A&E waiting to happen.
No one should have piercings anywhere other than the ears.
I just think they look awful, particularly septum and lip piercings. Regarding the ears, large hoop earrings make me nervous for safety reasons. Going further south, nipple and navel piercings are really off-putting, and genital piercings just look like a trip to A&E waiting to happen.
Seems kind of...for lack of a better word...snowflaky.

I mean...I have personal tastes--characteristics that I find attractive, alluring, or appealing; or not--but I'm not about to judge others' discretion or impose my own discretion upon them. Am I so unique?

Superficial external characteristics, whether they occur naturally or are selected, don't make the individual.
Seems kind of...for lack of a better word...snowflaky.

I mean...I have personal tastes--characteristics that I find attractive, alluring, or appealing; or not--but I'm not about to judge others' discretion or impose my own discretion upon them. Am I so unique?

Superficial external characteristics, whether they occur naturally or are selected, don't make the individual.
It's worth noting, I feel, that some men will never (and were never meant to) experience the true purpose of something like a tongue piercing.

That is to say, some people live a joyless existence.
Regarding the ears, large hoop earrings make me nervous for safety reasons.
Nah, the rings/hoops comes out much more easily than studs in most cases, so it's a bit painful, but rarely causes any actual damage.
Going further south, nipple and navel piercings are really off-putting,
So preference then, but why does that translate into no-one should have them?
and genital piercings just look like a trip to A&E waiting to happen.
Only if pierced by someone who doesn't know what they are doing and/or proper aftercare isn't used, but that's actually the case for every piercing.
Regarding the ears, large hoop earrings make me nervous for safety reasons.
I know what you mean. It's like, if you don't buy their lucky heather, they'll curse your house.

... what? I'm not stereotyping?!

Superficial external characteristics, whether they occur naturally or are selected, don't make the individual.
People often use, or enhance, superficial external characteristics to help define themselves as an individual, I'd imagine in some respect they hope that this will be judged positively by a certain social group, it's not unreasonable for a different social group to react in an opposing fashion.