Unpopular Opinions - General Thread

  • Thread starter Carbonox
The ice cream machines work where you guys live?
Haha! I knew somebody from the State would ask that.

Yes. Ice cream machines work in McDonald’s outside of America. And they make nice ice cream.
Most of the time those machines are indeed not broken, the staff either can't be bothered or do not have the time to fill them up. :(

For me, Hungry Jack's (Australia's Burger King) has problems with the Ice Cream Machine while Mecca's are fine.

Is it really an unpopular opinion but? I always liked the Soft Serve Ice Cream they do
Most of the time those machines are indeed not broken, the staff either can't be bothered or do not have the time to fill them up. :(

I was once filling up the shake machine with one of those big 20L churns but the machine was so tall and the churn was an old one that didn't have a short handle on the bottom for gripping and tipping, and... uh, you can guess in what direction the cascade of shake mix went. I went from a black and grey uniform to a white one in less than a second.

They can be tricky to fill up sometimes, at least the ones in the late 2000s were if they've significantly changed since then, but honestly it was the cleaning thing that caused any breakdowns.
I know it's been mentioned here before, but I really dislike Halloween. By far one of my least favorite "celebrations." Bringing out greediness, entitlement, and excessive wastefullness from not only children, but adults. (Correct me if I could have used better wording for this)

I will certainly blame my parents for screwing up my views on the holiday as they forced me to participate as a kid. I was always shy and had a lot of social anxiety, but they never understood that and would force me to go out. As I got older, they'd make me be the one to hand out the candy and it only made things worse. To them, I wasn't getting my "free" items and they'd consider it wasteful of me to not go out. Yes, they were the kind of parents who would yell at their kid in public for not grabbing ANOTHER free pen from an advertising stand after they already grabbed one for each family member. (Sorry to bring out childhood traumas, I was seeing a therapist about this)

Every morning after halloween, I'd find disposed candy wrappers littered on not only our lawn, but also anywhere the person could find. Whether that's in my mom's plant pots or my car's exhaust pipe, some ***hat would throw trash on our property. Also watching our neighborhood get bombarded by parents driving their kids around in giant SUVs practically running over our lawn to get as much candy as they could from each house. There would be property damage with teenagers breaking stuff, always had them smashing pumpkins on people's property as well.

I didn't live in a bad neighborhood, but it certainly felt like it was during Halloween. There was also the feeling of threat from kids/teenagers if you did them "wrong" by not handing out enough candy or the wrong kind, with them egging people's properties. So...yes, I have many reasons as to why I dislike Halloween.

As much as I dislike most holidays for bringing the worst out of people...especially Christmas. I feel like Halloween is my personal least favorite due to how people feel entitled to free candy and treat the folks handing them out with such disrespect. Ever since I moved out of my parents place, I have never participated in the day. Got nothing against people dressing up or enjoying candy, but it brings out some of the worst in people.

Sorry if this was too much info...
I know it's been mentioned here before, but I really dislike Halloween. By far one of my least favorite "celebrations." Bringing out greediness, entitlement, and excessive wastefullness from not only children, but adults. (Correct me if I could have used better wording for this)

I will certainly blame my parents for screwing up my views on the holiday as they forced me to participate as a kid. I was always shy and had a lot of social anxiety, but they never understood that and would force me to go out. As I got older, they'd make me be the one to hand out the candy and it only made things worse. To them, I wasn't getting my "free" items and they'd consider it wasteful of me to not go out. Yes, they were the kind of parents who would yell at their kid in public for not grabbing ANOTHER free pen from an advertising stand after they already grabbed one for each family member. (Sorry to bring out childhood traumas, I was seeing a therapist about this)

Every morning after halloween, I'd find disposed candy wrappers littered on not only our lawn, but also anywhere the person could find. Whether that's in my mom's plant pots or my car's exhaust pipe, some ***hat would throw trash on our property. Also watching our neighborhood get bombarded by parents driving their kids around in giant SUVs practically running over our lawn to get as much candy as they could from each house. There would be property damage with teenagers breaking stuff, always had them smashing pumpkins on people's property as well.

I didn't live in a bad neighborhood, but it certainly felt like it was during Halloween. There was also the feeling of threat from kids/teenagers if you did them "wrong" by not handing out enough candy or the wrong kind, with them egging people's properties. So...yes, I have many reasons as to why I dislike Halloween.

As much as I dislike most holidays for bringing the worst out of people...especially Christmas. I feel like Halloween is my personal least favorite due to how people feel entitled to free candy and treat the folks handing them out with such disrespect. Ever since I moved out of my parents place, I have never participated in the day. Got nothing against people dressing up or enjoying candy, but it brings out some of the worst in people.

Sorry if this was too much info...
That sounds quite unfortunate to hear might be a country based thing for my perspective as Trick or Treating is really rare where I live and Halloween is just an excuse to have dress up parties.

I'm very indifferent to most Holidays now and just don't really care. I think the one "Holiday", that irks me is Valentines Day, not because of the romance and people making it a day to buy gifts for their partner, but the wave of single people in copium that they don't have a partner constantly being in your face about the fact they are still single, and trying to make the Day about them with "Happy Singles Day" or something similar.
That sounds quite unfortunate to hear might be a country based thing for my perspective as Trick or Treating is really rare where I live and Halloween is just an excuse to have dress up parties.

I'm very indifferent to most Holidays now and just don't really care. I think the one "Holiday", that irks me is Valentines Day, not because of the romance and people making it a day to buy gifts for their partner, but the wave of single people in copium that they don't have a partner constantly being in your face about the fact they are still single, and trying to make the Day about them with "Happy Singles Day" or something similar.
I can see that being annoying about Valentine's Day with there always having to be a loud opposing side to it. I've been single for my whole life, but understood that it's not the fault of some holiday, but myself just not seeking a relationship or some other factor. I do see some annoyance as to making people buy or do something for their partner, mostly due to the corporations wanting you to feel like you have to spend money on something. But as I guess you could say "just let people enjoy it" instead of complaining about not being a part of it.

Halloween celebrations never bothered me as much as the mentality of encouraging indulgent behaviors in both kids and adults. It just brought out the apathy people have towards each other and the belief they can get away with it because of a "holiday."

Another opinion.....

I used to like the self-checkout aisle at stores, but it feels like corporations have gotten way too dependent on them. Having social anxiety made me want to avoid interacting with people, especially ones who judge your purchases in some way. However, I understand from an employee perspective that they just aren't treating the retail employees well with pay or benefits and "no one wants to work anymore" because of how much crap they deal with, so these stores are indeed lacking customer facing cashiers. I totally get that from an employee standpoint, but as a customer, I am losing tolerance towards other customers who are just plain incompetent at using the self checkout.

I don't mean mentally or physically handicapped folks, but watching some middle aged house wife scan an item at the machine, load it into her bag/cart, then...TAKE IT BACK OUT OF THE BAG and put it into a different bag....THEN scan another item. The amount of long lines I see at self-checkout aisles is infuriating when it's being held up by oblivious or ignorant people. Another example would be a family that decides to spread out and take up at LEAST two machines, but have their conversations and take forever to figure out who is paying for what separately.

I wish I could say I'm a patient person, but it drives me nuts when people just aren't being efficient, especially when holding up others for no other reason than themselves. It's inconsiderate is what it is and I long for the return of cashiers these days. COVID, bad pay, and horrible treatment of employees has dwindled the number of cashiers these days and I don't blame them for it. I just blame the other customers who hold up everyone else....

In short, my unpopular opinion is that self-checkout machines shouldn't be used so often by the general public. It's not the fault of the employees themselves, but the corporations and consumers treating retail employees badly, whilst also the consumers inconsiderate and incompetent usage of self-checkout aisles. I guess I can be an impatient person.... :mad:
I don't mean mentally or physically handicapped folks, but watching some middle aged house wife scan an item at the machine, load it into her bag/cart, then...TAKE IT BACK OUT OF THE BAG and put it into a different bag....THEN scan another item.
To be fair on this point I'm not so sure it's the customers fault. The self-checkout lanes at my local store are insanely finicky and will freak out if you remove/add something to the scale section before it's expecting you to and you have to move stuff around before it will let you proceed. It's even worse if you bring your own bags to the point I don't even bother trying as I've been using cloth bags recently.

But yes, after spending 6 years at a grocery store and a couple more in other retail environments, customers in general suck.
I wish I could say I'm a patient person, but it drives me nuts when people just aren't being efficient, especially when holding up others for no other reason than themselves. It's inconsiderate is what it is and I long for the return of cashiers these days. COVID, bad pay, and horrible treatment of employees has dwindled the number of cashiers these days and I don't blame them for it. I just blame the other customers who hold up everyone else....
I don't understand this because I feel really self-conscious in such situations. I don't want to hold people up for any length of time if I can help it. Soo many people lack self-awareness and are completely oblivious to the delay they're causing which pisses me off. I mean, hurry up you entitled white woman.

Also, the phrase "the customer is always right" is one of the stupidest things to have ever been said in human history. All it does is give people validation for their poor attitudes and behaviour; an excuse to treat people like **** for simply doing their job. It's just disgusting. No wonder why retail workers are quitting in droves.
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Also, the phrase "the customer is always right" is one of the stupidest things to have ever been said in human history. All it does is give people validation for their poor attitudes and behaviour; an excuse to treat people like **** for simply doing their job. It's just disgusting. No wonder why retail workers are quitting in droves.
Even before the fact it's been warped from it's wildly different origin of "hey maybe if the customer is asking for a product you should carry it" to "coddle the customer"
Are those weird brown paper bags that have to be cradled from underneath that you always see in films still a thing in the States or have Americans discovered the wonder of handles yet?
Are those weird brown paper bags that have to be cradled from underneath that you always see in films still a thing in the States or have Americans discovered the wonder of handles yet?
There were paper bags with handles when I was a child. Did you invent one where the handles don't rip off from a moderate amount of weight, that you haven't shared with us?

Real answer: paper bags are very uncommon in the U.S. today. When they told us in the 1990s to switch to plastic to save the forests, we went all-in. Now companies are trying to save money and "save the planet" so much that plastic bags are as thin as they can get away with, so they tear almost spontaneously. Cashiers and customers responded by double-bagging everything even remotely heavy (saving the planet!!), which is now common practice.

I save plastic bags that aren't torn and reuse them to pick up after the dog. I was taught about three Rs, not just the myth of recycling, ironically the only one people remembered.

Paper bags are more common at smaller businesses.
I was taught about three Rs, not just the myth of recycling, ironically the only one people remembered.
Ron Swanson Smile GIF
To be fair on this point I'm not so sure it's the customers fault. The self-checkout lanes at my local store are insanely finicky and will freak out if you remove/add something to the scale section before it's expecting you to and you have to move stuff around before it will let you proceed. It's even worse if you bring your own bags to the point I don't even bother trying as I've been using cloth bags recently.

But yes, after spending 6 years at a grocery store and a couple more in other retail environments, customers in general suck.
I'm aware of the machines being finicky as I do end up having issues at times with them. Walmart seems to never accept my debit card (guess I need a new card...) anytime I use them at any store, not just one specific store. The scale was also annoying to deal with, especially when it doesn't believe that you put the item there. I'm more focused on the folks who are just "unaware" of holding up everyone by having a conversation with each other and holding up the machines.

I don't understand this because I feel really self-conscious in such situations. I don't want to hold people up for any length of time if I can help it. Soo many people lack self-awareness and are completely oblivious to the delay they're causing which pisses me off. I mean, hurry up you entitled white woman.

Also, the phrase "the customer is always right" is one of the stupidest things to have ever been said in human history. All it does is give people validation for their poor attitudes and behaviour; an excuse to treat people like **** for simply doing their job. It's just disgusting. No wonder why retail workers are quitting in droves.
I am exactly that way with anything, I absolutely hate being the person holding up others. Boarding a plane, checking out at the register, waiting in line for anything really....I do remember being frustrated with some lady who was holding up the checked baggage line for our flight. She was constantly playing with her phone, not looking up whilst having all her luggage spread about so no one could get around her if they wanted to. (Would have been rude to do that, but she really didn't care about keeping the line moving. I was ready to yell at her....)
I'm aware of the machines being finicky as I do end up having issues at times with them.
Walmart's are easier to use than other machines because the company calculated that the cost of additional theft was outweighed by customer satisfaction with a less-finicky margin on the scales. 🤷‍♂️

I share your attentiveness on holding up others, and I act the same behind the wheel. In addition to the goal of getting from A to B efficiently myself, I also do not want to be a driver holding up or inconveniencing others. With the help of the mirrors, I try to remain aware of not only what is ahead of me but also the intentions of drivers behind me. When I'm driving slower for any reason (eg. searching for a house number), I will take the first safe opportunity to let a car behind me pass.
The CVS across the street from where I work finally put in a self cashier station and I love it. Usually I'm only in there to get one or two things and they only had a couple of non pharmacy employees anyway and they were always way back in the store and you had to run them down to come up and check you out.
I get that the abbreviation for Greatest Of All Time is “goat”, but goats are goofy/creepy looking animals, and to allign those animals with great athletes always seemed ridiculous and annoying to me.
Well Done > Raw sorry, Rare as you guys like to justify call it.

The poncy pride of Rare meat eaters is just as bad as the cold meat they serve to you.
If you want to eat well done meat, that's totally ok, but do yourself and your wallet a favour and don't buy expensive meat. A good cut of meat should be cooked to medium at the most, otherwise, you're just spending a ton of money on something that will taste exactly the same as a cheaper cut. Eating rarer meat really isn't a pride thing either for most people. It's a culinary and taste thing, and it's healthier since you actually get the benefits of nutrients out of the meat. Rarer meat is also easier to digest as well since that's baked into our evolution.
So the well done steak people like playing (chess) with themselves?

To be honest, I usually wind up overcooking every type of steak at least once. The only advantage is that you get to chew it longer, or use utensils for longer periods of time. If that's any sort of advantage over using time wisely.
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Rare steak is so overrated and not all but most people I know who eat steak never shut up about it. Dullards.

I don't like it rare, I don't eat it well done, how you eat yours I don't care so shut up and leave me alone.
Steak, regardless of how it's cooked, is dull and overrated.
Ironically I've found that this is mostly true, but only after having amazing steak at a place I don't remember the name of that is now 2,000 miles away.
I don't like it rare, I don't eat it well done, how you eat yours I don't care so shut up and leave me alone.
'... at this point, Cathy, the waitress, who asked a simple question "How would you like that Sir?", and who's been struggling to make ends meet and is also under a lot of pressure at Uni, finally breaks ... a torrent of tears and blubbering ensues, and she's run off before you clarified you wanted peppercorn sauce with that, instead of the sweaty sock juice blue cheese sauce.'
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Rare steak is so overrated and not all but most people I know who eat steak never shut up about it. Dullards.

I don't like it rare, I don't eat it well done, how you eat yours I don't care so shut up and leave me alone.
Pretty much this. What's common to all the rare steak in-your-face preachers is that there are several fitting words to describe them, all of which are written as ****er here at GTP. Call it the FTW royal flush if you like.

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