Upcoming NFS game in 2017?

  • Thread starter citroengt1

What do you want for the 2017 NFS?

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I assume that this new Need For Speed game will not be out for the Playstation 3.
Obviously duh. PS3's production cycle is about to end soon so why make a game for a soon to be dead console.

I'm guessing you don't even own a PS4 judging from your post.
Looks like the reveal date has been given away...

EDIT: The event begins on June 10th, so chances are we will have more information on the next Need For Speed game by this date.

So judging from the reveal date I'm guessing that the release date for the teaser might be the same as NFS2015 which is May.

The poll could use another option. Maybe a neutral choice where it doesn't matter what the next NFS game is going to be whether it would go Underground, Prostreet/Shift/Rivals, HP, or High Stakes style of NFS.
"We are hard at work putting toge."

I am assuming they are doing what the TXR series did with the Kaido or Drift series of games. But, they would use a Cat & Mouse style with distance being a factor.

That's what I predict will happen.
You know, I liked Need for Speed 2015.

It was a fun game, that I think really managed to balance the two types of Need for Speed players: those of us who love the classic and more recent Need for Speed titles of fast, expensive cars, and those who enjoy the urban themes and setting of the Black Box titles.

Of course NFS2015 is by no means a perfect game at all, but I think it was a really good first attempt. I have high hopes for NFS2017.
Nice, i played up to the original MW on PS2 and droped the series... Until that 2015 one came and it was much better than i expected, solid casual racer with one of the coolest graphics i've seen... took me a while to get used to the pad and the handling but it was fun. I'll keep an eye on whatever comes next. 👍
Don't want to be negative, but I doubt NFS will bring anything significant. I'm surprised the franchise is still alive with other games doing so much more and doing it better.
Don't want to be negative, but I doubt NFS will bring anything significant. I'm surprised the franchise is still alive with other games doing so much more and doing it better.

Yeah, about the only significant USP (unique selling point) the franchise had left was the Porsche license. With that now scattered to the wind, what's left? Plenty of other titles do extensive customizing, cop chases, hokey storylines...
Thanks for using my GT-R pic for the news item Kyle 👍 Always appreciated :cheers:

So, a real world location this time, eh?

My pleasure, it works great as a featured image. It's so hard to find a suitable pic from the game for that purpose, since things are usually too dark, or cars stretch across the whole image. 👍

A real-world location would be nice, but I don't know if that'd be enough. The game will be lucky in a way, since it won't really have any arcade-oriented competition in the fall (Gravel will launch at the beginning of summer, and is a different sort of style). But I can't really see it offering anything FH3 doesn't already do better, outside of the increased levels of customization (and even then, that's only applicable for about half the lineup in NFS2015). If the terribad controls/physics are carried over from the last game, it's dead in the water as far as I'm concerned.

Plus, as much as it might be the only arcade title this year, that really only applies to the sorts of people that make that distinction. If someone heads into the shops looking for their yearly racing game, they'll find this sitting on the shelf alongside PCARS2, FM7, and GT Sport (probably). Going up against one of those would be enough, but three? Ouch.

Good luck to Ghost Games. I hope the year of extra dev time has paid off.
Thanks for using my GT-R pic for the news item Kyle 👍 Always appreciated :cheers:

So, a real world location this time, eh?

Are you saying that a real world location would be a good idea? Or did you misread the title of the homepage article? - No disrespect meant, just asking.

I personally don't want them to put it in a real-world location. Design of the map would be too constrained by that. I prefer NFS to exist in a fictional universe where I can safely curb hop a lowered Lambo without repercussion, and with a swipe of my finger can change paint colors on a whim, no spray booth needed! LOL

My point is, keep it fictional. If I want real I'll go play Gran Turismo.
Yeah, about the only significant USP (unique selling point) the franchise had left was the Porsche license. With that now scattered to the wind, what's left? Plenty of other titles do extensive customizing, cop chases, hokey storylines...

Not to mention that they do it better. NFS used to be very unique due to its open worlds, sounds, customization, Porsche; to an extent that you could ignore all the glitches, bad controls, unbalanced gameplay and such. NFS was fun back in the days. Now you got games like Forza Horizon that do all that NFS used to do (and a lot better in some cases), but with an almost Gran Turismo level of visual detail and overall game build quality.
I'd still have NFS2015 over FH3. Sure FH3 may have the physics, but NFS narrowly beats FH3 on customization. If NFS could improve more on the customization and add more parts for the next game (in fact all cars should have parts for each customizable part), then maybe they would still have an edge against FH unless the next FH would integrate the customization system that NFS2015 has.
Are you saying that a real world location would be a good idea? Or did you misread the title of the homepage article? - No disrespect meant, just asking.

I personally don't want them to put it in a real-world location. Design of the map would be too constrained by that. I prefer NFS to exist in a fictional universe where I can safely curb hop a lowered Lambo without repercussion, and with a swipe of my finger can change paint colors on a whim, no spray booth needed! LOL

My point is, keep it fictional. If I want real I'll go play Gran Turismo.
I think I misread the article then, as the impression in my head was that it'd be LA this time. This in my mind was only interesting as they have only portrayed fictional locations so far - personally it doesn't really bother me either way.

I don't think though that a real world location would necessarily bring real life physical constraints or a spray shop a lá GT - like you say, it just wouldn't be NFS like that :)
I assume that this new Need For Speed game will not be out for the Playstation 3.

Yeah sorry to say but everything PS3 related has already been phased out past two years. You can't even buy a DS3 new.
I think GTA V was one of the very last games released on PS3 system.

Now, onto NFS 2017. Sure...improve the customization but BUT you guys at EA...you absolutely 100% MUST revamp the garbage bug-infested handling model of NFS 2015. You have no idea that crappy handling model pissed off so many players! The game wasn't too bad either but that handling model was the main culprit and the real thing that removed all enjoyment from actually driving in the game.
Yeah sorry to say but everything PS3 related has already been phased out past two years. You can't even buy a DS3 new.
I think GTA V was one of the very last games released on PS3 system.

Not quite.
There are still some games like MLB and FIFA I think are still on PS3.

Right now Persona 5 is set to release on the PS3 April 4th.

GTA V is probably the last Major AAA game to be released.
I straight-up hated the 2015 game, it was absolute trash in pretty much every possible way.

It really is sad seeing one of my favourite game franchises turn into a shadow of it's self.

I still have hopes for this year's release, cause I want NFS to be great again, as the last good NFS game was MW2012.

If it's gonna be just a prettier NFS2015 with a few more cars, then I'm sorry but FH3 already made it worthless.
But I can't really see it offering anything FH3 doesn't already do better, outside of the increased levels of customization (and even then, that's only applicable for about half the lineup in NFS2015).
An actual, real city with a genuine feeling of being in a city. Sorry for the bad English. Every road in FH3 is too wide like a highway. I love FH3 but Surfers Paradise isn't the best part of this game.
I straight-up hated the 2015 game, it was absolute trash in pretty much every possible way.

It really is sad seeing one of my favourite game franchises turn into a shadow of it's self.

I still have hopes for this year's release, cause I want NFS to be great again, as the last good NFS game was MW2012.

If it's gonna be just a prettier NFS2015 with a few more cars, then I'm sorry but FH3 already made it worthless.

That's an interesting perspective.

While forza does have better vynil editor, definetly better physics and massive car roster by comparison..

NFS had cop chases, seamless online, impomptu drift and outrun events etc. Wait up..doesn't? Oh never mind..It also had engine and drivetrain swapping...oh right..only forza has that. Well then who am I kidding?

You are right, FH3 smashes NFS in many ways, especially if you're a long time forza player, you'll find it hard to justify why to care for NFS story modes/ cutscenes, hell theyre laughable at best.

Even with the additon of controversial and loved customisation, NFS 2015 isnt even in the same ballpark as horizon 3. It's too bad PS users can't have forza. Hey at least we have NFS (lol).

God WHY WHYcan't you just let us have forza on PS4?? LOL
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Of course NFS Will always win in customization. Even more if you go back to the NFS Underground time, which I think it was the last great NFS. Shows what developers could do when they made a game with love and not for a quick cash grab.

But more recent games simply outweigh it in technical and gameplay aspects. FH3 I feel it gives you so much freedom that it is hard to get engaged into other games.

The day someone makes a game with NFS customization, Forza's sounds, car list and freedom; Assetto Corsa's physics and GT's visuals, that will be the definitive car game.
The day someone makes a game with NFS customization, Forza's sounds, car list and freedom; Assetto Corsa's physics and GT's visuals, that will be the definitive car game.

SLRR has customisation including actual mechanical element, way better than NFS, but its not easy to use (install this mod..download this.. ibstall this etc)and its only on PC also no vynil editor, something called photoshop exists on PC, we use that ;)

Then you've got rfactor...except its got no open world with traffic mode...its primarily a racing sim but is much more with mods.

I'd bet my money on Forza horizon being the next true NFS if NFS 2017 fails. And quite frankly I think FH3 is already bleeding edge in that department. NFS 2015 simpky stole things from forza, changed it up and dropped in a truckload of popular and street culture items and refernces thinking it will stick. Both games are just missing neons, which midnight club has had for ages.

On that note...Midnight club 3 & LA for me has always been that underground 3 level customisation. Minus the label. Its too bad there isnt a new MC game.
"We are hard at work putting toge."

I am assuming they are doing what the TXR series did with the Kaido or Drift series of games. But, they would use a Cat & Mouse style with distance being a factor.

That's what I predict will happen.
Like the canyon battles in Carbon ? That'd be great. Or the highway battles in Undercover.
Only one thing I'll say is an absolute must regardless of the style of game (not a fan of shift or pro street, but that's me) is there must be an offline function. The game should be something akin to 2015 open world with the option to join an online map and other players, but to also play the game solo, especially when servers do eventually get shut down. Nothing more hateful than a forced obsolescense.