Yes, definitely. They don't work.
March the 12, 2014, GT6 1.05 :
Broken camber accuracy made me boycott playing that game. I won't come back until it's fixed.
Now all the rest of the post may sound harsh but it have to be done.
Camber seems now to be a cheap way to have "better driving physics" in GT7. At GT7 release, every physic fan (me the very first) will ask "does the camber is fixed ? Yup ? YAY BUY" (that said, same physic engine by the way).
IMO : PD can't be unaware of this. And if they don't see the problem then I'm sorry for them.
Maybe my last GT if nothing changes because the focus would not be on the driving anymore but on "pretty fantasy looking Vision car lolz", and to be said for posterity, feature that we don't even have 3 monthes after the release because cars are half-done in the better case (6 month / man a car + the car industry needs to specify it + QA so it seems to me we will have this in late 2014 at best).
So no, focus is money and greed, now, next is quite a proof : we have sub-optimal support because of sub-optimal sells. And we are not seen as gamers anymore, just "allready-bough" customers.
It's been 2 monthes allready since this problem is spotted. I know some smaller game studio (20 employees) really better at fixing fundamentals in their AAA sub-optimal sold game at the moment. And we talk to them.
Again that s-attitude coming from pre-2000 japan game industry for bugfixing communication... Not even a "sorry for the feb updating, we had troubles and we'll do better and preparing this and that". What to expect now ? Silence ?
Not sure to bear this communication style anymore. GT7, from a very strong dilemna, is because of today not a PS4 seller for me. Either Sony software QA or PD's fault, I don't know because I'm either deaf or they can't talk. We will be in late 2014-2015-2016+ and I won't be able to live with this again in the future.
Being programmer in bank UI irl (responsable of multi-GT6 budget bugs), the feature list concerning ui is a 2-3 day / man work.
Say one week.
Say two weeks / man for a really poor programmer / poor design and heavy Sony tests, or me, as a newbie dev in their team knowing nil of their framework. Putting that kind of feat list, with a 50-whatever team is highly unimpressive from here.
The multi-monitor is impressive but only please 0.01% of players (and I'm feeling generous there, and I'm almost about to tell we have this because the only gamers in the world to have this is PD itself), why putting so much time and money on this ?
Don't PD saw there is a balance problem ? Hello world ? Ping ? Doesn't respond...
And documentation of changes is... well, of course submitted to player will, because of that "You won't notice I had flaws" japaneese-ego-attitude. And still Japan ask themselves why there is a crysis in japaneese videogames. Don't look anywhere else than 2014.
2014 players don't ask games to be moddable because mainstream doesn't have a clue at programming, they just need to hear and talk to their highnesses. This is the exact renewal choosen by the western industry (kickstarter, steam greenligth, indie games, etc). Moddern players asks a democratic design today. We are the project owners because you sell to us.
The japan crysis in game industry comes only from project owning. US/EU know what is it and still enhance a working model ; at first glance, Japan and PD in particular doesn't have a clue.
This is gaijin thinking to a still-monarchic thinking Japan industry so it may be ugly to them but, hey, they sell to gaijins. So, if I stop turning around the problem...
Adapt or die.
Nobody will tell them, fans here including the very few who have PD access are shy ; and nobody will read that in PD because their fansupport is shy as a teenager. So they have choosen how they will die, plain and simple.
Stop doing spirals around a problem, straigth to the point, talk with project owners. Or die.
PD can add "Yeah but die like a man", I quite don't care because the result is the same for me : dying like a teenager @ communication stuff.