Only thing cool about this is...
I can use keichi tsuchiya Green suit, That is full of win.
dont encourage them
Only thing cool about this is...
I can use keichi tsuchiya Green suit, That is full of win.
well at least there is The Stigs helmet
obi_onewell at least there is The Stigs helmet
gogatrsDid we seriously just go from the topic of updates, to the NBA?
Once my bro moves back home and brings his xbox its goodbye Ps3 and GT5 if PD dont do anything major anytime soon.
BasileaAre the 8 suit premium?
Oh my God you can buy tuning parts straight from the tuning menu yessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off topic, but your username wouldn't be referring to the ownage prankcalls on Utube, would they?
Quoting myself just so people can see this revelation.
Well, both ocurring simultaneously of course, why not?
I do feel bad for Dallas though, Dirk is playing with a fever, denting Dallas' potential. Hope he gets patched up, Miami deserves a worthier foe. (go Heat!!)
Yes, i have hijacked this thread, hehe.
HeySumbodeNope... I really didn't know about them, your the second person to ask me...
I think there is more than we are seeing here. Look closely at everything in your garage. My Mazda Roadster RS now has the top down! Very cool