Update 1.10 Thread! (Check 1st post for Update Details)

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
Anyone know what the knew song is? And oh, could the PS3 software update (and that guys Google Chrome update he mentioned) be because of IPv6?
Another "Fun Fact" user post, Are jumping due to this thread. New member to gold member in a matter of minutes.

You noticed that too.

Another "Fun Fact", trolling in these threads usually gets your head bitten off, especially when you say silly things like "30 new cars, jk" or talking about useless things that aren't part of the thread like "my google chrome got an update".
If it weren't for the game save during endurance races elephant in the room, this might be considered a decent update.

Maybe we should all have some patience since their (PD's) country Was torn apart and plowed through by tidal waves? Maybe something about nuclear reactors, poison, etc, etc will shut people up?

Who am I kidding... :odd:
It's all about the gangster poses (top middle/bottom right)!

Yes I like that one and the dramatic Back shot

Im tired of PD not listening to the customers, what kind of stupid update is this?

Thanks for the ricer outfits and helmets... made my day.

I wish they were like guild wars where they would host events for customers to come in and play the game and give feedback. Thats the japanese culture for you.
Wow ... it really does seem like the main focus of this update is suits and helmets ... there is an opening montage of your driver walking through row upon row of shiny new suits and helmets. Amazing. That's probably 120MB of the total update.

Showing every possible part in your garage makes them all look very cluttered with a little shopping car icon next to the stuff you don't own. Terrible.

Here is hoping online has some goodies when it comes back up. What a letdown.

Oh, but thank god for the new song some record company paid PD to stick in the game.
Fun part here is than people first said " I'm not expecting nothing except fixed bug issues", now than actually we got nothing from this update everyone is crying like if they have promised cars, tracks and even more in this update