Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
I'm a bit upset with this, aside the obvious reasons that it is not worth a 2 year wait and it is tablet exclusive but the whole of process of making a track feels downgraded from GT5. GT5s was basic, simplistic and an RNG type editor but you could create and test on the fly which made it more intuitive. GT6s forces you to make the track on a different device than transfer it over so you can test it. After Playing Super Mario Maker where you can create and test just by clicking one button, this is really disappointing. What if you found an error in the track you were making? You don't even get a good clear view of what the track actually looks like which was also an issue with GT5s editor. You only get the track path, not the entire track view.







Why is it tablet only? Seriously, Polyphony couldn't make software usable for the PC, I don't use a tablet.


PC = Microsoft (because honestly how many of use runs Linux or Unix on our PC ?)

Microsoft = Turn 10 = Forza ...

Too close for comfort ... ;)
Yeah, I just noticed that it's not available in my country too. I guess we'll have to be patient and wait.
I'm a bit upset with this, aside the obvious reasons that it is not worth a 2 year wait and it is tablet exclusive but the whole of process of making a track feels downgraded from GT5. GT5s was basic, simplistic and an RNG type editor but you could create and test on the fly which made it more intuitive. GT6s forces you to make the track on a different device than transfer it over so you can test it. After Playing Super Mario Maker where you can create and test just by clicking one button, this is really disappointing. What if you found an error in the track you were making? You don't even get a good clear view of what the track actually looks like which was also an issue with GT5s editor. You only get the track path, not the entire track view.
I was hoping that the course maker would be like the one in ModNation Racers, that had a fantastic creator.
I downloaded to our iPad Mini, and course creation was SUPER easy. I am totally stoked to run the update tomorrow on my PS3 and try this out. If the track map import for tracing works as simply as this... I think its an amazing, amazing update.

Yes, it make take a bit of time to hit all global regions and devices, but come on... stop the whining already. (my rooted android tablet running 5.1.1 is giving me not available in this country messages)
They have their reasons for doing it the way they did. Now put the torches and pitchforks away. :rolleyes:
Pretty sure because they thought it was a good idea.

At least we know the reason for the delay now... Instead of having it on the console they decided to make it a app because that's the hip/youthful thing these days.

Connecting the app to PSN, working through Apple and Android to get everything setup, etc.

There's no way this simple point, click and drag editor couldn't run on PS3.

Pretty sure because they thought it was a good idea.

At least we know the reason for the delay now... Instead of having it on the console they decided to make it a app because that's the hip/youthful thing these days.

Connecting the app to PSN, working through Apple and Android to get everything setup, etc.

There's no way this simple point, click and drag editor couldn't run on PS3.

That is a bit of an over-assumption, don't you think.
Pretty sure because they thought it was a good idea.

At least we know the reason for the delay now... Instead of having it on the console they decided to make it a app because that's the hip/youthful thing these days.

Connecting the app to PSN, working through Apple and Android to get everything setup, etc.

There's no way this simple point, click and drag editor couldn't run on PS3.


Maybe There was no way of adding the course maker functionality on the game file as easy as you would think so.... I am not a software engineer so I don't know...

Furthermore and unfortunately for those without the tablets, this choice is rather convenient....

Play all day making tracks, upload then enjoy once home in the evening...
It'd make sense that you'd still be able to use them and export them in some format that doesn't require the GT6 server, hopefully that will be the case.

That said, Kaz and PD have made various statements on development that's been going on in GT6 - how code is being made to work in multiple environments, and how assets are being made to be dynamic and scalable to any spec of hardware; I'd be willing to bet that most of what we're seeing here in this course maker will end up in GT7. It doesn't make sense for them to make this such an endeavor just to have to scrap and re-build.

That way, they can keep existing assets and framework (like this app) and let users keep the content they created, allowing it all to carry over into future iterations. I could go on and on about what GT7 could be, but this isn't really the place.

I'm hopeful and excited for the future, but right now the present is getting a little bit more exciting...
Everyone crying about it being an app must have skipped over this fantastic post.
That is a bit of an over-assumption, don't you think.
Not really, there's no real reason for this other than to say "we got an app".

Of the 4 step tutorial on the main menu 3 of them are because it's not actually attached to the game.

But apps are cool these days so like the mentioned iFruit thing, developers do this thing because it's the in thing right now.