Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
The reason is to make it future proof, just like the post says that I quoted a few posts ago. It's brilliant really.
You know tablet sales have been declining for the past few years? They should have made it for Windows also. I mean, who doesn't have windows?
So, i wasn't (that) wrong after all... Andalucia is a CM theme :D

The reason is to make it future proof, just like the post says that I quoted a few posts ago. It's brilliant really.
That quote you posted only makes sense if you don't think about it.

"It's on Android and iOS so it can work on GT7."

So... It can work on two different OS with far weaker technical performance than a PS3 (hell judging from attempting to play A Bard's Tale, not even PS2 level) but not on the PS3 because... Future proof?
That quote you posted only makes sense if you don't think about it.

"It's on Android and iOS so it can work on GT7."

So... It can work on two different OS with far weaker technical performance than a PS3 (hell judging from attempting to play A Bard's Tale, not even PS2 level) but not on the PS3 because... Future proof?
You're not physically playing the game in the app, you make no sense.

So future proof you need drop £200 extra to even play it now! Very brilliant.
Which is $300USD. You can get tablets for under $100USD that will work just fine. Hell, used for next to nothing.
Too busy complaining…

To be fair, people are perfectly right to complain. This feature has been almost two years in the waiting after being told it was "almost ready", we were given total silence during the entire wait, and then when it does come it's not actually in the game at all. Instead, you have to use an expensive, external piece of hardware (and software) that the majority of people do not have/have outdated or incompatible versions of/can not afford.

If it wasn't an app, freeform course design wouldn't be possible.

How so?
they are excessively limiting the amount of people who are able to use the app.
Which is dumb for even having huge restrictive access to one of the biggest features in the game. Utter bloody nonsense from PD. MAYBE PD might figure out a solution for the limiting issues,but as of now. This is a massive let down those without tablets in the required Android/IOS versions for the app.
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This was already explained. Windows = Microsoft = Forza = competition

It would be the first time PD has ever acknowledged competition has existed. It's just a damn shame you can't put programmes on the PS3 then everyone could do use it and they wouldn't have to think about microsoft, hopefully one day someone figures out how to code on it.
With the maintenance up, I thought I'd take some test drives around the sample tracks. The results are, er, mixed:

Death Valley - This is quite obviously based on the Willow Springs surroundings. Pop-up is quite bad, very noticeable coming up onto the main straight. Comedy invisible walls around the entire track, despite it looking more or less like the run-off is traversable.

Eifel - Still based on the one from GT5 from what I can tell, since it has that odd little kink on the left side of the main straight as you enter the first turn, and feels very similar to those. That's fine, though. Little bits of run-off, decent elevation changes. The flat tree wallpaper that lines some of the track is pretty bad, since you'll sometimes approach it at an angle that makes it obvious.

Eifel Flat - They're not lying: zero elevation changes. The bloom effect hits you right in the eye-holes at the start! It's some sort of cruel prank that this is the only theme that will let you import images on the app, since it'll be useless for recreating any tracks with a hint of elevation change. You'll see smeary green/brown patches anywhere there's a decent gap between the track surfaces; it seems like the creator builds up the grass around the barriers that line the track, but it only extends 10-15 feet on the other side of the barrier, where the flat stuff resides.

Ronda - It's set on the same space as the existing track we have from there, naturally. You see the giant lake off in the distance as you finish this point to point. Great to see non-circuits, really! More odd pop-up, up to the left shortly after the lap starts. Might be the best bet for recreations, as it's decently hilly.

Overall - Er, it's hard to judge. The complete reliance on apps is a good and bad thing: bad because it's so misleading to those that have waited nearly two years for a promised feature, but (potentially) good on the hopes that the app is such a focus because it'll make the move to a hopefully-improved GT7 version that much easier. The tracks feel unpolished, which is slightly expected: I don't expect us to be able to recreate the sheer volume of track-side goodies real tracks enjoy. But they definitely feel empty, just as GT5's did. The amount of pop-up, and the ease with which you can see the un-molded geography just off-track, are probably the main culprits.

I'm more than a bit surprised that the only theme you can trace imported images is the one sans elevation. That just hurts: Laguna Seca's or Spa's line doesn't hint at the epic feel of the Corkscrew or Eau Rouge, respectively. Why even allow it, or better: why not allow it on the others? Anybody expecting something akin to ModNation Racers will be disappointed. The ability to simply draw lines is brilliant in its simplicity - it's a shame that PD deems it necessary for players to fork out more money to do it, though. More money that isn't even going back to them, come to think of it.