Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
You can find a working tablet for less than the price of the game. If you think otherwise, you're not trying hard enough.
The question is that, would it be compatible. There are reports that older Tablets are not compatible.
I don't have one, but it's not going to stop me from buying one. Used or cheap new, doesn't matter to me.
You can find a working tablet for less than the price of the game. If you think otherwise, you're not trying hard enough.

If a compatible tablet is so cheap, perhaps you wouldn't mind purchasing a bunch of tablets and shipping them to the less fortunate.
I'm a bit upset with this, aside the obvious reasons that it is not worth a 2 year wait and it is tablet exclusive but the whole of process of making a track feels downgraded from GT5. GT5s was basic, simplistic and an RNG type editor but you could create and test on the fly which made it more intuitive. GT6s forces you to make the track on a different device than transfer it over so you can test it. After Playing Super Mario Maker where you can create and test just by clicking one button, this is really disappointing. What if you found an error in the track you were making? You don't even get a good clear view of what the track actually looks like which was also an issue with GT5s editor. You only get the track path, not the entire track view.

This is actually much easier to create tracks on the fly, edit, and load it. It's extremely quick. You can just edit on the tablet while you're playing the game, then transfer the edit (it takes less than a second), then exit the track in the game and load up the new one (it takes less than a second to load the track). There was a crap ton of loading and menu navigating in GT5's course maker. This is much more simple and intuitive.
To be fair, it still isn't officially said that its Only for Tablets (Even though its confirmed to be only for ipads when it comes to apple users).

Only minor complaint I have is the rather messy rollout that's going on with this for the Google play store. Its like this wasn't planned all that well.

It isn't even listed on the phone Store.
Maybe so, but "majority" don't own/nor could afford?

I guess I assume someone who's playing a $60 PS3 game on a $400 PS3, attached to a $500 dollar HDTV, wouldn't balk at running a free app to make some awesome tracks.

it isn't like that.

people have priorities, and entertainment is quite a big one for some people, especially gamers.

so, some people save money for months to buy that $400 PS3 and $500 TV, it isn't like they take the money out of their asses, some people live in a budget.
Just to add to the whole argument on tablet prices etc. I have a Galaxy Tab 2, which is perfectly good for a tablet, and wasn't particularly cheap when I bought it, but it is apparently too old in PD's eyes for the course maker app. They don't even have a list of tablets that this app will work with, so how can you know if you buy a cheap tablet, if it'll even be supported?

I'm so glad that I have no use for this, because if I had held onto the hope that this feature would be the game-changer that I hoped for when I first bought GT6, I'd be bloody pissed right now that not only is it not a whole lot better than the GT5 one, but it also is only compatible with a tiny amount of devices.
Just drove on one of the created tracks someone made online. They made a fun drift course with the Eifel layout. There is some pop-ins and a little bit of stutter like on Sierra, but it mostly runs fine.
If a compatible tablet is so cheap, perhaps you wouldn't mind purchasing and shipping tablets to the less fortunate.
As someone that lives by themselves and pays all the bills, you're asking the wrong person. Yet I can put together a little something to have some fun from time to time, because you only live once.
I think a smartphone compatibility could have settled the question pretty much.
Yeah I know, the app would a bit more difficult to use due to the tinier screen, but who cares? :indiff:

See, that would've made a lot of sense IMO. My iPhone 6's screen is a decent size, and since the app has a zoom feature, it really wouldn't have bothered me to be on the phone. I imagine there'd be far less people up in arms over this if it extended to even just Apple and Android smart phones instead of simply tablets.

Rather strangely, I'm pretty sure Beyond The Apex was iPhone only (not even iOS in general). The only consistency is inconsistency! :P
If a compatible tablet is so cheap, perhaps you wouldn't mind purchasing a bunch of tablets and shipping them to the less fortunate.

Hey Lewis, the upside is that someone smarter than myself will have this app emulated in a browser in no time flat. We'll all be cranking out tracks soon, with or without an iPad/Android. Cheers man.
It very much is, straight from PD (and on the in-game pop-ups). While that may change down the road if they deem it necessary, it's certainly the case right now.

After actually reading it, it unfortunately does say it. Arrggh. I was really hoping this wouldn't be the case but the video and now the actual wording pretty much sank it. Can't grasp this decision to be honest and it seems understandably not worth it the way its been sloppily rolled out.

Rather strangely, I'm pretty sure Beyond The Apex was iPhone only (not even iOS in general). The only consistency is inconsistency! :P

Well at least is both IOS and Android so...progress?
I think the brightness is screwed up in the Eiffel Flat sample track. Pics were taken with the in-game exposure value set to 0.
Last corner before the main straight

Main straight (back to normal)

Not as bad as on the final corner, but still WAY too bright
Cockpit view is impossible to use on the sample tracks too. It's too dark, even with the in-game exposure turned all the way up.
Righty-o then, so GT6 is nearly finished. Just a few more VGTs then we're done. Hurry up please remaining manufacturers.

One thing really irks me though, I mean we waited about 2 years for the course maker, I think a reasonable explanation is due as to why the feature took a long time to implement with minimal amounts of communication.

I mean put us out of our misery so we can put it to rest.
See, that would've made a lot of sense IMO. My iPhone 6's screen is a decent size, and since the app has a zoom feature, it really wouldn't have bothered me to be on the phone. I imagine there'd be far less people up in arms over this if it extended to even just Apple and Android smart phones instead of simply tablets.

Rather strangely, I'm pretty sure Beyond The Apex was iPhone only (not even iOS in general). The only consistency is inconsistency! :P

Beyond the Apex has iPad compatability too ;)

Anyone else not able to sign in on the course maker app? It normally goes to sign in then never finished loading. I've gotten to the psn sign in point but it freezes.