Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
I have lost all my faith to Japanese game developers lately. First Beyond the Apex IOS only. Then MGS5 companion app not compatible with PC version. Then course creator only for tablets? I thought the Japanese were good at technology and all but seems I was wrong. How hard can it be to release something that is compatible with both android and ios and on both tablets and phones?

I have a tablet that should be compatible with the app but Play Store tells the app is not available in my country. Maybe it becomes available later, maybe not. I don't really even care anymore. The funny thing is that the app probably becomes useless as soon as PD decides to shut down GT6 servers or the course creator cloud because there's no way to transfer the files after that. If they would've just implemented the course creator directly to the game it would be always available. Now I give it a few years tops.
The funny thing is that the app probably becomes useless as soon as PD decides to shut down GT6 servers or the course creator cloud because there's no way to transfer the files after that. If they would've just implemented the course creator directly to the game it would be always available. Now I give it a few years tops.
This is the sad part of all this, all this waiting for something that is pretty much temporary.

I honestly dislike the idea of companion apps so much, I mean is cool when you think about it don't? You can change things in game using your cellphone or tablet, sounds awesome on paper but in reality is really limiting and just over-complicating things that could be simple. I get it that using a touch screen is way better for designing tracks than the DS3, but that doesn't mean isn't possible, you could just law out nodes around the track that becomes lines, and then curve/shape them, pretty much like any image editor out there.

Still I'm trying to not get really upset over how poorly implemented this feature is because I'm really happy that is delivered.
I have lost all my faith to Japanese game developers lately. First Beyond the Apex IOS only. Then MGS5 companion app not compatible with PC version. Then course creator only for tablets? I thought the Japanese were good at technology and all but seems I was wrong. How hard can it be to release something that is compatible with both android and ios and on both tablets and phones?

I have a tablet that should be compatible with the app but Play Store tells the app is not available in my country. Maybe it becomes available later, maybe not. I don't really even care anymore. The funny thing is that the app probably becomes useless as soon as PD decides to shut down GT6 servers or the course creator cloud because there's no way to transfer the files after that. If they would've just implemented the course creator directly to the game it would be always available. Now I give it a few years tops.
That is a bit discriminatory. Just because people from Japan mess up doesn't mean they are all terrible. They probably mess up just as much as American Developers.
PD doing what they do best. Failing hard at anything they attempt :lol:

Almost 2 years for something that requires an entirely seperate and non-gaming related peripheral, and it never crossed the minds of anyone at PD that it might be a good idea to inform their consumers about this ahead of time? Their incompetence truely knows no limits. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that.

Sony needs to step in, shut down the company, and start from scratch with a new racing sim IP.
I know this is the standard (and usually subsequently disproven) response to an update, but...

Has the FFB changed? I swear the centring force effect of the wheel (Logitech G25) is more aggressive than it used to be.
Now, I got my hands on this myself. :cool:


Drove my "inspection vehicle" on it:










PD doing what they do best. Failing hard at anything they attempt :lol:

Almost 2 years for something that requires an entirely seperate and non-gaming related peripheral, and it never crossed the minds of anyone at PD that it might be a good idea to inform their consumers about this ahead of time? Their incompetence truely knows no limits. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that.

Sony needs to step in, shut down the company, and start from scratch with a new racing sim IP.
That is a bit extreme. It is just 1 flawed game. I agree that PD isn't doing the best like the did in the past but this is Sonys best selling IP we are talking about.

Also they tried that with Driveclub. It isn't going to steal PD and GTs glory.
PD doing what they do best. Failing hard at anything they attempt :lol:

Almost 2 years for something that requires an entirely seperate and non-gaming related peripheral, and it never crossed the minds of anyone at PD that it might be a good idea to inform their consumers about this ahead of time? Their incompetence truely knows no limits. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that.

Sony needs to step in, shut down the company, and start from scratch with a new racing sim IP.

Holy Moly, take it easy. I think it's quite obvious that this solution is some sort of compromise and possibly part of the reason it took so long. So I am glad they released it at all, even if I need Bluestacks to run it on PC.
GT6 looks good! Actually impressive for a PS3. This CM should launch with GT7! Never had any interest for this but they way it's done is really to my liking. There seems to be a lot of freedom and when they achieve to add more environments to create tracks in the future it could be and endless source of amazing and original tracks.

The tablet only part bothers me though. They should rethink this approach for GT7.
Mmmmh, still can't download correctly... It says it would take 14 minutes when screen appears and then raises to 75 minutes in about 3, downloading in the meanwhile just 2%...
Download broken / clogged servers?
PD doing what they do best. Failing hard at anything they attempt :lol:

Almost 2 years for something that requires an entirely seperate and non-gaming related peripheral, and it never crossed the minds of anyone at PD that it might be a good idea to inform their consumers about this ahead of time? Their incompetence truely knows no limits. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that.

Sony needs to step in, shut down the company, and start from scratch with a new racing sim IP.
Atleast its not like moat other devs where they said sorry and put the course maker as paid DLC.

PD has done nice enough even if it has some flaws. Its not like PD alone. EA got 5 garage limit and always online requirement. Forza 6 got many cars removed and much linear career. Project Cars got bugs. etc.
That's not what I said. This is what I said:

Which is of course entirely accurate. We have had many more maintenance periods than updates - including the last three maintenance periods which took 19 hours in total and had no associated update.

I don't understand the relevance to your question, which I still don't understand. Could you please elaborate?

You are wrong, because Maintenance means "Maintenance with possibility of update" and NOT Maintenance only (without update). Update may be included, or may be not included, but 'may be' exists always.

If PD had to explicitly tell that there will be update, then they would have done that couple days ago. But they didn't mention anything about update (only maintenance), still we got the update. So users, writing about possibility of update were right. There was a chance. And it happened.

You failed. Big time. Don't try to make excuses now. Everyone understands that. Be the man.
I'm gonna give PD the benefit of the doubt here. After seeing the Lucas vid as well as taking a look at what people have made so far here on the forums, it makes sense why PD would have this as a tablet app.

Can you imagine trying to adjust curves and form your own tracks using the DS3 the same way as a tablet? That would be clunky and nightmarish. The tablet seems perfect for this kind of creation feature, especially when you're good at finger gymnastics. Not only that, you can take pictures using said tablet and trace from there.

Honestly it's not a bad idea, however my criticism right now is that the app is only on tablets. Eventually, PD I assume should be able to make this available as a PC app as well and on smart DEVICES (Notice how I put emphasis on the word "devices".) abroad. If you're using a Nokia 3310 or something similar and are whining about the tablet use then......just.....why.... No.... just stop.... I have no words, move with the times please.

It can only grow from here.
PD doing what they do best. Failing hard at anything they attempt :lol:

Almost 2 years for something that requires an entirely seperate and non-gaming related peripheral, and it never crossed the minds of anyone at PD that it might be a good idea to inform their consumers about this ahead of time? Their incompetence truely knows no limits. What a joke, and not a very funny one at that.

Sony needs to step in, shut down the company, and start from scratch with a new racing sim IP.
That sounds like a bit much and poorly thought out.

I agree that it's perhaps time for a change in management, but dropping the Gran Turismo IP is an idea that is beyond retarded.

Regardless of how "bad" GT7 is, it's going to sell copies because of the Gran Turismo in the title.

It's likely the most recognizable racing IP other than Need For Speed and is essentially the only simulator to be so successful.

I do think Sony should be a bit more heavy handed with PD though.

No more stupid moon racing, no standards, no silly apps, etc.

1. Gran Turismo should be realistic in terms of driving, visuals and audio.
2. Gran Turismo should have a large and diverse selection of vehicles.
3. Gran Turismo should have a large and diverse selection of tracks.
4. Gran Turismo should be a stable and complete experience, offline or online.

1. Gran Turismo has always been one of the better looking games on whichever console it's on, GT3 will always be the game that made me first think "photo realistic". The driving has also always been very good. The sound is absolutely terrible compared to practically every racing game of last gen. It needs to be fixed.
2. Concept cars? Race cars? Daihatsu Midget? Gran Turismo has always been very good at this. The problem is most of these cars are standard PS2 quality models. Either make them all premium or, sadly, ditch them.
3. Another thing Gran Turismo has always been great at. Nothing you can really say here.
4. Lagging in races offline, Quick Match killing PS3s (does any other game have this problem?), terrible menus, this CM app, community feature, etc. Flat out the next Gran Turismo has to be a complete and stable game from launch. They did it with GT 1-4, they have to do it again for GT7.

TLDR: PD needs to finish games before they release them, not 2+ years after. Improve weaknesses and insure quality across the board before expanding with new features.

I'm not one to moan about updates, as I've always been grateful for PD's efforts on GT6, to improve the game but this update is one millions of GT6 players have been waiting for so long and they go and make it so its only usable on a device not everyone has? Absolutely metal, PD you have lost the plot on this one.

I could easily run out the door right now and buy a Tablet, just so i can use the track maker but I'm not. Don't see why i should have to. So after 2 year of waiting for a feature that was a big buying point for me, I'm not able to use it, great.

Didn't think I'd be saying this so soon but looks like I'm retiring from playing GT6. This one i can not ignore and has allowed me to make my mind up regarding my gaming future and I'll be making my order of a Xbox One with in the next week so i can start playing Forza 6. PD really have screwed over alot of players.

You guys can borrow a tablet from someone you know to do a bunch of tracks and stop complaining already? ;)

I don't know anyone that owns one.
Can you imagine trying to adjust curves and form your own tracks using the DS3 the same way as a tablet? That would be clunky and nightmarish.

Yes. Because no game has ever had a course maker that used anything other than touch controls. It would be horrible.

And a DS3 would have to be the worst tool possible.

Ugh, I'm strangling on my own sarcasm here.

Done years ago, by a Sony first party dev. Don't tell us all that it can't be done. It can, and it can be done just fine if the developer actually makes an effort.

Hell, even the app they've got now could be controlled with a DS3 with a bit of thought put into the control scheme.
Seems like an awesome update. Hopefully the GT6 Track Path Editor will work on my BlackBerry phone and also they develop an app for Windows. Think good chance of GT7 having it built in-game a better version of the Track Path Editor.
You guys can borrow a tablet from someone you know to do a bunch of tracks and stop complaining already? ;)
I think there needs to be an explanation from PD as to why this is not on smartphones and such. It is not ideal to use other people's stuff, what if I'm racing at night and want to make a track while online? I cannot. Why should people have to spend a couple hundred for a tablet just to use a feature on GT6.... I browse on my smartphone, why cant I use that for this app Sony......