Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
Bad news: hairpins cannot be any sharper than this:
the reason why GT6 has no CM in-game is because the PS3 cannot handle the RAM needed to take in that level of data. Today's tablets have much, much more RAM than a 9 year old gaming console, so using that to get around the hardware limitations of the PS3 is the best solution
So PD had the foresight to wait for technology to catch up with them.

Crystal Balls.
New mesh generation is far more complicated then it used to be. Now you have to also map FFB, collisions, tire surfaces and so on (not to mention all the base geometry and light maps). You just can't compare old games to this.
Exactly as I expected this CM version is probably a beta for the proper real thing they'll release with GT7.

some of the limitations are weird and a bit of a reason why a lot of fans's trust in PD is lowering, still have faith the community will be recreating some awesome stuff.
I'm guessing most of the people claiming impossibilities due to hardware never played or heard of V-Rally 2 on the first Playstation. That had a mighty fine, fully customizable layout, 3D course creator (with elevation changes!) and that ran on a <34Mhz CPU with 2Mb RAM/1Mb VRAM, which you did with your original Dualshock 1 pad.
Still the best course creator I've had the pleasure to play around with. Glad I still have my copy of V-Rally 2. I'd love to see an evolution of that.
Bluestacks is your best friend. :cool:
Does anybody could run the CM with Bluestacks??

However, it is very annoying that you have to create the track on one medium(tablet), transfer it to annother(PS3), test it there, and have to change this than on the first medium (tablet). And this for every ****ing corner... :(
Don't know much about programming but seeing how in-depth you can use the CM, I think it would've caused crashing issues for the PS3 if they were to have a in-game editor.
Just to rise your knowledge horizon ;)

In old PS-1 days, there where ingame track editor with elevation, rotating, bending etc.... nobody can seriously tell me that this is a technique issue!


- you can draw "precisely" what you want
- you can draw one-way tracks
- you can decorate (even if very limited)
- love the idea of a tablet app even if this app could totally work on PS3 => they can think outside of PS systems (and I don't own any tablet to use this app)
- love the idea to draw over a real jpg/kml map

-- BAD
- no "best tracks section" where you could try the best ranked ones (my friends don't play GT6 and I don't have any tablets => I will never drive on a custom track...)
- no elevation control
- not as accurate as we would (hairpsin)
- no gravel, dirt, snow
- no crossing track
- only 10 km track (we were talking about 100km x 100km area at the beginning...)
- track width is the same for the whole track
- no new environnement (old eiffel, willow, sierra)
- cockpit view doesn't seem to be usable (too dark)
- tracks always seem empty and unpolished (because no elevation control and not enough decorate options)
- the very best of frustration (from official GT6 online manuals) :
"You cannot select user-created tracks when changing tracks after a room has been created." -> WTF
"One-way Tracks cannot be used in the Community area." -> WTF
"A 600m home straight is required as part of your track route." -> Too bad for the go kart tracks....

IMO, this course maker is the one we should have had 5 years ago with Gran Turismo.... 5. I was expecting more than that. There are good ideas but this is a feature that will bring more frustration than anything else. The only one thing I'm interested in is why it has been delayed ? If @Famine have something for us... :)
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Just to rise your knowledge horizon ;)

In old PS-1 days, there where ingame track editor with elevation, rotating, bending etc.... nobody can seriously tell me that this is a technique issue!

Again it's quite a different game then GT. In modern sims each track has to be optimized in specific way and to make it automated is complicated.

PC = Microsoft (because honestly how many of use runs Linux or Unix on our PC ?)

Microsoft = Turn 10 = Forza ...

Too close for comfort ... ;)
Thats not true! PC is NOT = Microsoft. There are some people who run Linux. However... if you were right, Sony couldn't have even a homepage, because it has to run on an microsoft browser. And thats what it does.. :/

New mesh generation is far more complicated then it used to be. Now you have to also map FFB, collisions, tire surfaces and so on (not to mention all the base geometry and light maps). You just can't compare old games to this.
Well, no, you can because the "old" games were not made by stone! The same things, in matter of programming had to be done as well for the old V-Rally 2.
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"Compative with Android 4.4.1+" PD says...

Samsung S3 4.4.3
Windroye in PC 4.4.2

And I see this message in Google Store...

Anybody can tell me the reason...? :boggled:
So when the GT6 servers are shut down a year or so after GT7, is this going to essentially be disabled? Because that would make it even more amusing than it already is.


PC = Microsoft (because honestly how many of use runs Linux or Unix on our PC ?)

Microsoft = Turn 10 = Forza ...

Too close for comfort ... ;)
I imagine if someone at Sony was that stupid, they would have simply made it so it is part of the PlayStation app suite exclusive to Sony branded phones and tablets.