Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
Atleast its not like moat other devs where they said sorry and put the course maker as paid DLC.

PD has done nice enough even if it has some flaws. Its not like PD alone. EA got 5 garage limit and always online requirement. Forza 6 got many cars removed and much linear career. Project Cars got bugs. etc.

You won't find me defending EA, Project Cars or Forxa anywhere either. But that doesn't excuse PD for their lack of competence. And I'm not going to be grateful that this was free, as it was advertised as being in the game before launch, as well as being on the cover of the game. It's inexcusible to be this poor at communicating with your consumers in this day and age.

This topic isn't about the other franchises, and as such, I'm keeping my critisism focused on Gran Turismo.

That sounds like a bit much and poorly thought out.

I agree that it's perhaps time for a change in management, but dropping the Gran Turismo IP is an idea that is beyond retarded.

Regardless of how "bad" GT7 is, it's going to sell copies because of the Gran Turismo in the title.

It's likely the most recognizable racing IP other than Need For Speed and is essentially the only simulator to be so successful.

I do think Sony should be a bit more heavy handed with PD though.

No more stupid moon racing, no standards, no silly apps, etc.

1. Gran Turismo should be realistic in terms of driving, visuals and audio.
2. Gran Turismo should have a large and diverse selection of vehicles.
3. Gran Turismo should have a large and diverse selection of tracks.
4. Gran Turismo should be a stable and complete experience, offline or online.

1. Gran Turismo has always been one of the better looking games on whichever console it's on, GT3 will always be the game that made me first think "photo realistic". The driving has also always been very good. The sound is absolutely terrible compared to practically every racing game of last gen. It needs to be fixed.
2. Concept cars? Race cars? Daihatsu Midget? Gran Turismo has always been very good at this. The problem is most of these cars are standard PS2 quality models. Either make them all premium or, sadly, ditch them.
3. Another thing Gran Turismo has always been great at. Nothing you can really say here.
4. Lagging in races offline, Quick Match killing PS3s (does any other game have this problem?), terrible menus, this CM app, community feature, etc. Flat out the next Gran Turismo has to be a complete and stable game from launch. They did it with GT 1-4, they have to do it again for GT7.

TLDR: PD needs to finish games before they release them, not 2+ years after. Improve weaknesses and insure quality across the board before expanding with new features.

The problem is that Gran Turismo as a franchise has been tainted with an awful image. GT6 did abysmal in sales relative to previous installments, and the genre is starting to see more competition. So yes, I do genuinley believe a fresh start is required. PD has proven time and time again that they aren't willing to adapt to the modern age. They lack clear goals in what they want to do with their games, and end up not succeeding in anything as a result of it. Gran Turismo is not reverred as it once was, and while a GT on the PS4 is sure to make a profit, I doubt we'll ever see sales on the scale of previous installments.

Many people have outright abandoned the franchise after having a fairly bad run on the PS3.
I think there needs to be an explanation from PD as to why this is not on smartphones and such. It is not ideal to use other people's stuff, what if I'm racing at night and want to make a track while online? I cannot. Why should people have to spend a couple hundred for a tablet just to use a feature on GT6.... I browse on my smartphone, why cant I use that for this app Sony......
The question is, why shouldn't it be available to use as a Windows normal program.

Why not on smartphones? Well... screen is too small would be an answer.
You are wrong, because Maintenance means "Maintenance with possibility of update" and NOT Maintenance only (without update). Update may be included, or may be not included, but 'may be' exists always.
As explained earlier, there is always a chance of an update - 0% chance is still a chance. But "maintenance" doesn't mean "update". It means "maintenance".

You should not expect an update because there's maintenance. Maintenance means maintenance. We had 19 hours of it in July and no update - and all the people expecting an update were massively disappointed and there was, as usual, a huge poo-flinging mess of people pillorying PD for not meeting their expectations that they held for no reason.

It's almost as if their expectations were... moderated this time round. Or something.

You failed. Big time.
No, you've completely ignored what I actually said and are pretending it means something different.
If PD had to explicitly tell that there will be update, then they would have done that couple days ago.
Are you suggesting that because they didn't tell you a couple of days ago, they didn't tell anyone?
That would be a lame and lazy excuse , there are big smartphones , the screen on mine would be big enough and mine isn't even one of the biggest.
They are very small for such an app. You cant work properply. It looks like you need a fairly big screen to be precise on what you do. This is not angry birds or candy crush
They are very small for such an app. You cant work properply. It looks like you need a fairly big screen to be precise on what you do. This is not angry birds or candy crush

Still , with some effort you could optimize it. I'm not mad but they could do it , and maybe they will , who knows.
As explained earlier, there is always a chance of an update - 0% chance is still a chance. But "maintenance" doesn't mean "update". It means "maintenance".

You should not expect an update because there's maintenance. Maintenance means maintenance. We had 19 hours of it in July and no update - and all the people expecting an update were massively disappointed and there was, as usual, a huge poo-flinging mess of people pillorying PD for not meeting their expectations that they held for no reason.

It's almost as if their expectations were... moderated this time round. Or something.
No, you've completely ignored what I actually said and are pretending it means something different.

Are you suggesting that because they didn't tell you a couple of days ago, they didn't tell anyone?
You keep using the word "expect", except the problem is I don't see many, if anyone at all, actually using that word.
Don't tell us all that it can't be done. It can, and it can be done just fine...
...Because no game has ever had a course maker that used anything other than touch controls. It would be horrible.

And a DS3 would have to be the worst tool possible.

I'm guessing most of the people claiming impossibilities due to hardware never played or heard of V-Rally 2 on the first Playstation. That had a mighty fine, fully customizable layout, 3D course creator (with elevation changes!) and that ran on a <34Mhz CPU with 2Mb RAM/1Mb VRAM, which you did with your original Dualshock 1 pad.
You keep using the word "expect", except the problem is I don't see many, if anyone at all, actually using that word.
That'll be because I did first of all. On page 1. Where I suggested that people should manage their expectations.

Feel free to keep complaining at me in my inbox - frankly I'll take that over the usual faeces-fest that maintenance threads get - but keep this thread to discussing the update.
Then...don't share it. Simple as that.
C'mon, its like telling the trolls, not to troll; the idiots not to be idiots. These guys will spam an share their crap stuff still. I think optimistic, that the majority will be just kids who are really proud of their work and will share this in best intentions, even if this tracks are also crap. Did you got my point?

Until now, I guess, that their is only a full lobby a good indicator (or the only one) for a good track.
the reason why GT6 has no CM in-game is because the PS3 cannot handle the RAM needed to take in that level of data. Today's tablets have much, much more RAM than a 9 year old gaming console, so using that to get around the hardware limitations of the PS3 is the best solution


The CM app is basically an overgrown vector art program, as far as I can tell. You're telling me that the PS3 can't handle that? Pull the other one.
I am upset a little bit that this is tablet only (seeing as i have an asus tablet that runs windows this is not compatible....) But i will see where it goes and hope they make it compatible other ways. Hey lets celebrate folks! CM got released and possibly soon everyone may be able to use it! Not perfect, But i'll take it.
I just fell sorry for Jordan Famine and all the GTplanet crew, they did an hard work trying to keep people in a positive mood for all this time waiting for the Course Creator and PD, out of no where, with the biggest troll face in the galaxy release it as tablet only app.

You guys don't deserve this.
I'm guessing most of the people claiming impossibilities due to hardware never played or heard of V-Rally 2 on the first Playstation. That had a mighty fine, fully customizable layout, 3D course creator (with elevation changes!) and that ran on a <34Mhz CPU with 2Mb RAM/1Mb VRAM, which you did with your original Dualshock 1 pad.

Educate them.
As someone said in the news section, it's WAY too late now. But I hope you guys who still play GT6 enjoy it. Me personally, I have lost all interest on Gran Turismo as a whole (for now...). I don't think I even have a PS3 anymore ( I don't even know where it is, lol). PCars is gaining my devotion day by day, I've clocked over 300 hours in Euro Truck Simulator 2, and I'm about to buy myself an Xbox One and Forza 6.

I'm still eager to see what PD will come up with in about two or three years from now. I still hope that GT7 will be THE one.
Why to late?? Have you serious disease which gives just a few years to live? Its just your problem if your impatient and have to buy very soon a new game. I dont blame you, but saying in general that this is "to late" is just wrong. Overmore, I hope PD will take its time for GT7. I dont have a PS4, neither need one right now.
So this is news to me today, course maker is finally here haha. I'm glad for the people with tablets, but I believe PD have not implemented this properly. Why is a tablet necessary etc? It should have an in game, track designer interface.. But whatever.

I have but one question ; What's the reason behind it's delay anyway?

I would really like to know, as i'm sure many others might also. Is it still NDA bound etc...

Educate them.
I always refer to the track editor from V-Rally 2 ! The new programm seems to be much better than the garbage from GT5, however, beeing unable to change elevation is a big miss in this editor :( Even more is it than comprehensible why this option is not possible.

I just "guess" that PD did not want people allow to recreate real world tracks with all track details. E. g. you can take the layout from the old Hockenheimring, but in the first or second (cant remember) chicane their is a little sink.