Update 1.21 Released

  • Thread starter Paiky

Considering the wait, are you happy with how the finished product appears to look?

  • Total voters
Instead, you have to use an expensive, external piece of hardware (and software) that the majority of people do not have/have outdated or incompatible versions of/can not afford.

With all due respect, this is a bit of an exaggeration. A simple android tablet can be had for almost as much as the GT6 disk itself. I'm running a rooted kindle fire that is OLD, but still humming along on Android 5.1.1. You sound like owning a tablet is some luxury item that only a few can acquire.
For Andulacia, it was mentioned that there were green, brown, and blue areas that represented forest, mountain, and city environments. I wonder how detailed these areas look compared to GT5 Course Maker.
Step by Step as you go through opening up the App for the first time:


Small Intro:





Choosing the Theme:




About to draw my first track... I chose Andalusia as my theme...

Which track should i make?... which "Home Straight" should i pick ? 1, 2, 3 or else ...

Looks like the terrain is dependent on the theme location you set your track on...
To be fair, people are perfectly right to complain. This feature has been almost two years in the waiting after being told it was "almost ready", we were given total silence during the entire wait, and then when it does come it's not actually in the game at all. Instead, you have to use an expensive, external piece of hardware (and software) that the majority of people do not have/have outdated or incompatible versions of/can not afford.

A perfect strike with a hammer on the nail's head. Couldn't have said it better.

With all due respect, this is a bit of an exaggeration. A simple android tablet can be had for almost as much as the GT6 disk itself. I'm running a rooted kindle fire that is OLD, but still humming along on Android 5.1.1. You sound like owning a tablet is some luxury item that only a few can acquire.

It's still an additional expense required to even use the feature; you still have to have an external piece of hardware to use an application which is required to use an in-game feature. Not everybody has a tablet; saying so is just a general assumption.

Shaking my head, PoDi...
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With all due respect, this is a bit of an exaggeration. A simple android tablet can be had for almost as much as the GT6 disk itself. I'm running a rooted kindle fire that is OLD, but still humming along on Android 5.1.1. You sound like owning a tablet is some luxury item that only a few can acquire.
The issue is "Why should we have to acquire a tablet though?", not can we afford one.

Only as much as the game? Why should I have to pay that? This was a returning feature from the previous title that was supposed to be released "soon" and free.
for anyone saying "there are some cheap tablets", you guys realize how stupid you're being, right?

as we can see, a lot of people here don't have tablets, or any android iOS device required to use the course maker.

and even if it is cheap, it's disrespectful to force anyone to buy something they:

1. Don't want: would you buy a tablet just to use the course maker? if I don't have a tablet right now, it's because I never had any interest in one.

2. Some gamers actually live in a budget: and when you live in a budget, even 10 buck can make a difference at the end of a month, not everyone poops money or are still living with their parents.

3. In some countries, even the cheapest ones, are quite expensive: people need to remember, the place you live isn't the only place in the world.
With all due respect, this is a bit of an exaggeration.

With all due respect, it sounds like you've never been through hard times. Life takes some turns, I've lost 4 jobs in the last two years all due to business closure, two of them both on my birthday, split up with a partner and forced to move... and with that, having all the same bills to pay. There were some weeks where I could only afford 1 meal per day of the cheapest value food available, and I had to sell some of my entertainment system along with my car just so I could keep a roof above my head.

So my apologies that some of us haven't had our lives go according to plan.
Colour me surprised that most of the people that already have tablets (or access to them) are completely dismissive of those who are disappointed at this development.

This was already explained. Windows = Microsoft = Forza = competition

It wasn't explained, it was guessed at. That reasoning could just as easily apply to Apple. You know, the company that basically destroyed Sony's share of the portable music industry.

Brilliant. Simply stunning.

With all due respect, this is a bit of an exaggeration. A simple android tablet can be had for almost as much as the GT6 disk itself. I'm running a rooted kindle fire that is OLD, but still humming along on Android 5.1.1. You sound like owning a tablet is some luxury item that only a few can acquire.

The Course Creator was advertised as having a "companion app", not "only available on tablets". It doesn't matter if the price of ownership is the equivalent of paying for another copy of the game or not - which is its own issue - people thought they were getting one thing, and got another. Just as you're entitled to your belief that spending the money on a tablet really isn't an issue at all, so are others entitled to their disappointment with this new requirement.


I'm still looking forward to trying out the actual app portion tomorrow at work, but I can already tell that, for me, this won't hold my interest as much as I thought it would. Recreating tracks will be a crap-shoot - and the scenery would never really sell you on most of them anyway - so the hope is that the purely fictional tracks the community devises are what makes it worthwhile.
It is free. Not their fault you don't have a tablet.
Actually when making something that requires another device, they should've payed some sort of attention onto how many people have the actual device. Making it a device that not many players have is a bad move on PD especially with how much Money and Time must've been put into this.
With all due respect, it sounds like you've never been through hard times. Life takes some turns, I've lost 4 jobs in the last two years all due to business closure, two of them both on my birthday, and with that, having all the same bills to pay. There were some weeks were I could only afford 1 meal per day of the cheapest value food available.

So my apologies that some of us haven't had our lives go according to plan.

I merely said its an exaggeration, wasn't commenting on hard times, yours or anyone elses. My apologies if I've offended you. I'm just stoked about the update, something we can all get behind?
Maybe so, but "majority" don't own/nor could afford?

I guess I assume someone who's playing a $60 PS3 game on a $400 PS3, attached to a $500 dollar HDTV, wouldn't balk at running a free app to make some awesome tracks.
If you actually think about it.

People payed for a $400 PS3 to play a lot games. People payed $500 for a TV to play multiple consoles the can play multiple games.

I don't think anyone is willing to pay $200-400 just for 1 mode in a game that cost $60.
If you actually think about it.

People payed for a $400 PS3 to play a lot games. People payed $500 for a TV to play multiple consoles the can play multiple games.

I don't think anyone is willing to pay $200-400 just for 1 mode in a game that cost $60.

Thinking your same way though, paying the $200-400 does allow for far more than the 1 mode of a video game ;).

Speaking as someone that both understands why tablets exists, and is disappointed that they are a hard-line requirement for this long-delayed feature.
This is the first update that I'm disappointed in.
How hard is it to make the course creator in the game? What's the point to use an extra device, then fiddle with the exporting? Maybe it's good for designing tracks when you aren't home, but c'mon, a game should have had the track creator too. :/
Colour me surprised that most of the people that already have tablets (or access to them) are completely dismissive of those who are disappointed at this development.
I don't have one, but it's not going to stop me from buying one. Used or cheap new, doesn't matter to me.
Even a cruder version of it would have sufficed I suppose, the interface doesn't seem to be that difficult to use.
Anybody else having trouble signing in with the course maker app? For me it get's to a grey screen with a loading icon in the middle but it never finishes.
If you actually think about it.

People payed for a $400 PS3 to play a lot games. People payed $500 for a TV to play multiple consoles the can play multiple games.

I don't think anyone is willing to pay $200-400 just for 1 mode in a game that cost $60.
You can find a working tablet for less than the price of the game. If you think otherwise, you're not trying hard enough.
To be fair, it still isn't officially said that its Only for Tablets (Even though its confirmed to be only for ipads when it comes to apple users).

Only minor complaint I have is the rather messy rollout that's going on with this for the Google play store. Its like this wasn't planned all that well.
I don't have one, but it's not going to stop me from buying one. Used or cheap new, doesn't matter to me.

Good for you. Others might require a bit more than "because GT" to make purchase decisions.

To be fair, it still isn't officially said that its Only for Tablets (Even though its confirmed to be only for ipads when it comes to apple users).

It very much is, straight from PD (and on the in-game pop-ups). While that may change down the road if they deem it necessary, it's certainly the case right now.