Update 1.31 speculation thread - coming December 5th

  • Thread starter Envoxeb

what do you think about the new track?

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Why does everybody want to find out what the rest of the cars are??? Why can't you all wait until they are released? It's going to be 9 cars anyway, especially when we have been recieving 9 for many months.

As much as I want to know what the others are, i'd rather wait and be surprised.

I have to ask.. what are you doing in the "Update 1.31 (December Update) speculation thread" :-)
So, the FZ pic showed "Your new car has been added to your garage. Change to this car now?". How are cars introduced to the "testers" or VIP before reveals? Are the cars sent to those people?
Just strange those two sentences are prompted, when they're not public yet.
Maybe since this update comes out in December there will be more than one track or there will be more cars (more probably), but they are all just speculations 👍
The cars are probably tied to the accounts for each individual setup at Monaco, which is probably running on an isolated network from our version of GT Sport, I'd imagine.

The build at Monaco is a developer build so they have all the latest content on them. Someone on here who got to play around on the systems there said there was kinds of options available in the dev build that's not in the retail version.
Maybe since this update comes out in December there will be more than one track or there will be more cars (more probably), but they are all just speculations 👍

I believe @Famine confirmed 9 new cars (if I'm recalling correctly) in the build at Monaco. So, about the same amount as usual.
No, I said I saw a high single-digit number of new cars but was unable to get the time/opportunity I wanted with the build to verify if that was all of them.

Any new brands teased from your findings? We now know five cars so far...
Any new brands teased from your findings? We now know five cars so far...
could you maybe give us a clue
Not a chance.

When we did the World Tour there were nine new cars and a new track. I got all of them off one of the systems, and shared it with the editorial team so that we could get our articles prepared for when the time came. If you want to be in that loop, you'll need to be a GTPlanet editor.
I'm sure that there were some other people there doing the same thing - after all, someone photographed the car list from a form at the event a full day before I was even there that revealed the F50's existence, and other people have photographed screens showing some of the five cars you mentioned.

We're not going to stop those people from revealing things before they ought to be revealed, but it's not going to come from us, no matter how many questions we're asked, how many clues we're asked to give, nor how many times people ask us.

As a side note, it's crap like this that makes these events much harder and more closed than is necessary, makes companies suspicious and reliant on NDAs and embargoes, and makes our job - as representatives of the community to the companies, and reporters - a lot harder than it needs to be.

PD has [some] new cars in an update connected to this big showcase event. Day 0, someone with access to the finals car list (a competitor, commentator or official) leaks the first of them even though its privileged information. Do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting about the people they invite, and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?

That car is revealed anyway on day 3, but because the build contains the new car list (for that car) some others appear on the screensavers in the stream. That's fair enough; it's just a mistake that happens sometimes and, if the timing of the clips had been slightly different, nothing would have appeared.

This makes everyone think "I wonder what other cars are in this build then", and a few people prod the machines to find out more. They then start leaking what they find. Again, do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting of the people they invite and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?

It's only about three steps from me dripfeeding clues about the cars (or, worse, posting photographs), to media not being invited at all - and those steps are embargo, NDA, no mobile phones in the venue - and a drastically pared-back guest list, including drivers. And it doesn't gain anyone here anything - what's the advantage to knowing what the update car list will be weeks before the update? To us, it's being able to get our articles ready on time, but to others it's just useless information.

When Kazunori Yamauchi drops his teaser silhouettes, you'll have your clues. When the update arrives, or when Sony publishes the relevant blog post, you'll have your answers.
Update news is about the only reason I've followed the FIA GTC coverage at all, I think PD should have used this opportunity to deliver news for the millions in the whole fanbase, not just the lucky few in Monaco. I think using the events is a good way of keeping people who don't care about e-sports at least somewhat engaged with game news, by properly showcasing the update contents. I don't care that some may get to play them sooner, but a more organised release of the news would be best for everyone, IMHO.
I am fine with getting to know some goodies only when it is safe (f.e during an event) to do so, but as I said in previous posts I like the element of surprise better.
Now that 5 cars are revealed I am excited about the update but if I haven't know about these cars heck I would have been even more excited when the teaser drops.. that is just me anyway.

So I understand @Famine point quite clear and should respect the other moderators decisions aswell.
In my opinion, the leaks are irrelevant since the cars will came in a free update so I do not need to decide if I will get the car pack, I just will get it like every other person who owns the game.
In all truth and honesty, I would be more hyped for a bump on the monetery prices or other ways to earn credits.
Really don't see what's so hard about waiting. I recall only weeks ago many here were upset about the October update coming in the first week of November. Now were on the eve of Thanksgiving and not to far from a new update for next month. I'd say at the pace time is passing us by most of you can wait until PD is ready (which is typically before the release of said update) to give us info that then GTP article writers can further discuss in more detail.

Why you are so impatient...is what tends to lead to problems of over hype and then disappointment. Seems if you wait it turns out a bit better than constantly needing a fix.
In my opinion, the leaks are irrelevant since the cars will came in a free update so I do not need to decide if I will get the car pack, I just will get it like every other person who owns the game.

That's not why people like finding out information. People just like knowing whats coming up, that's all.
I recall only weeks ago many here were upset about the October update coming in the first week of November.
Except there was never a confirmation on a "October update", it was just speculation seeing how the update tend to follow a pattern of almost every month. The update was called the "November update" and there were many people upset with that but again there was NEVER a roadmap of updates after the "atleast 50 cars will be added by march" one, so all in all it's the people themselves getting dissapointed over their expectations.
I am quite happy with how GT Sport is turning out to be and the future looks bright ahead aswell but again my expectations will be kept low.
I think it would be nice if people would stop asking mods for leaks when they have repeatedly said that they are not leaking anything.
Would be very stupid if they leaked this very update and only for this update.

Would you do that and risk not only getting blacklisted from future GT events but also put this very community into scrutiny from PD and Sony?
Update news is about the only reason I've followed the FIA GTC coverage at all, I think PD should have used this opportunity to deliver news for the millions in the whole fanbase, not just the lucky few in Monaco. I think using the events is a good way of keeping people who don't care about e-sports at least somewhat engaged with game news, by properly showcasing the update contents. I don't care that some may get to play them sooner, but a more organised release of the news would be best for everyone, IMHO.
The update news is why I started watching. The racing kept me there.

I don’t feel strongly either way about leaks beyond the official reveals. It creates buzz and traffic on sites like this, social media and YouTube. With events a handful of times per year it’s not a big deal. If every months update was leaked that would be a different matter.
The update news is why I started watching. The racing kept me there.

I don’t feel strongly either way about leaks beyond the official reveals. It creates buzz and traffic on sites like this, social media and YouTube. With events a handful of times per year it’s not a big deal. If every months update was leaked that would be a different matter.

Is the info being leaked though? Were the people at the event forbidden from reporting on what they'd seen, and if they weren't why would PD have left new stuff in the build if they wanted it to be kept secret? Famine says everything he knows was shown on the TV's there, many of which can be seen in the stream and social media photos, so I'm not personally seeing these as leaks as much as just a badly coordinated release of information. I personally think it would have been in their best interests to show it all off properly if it was there on show, equally, I don't mind them keeping things a secret if that's what they want, but instead we get something in between that does little but reinforce the us and them culture that can easily surround this type of event.
Really don't see what's so hard about waiting. I recall only weeks ago many here were upset about the October update coming in the first week of November. Now were on the eve of Thanksgiving and not to far from a new update for next month. I'd say at the pace time is passing us by most of you can wait until PD is ready (which is typically before the release of said update) to give us info that then GTP article writers can further discuss in more detail.

Why you are so impatient...is what tends to lead to problems of over hype and then disappointment. Seems if you wait it turns out a bit better than constantly needing a fix.

Thanksgiving??? Whats that? :confused:
I'm sure that there were some other people there doing the same thing - after all, someone photographed the car list from a form at the event a full day before I was even there that revealed the F50's existence, and other people have photographed screens showing some of the five cars you mentioned.

We're not going to stop those people from revealing things before they ought to be revealed, but it's not going to come from us, no matter how many questions we're asked, how many clues we're asked to give, nor how many times people ask us.

As a side note, it's crap like this that makes these events much harder and more closed than is necessary, makes companies suspicious and reliant on NDAs and embargoes, and makes our job - as representatives of the community to the companies, and reporters - a lot harder than it needs to be.

PD has [some] new cars in an update connected to this big showcase event. Day 0, someone with access to the finals car list (a competitor, commentator or official) leaks the first of them even though its privileged information. Do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting about the people they invite, and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?

That car is revealed anyway on day 3, but because the build contains the new car list (for that car) some others appear on the screensavers in the stream. That's fair enough; it's just a mistake that happens sometimes and, if the timing of the clips had been slightly different, nothing would have appeared.

This makes everyone think "I wonder what other cars are in this build then", and a few people prod the machines to find out more. They then start leaking what they find. Again, do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting of the people they invite and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?

It's only about three steps from me dripfeeding clues about the cars (or, worse, posting photographs), to media not being invited at all - and those steps are embargo, NDA, no mobile phones in the venue - and a drastically pared-back guest list, including drivers. And it doesn't gain anyone here anything - what's the advantage to knowing what the update car list will be weeks before the update? To us, it's being able to get our articles ready on time, but to others it's just useless information.

When Kazunori Yamauchi drops his teaser silhouettes, you'll have your clues. When the update arrives, or when Sony publishes the relevant blog post, you'll have your answers.
Thank you for doing what’s right for all of us and respecting the company’s secrets. Well put.

Secret product info is only revealed to trusted parties, with the expectation that the info will remain secret. Break this trust and no more access or secrets.
Thank you for doing what’s right for all of us and respecting the company’s secrets. Well put.

Secret product info is only revealed to trusted parties, with the expectation that the info will remain secret. Break this trust and no more access or secrets.
When its revealed publicly on a stream it isnt really a secret, is it?
When its revealed publicly on a stream it isnt really a secret, is it?
Some of the content, sure. I guess there's a delicate balance on what you can and cant say. I like to be spoiled on these types of things and I don't care about knowing things beforehand or not. But I still like to be surprised at the same time. I think it's a good thing to tease a little bit of the content and then have a lot left to show when it releases.
Hi everybody, I’m new on the forum but I read it for mounths. Every time I didn’t care so much about how many cars instead of how long the game will be developed, this is very interesting I think. Remembering how much I was sad about the VGT list never completed in Gt6, with Pd you can image everything after a year of developments. But, this time I guess GtSport would be the only platform for a 2019 championship, so I guess another year of implements would be in the near future...hope
The silhouettes were started with no "leaks". We then got clues of purple flowers and castles and bridges and red trucks.... err, McLaren MP4/... a torpedo? or UFO.

Next, do to worldwide broadcast, we got to see one or two cars on the FiA grid. On a new track.. Next, we again got to see one new car during the next event. On a new track. Then, yet again, we got to see ANOTHER new car, on the grid, in plain site. On another new track.

Why show and tell the world, the car and track we're getting? As mentioned, were those in attendance told not to post what they saw? Or, was it unsaid in good faith? Or did Sony and PDI agree to "let's see what happens" for hype's sake? I'm only saying that as we haven't seen the remaining cars.

I think we'll only know how PD/Sony deal with revealing future content, after this update. IF these recent "leaks" were a fiasco. Which I doubt it has become.
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