I'm sure that there were some other people there doing the same thing - after all, someone photographed the car list from a form at the event a full day before I was even there that revealed the F50's existence, and other people have photographed screens showing some of the five cars you mentioned.
We're not going to stop those people from revealing things before they ought to be revealed, but it's not going to come from us, no matter how many questions we're asked, how many clues we're asked to give, nor how many times people ask us.
As a side note, it's crap like this that makes these events much harder and more closed than is necessary, makes companies suspicious and reliant on NDAs and embargoes, and makes our job - as representatives of the community to the companies, and reporters - a lot harder than it needs to be.
PD has [some] new cars in an update connected to this big showcase event. Day 0, someone with access to the finals car list (a competitor, commentator or official) leaks the first of them even though its privileged information. Do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting about the people they invite, and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?
That car is revealed anyway on day 3, but because the build contains the new car list (for that car) some others appear on the screensavers in the stream. That's fair enough; it's just a mistake that happens sometimes and, if the timing of the clips had been slightly different, nothing would have appeared.
This makes everyone think "I wonder what other cars are in this build then", and a few people prod the machines to find out more. They then start leaking what they find. Again, do you think that's going to make them more or less trusting of the people they invite and do you think it reflects well on the integrity of the people they did invite?
It's only about three steps from me dripfeeding clues about the cars (or, worse, posting photographs), to media not being invited at all - and those steps are embargo, NDA, no mobile phones in the venue - and a drastically pared-back guest list, including drivers. And it doesn't gain anyone here anything - what's the advantage to knowing what the update car list will be weeks before the update? To us, it's being able to get our articles ready on time, but to others it's just useless information.
When Kazunori Yamauchi drops his teaser silhouettes, you'll have your clues. When the update arrives, or when Sony publishes the relevant blog post, you'll have your answers.