This is you all in a nutshell...
"Waaa waaa, booo hooo, I log online and see people racing in rooms I don't have to click on, join, be a part of, or even look at, but I do it to it anyway just to upset myslf because I take this game SOOOO seriously. I'm trying to be a professional online race-car-driver and these "cheaters" make my online achievements look so little and puny, I should be ranked ahead of them, have more cars than them, and everyone online should be as good as me because they keep bumping into me...waaa,waaa,waaa"
Not to spoil everyones excitement but you can still glitch ssr7 after 1.08. Personally I dont care if people glitch cause like myself I work 10 hours a day have a girlfriend and stuff I like to do at night so playing a few hours a night never got me very far in the game and I like to tune cars and spend the credits I earn so ill be glitchin it up so I can have cool cars too!
Has the patch hit the US yet?
This is you all in a nutshell...
"Waaa waaa, booo hooo, I log online and see people racing in rooms I don't have to click on, join, be a part of, or even look at, but I do it to it anyway just to upset myslf because I take this game SOOOO seriously. I'm trying to be a professional online race-car-driver and these "cheaters" make my online achievements look so little and puny, I should be ranked ahead of them, have more cars than them, and everyone online should be as good as me because they keep bumping into me...waaa,waaa,waaa"
Yea at about 9 or soo last night (pst) I had to update
Thanks, I logged off just before that after 4hrs at Nurburgring.
Not to spoil everyones excitement but you can still glitch ssr7 after 1.08. Personally I dont care if people glitch cause like myself I work 10 hours a day have a girlfriend and stuff I like to do at night so playing a few hours a night never got me very far in the game and I like to tune cars and spend the credits I earn so ill be glitchin it up so I can have cool cars too!
Umm.... the patch didn;t fix it. I was on last night at 2AM after i got the patch and people were still glitching.
Umm.... the patch didn;t fix it. I was on last night at 2AM after i got the patch and people were still glitching.
Umm.... the patch didn;t fix it. I was on last night at 2AM after i got the patch and people were still glitching.
It did not work for me, however it did for others.
It did not work for me, however it did for others.
Don't think you can do it and earn money any more once you have updated to 1.8. We had a room going until 8 hours ago. We were all in the room before the patch hit Aus and stayed in till 1am. People kept coming in asking how we could still do the glitch; one guy got in won the race but got no credit for it. One guy got disconnected from the room and the update wouldn't let him play with out installing it and he then couldn't even get in the wall. I think we may have been the last 6 in the world to play the glitch as everyone who came in said we were the only room playing the ssr7 track now.
I don't think the glitch was too bad for the game in respect to turning people off playing it nor did it damage the reputation of PD in any way. In fact i think its the opposite, it has introduced more people who normally don't go online to the world of online racing through curiosity. I met a heap more guys i will now race with, some of whom had never played the online too much before but will be meeting up with us tonight to race some of our exotic cars we whould not have bought for months or years to come.
See all you online newbies for a reel race experience soon, welcome and enjoy.
It did not work for me, however it did for others.
Please reread, in the Online gaming they are.
soniae74That's overstepping the mark in my book.
MintBerryCrunchYou do a circle either way, one is just really big and takes along time. The other one you can chat with friends or use the computer while you hold the wheel/joystick to one side, or watch TV using the PIP feature on most TVs, or eat, or do damn near anything that can be done with 1 hand. With Indy though, you have to actually watch the "race" closely because you can't just turn left the whole time and come out with 1-3million credits.
As most people have said, grinding is grinding, so I'd much rather grind for 30 minutes and have 7million on SSR7 than grind for 30 minutes on Indy and have 300,000.
All three Forza game had some form of online functions and I know that Forza 2 and 3 had online multiplayer. GT4, GT5P, and GT5 did have online, but GT4 came without it when released despite it being promised originally. Only in late 2006 with the beta trial that only lasted a few months did GT4 have online and even then, only 5,000 gamers got access to it. Forza has had online as part of the game longer then the Gran Turismo series. I haven't played any of them, but I have done enough research of the series that I can say you are incorrect in the length.GT4 had online... then GT5P... now GT5.
3rd title and 5 years.
Compare that to Forza.
2 titles and 4 years.
See? Comparatively they've been in the online game a LONG time.
I'm not disagreeing with you because I dislike your opinion (I could care less, thoughts I dislike are posted all day on GTP and I ignore them). I'm disagreeing with you because you're opinion is wrong and without thought.