Just logged on In the UK, patch is live and being installed as I type.
Somehow, this patching business of PD reminds me of the music industry. They keep on whining about people downloading music illegally, so they keep advertising that these guys are worse than Hitler and they try to make an example of a few by suing them for enormous sums of money. They're not trying to cure the disease at the source, instead they're patching the wounds by force.
What I'm trying to get at: people who play GT5 would see little reason for duping, grinding and using glitches like the SSR7 one if the game would be designed in a way that they don't feel the need to do that. I must stress that I don't mean a "free credits here!"-button. But if the game were designed so that playing through A-Spec is a fun experience, and that it gathers enough credits and XP to level up and buy cars without having to run a few races endlessly, the number of people using glitches would be minimal.
But instead of tackling the problem right there, PD just closes the holes they unintentionally left open. They don't try to attract people to play more and cheat less by making playing more attractive, they instead prevent them from short-cutting by limiting their possibilities to do so.
Sure it's a strategy which is going to work, but I'm not sure if it will truly satisfy people and shed a better light on PD.
hah i laugh at those bitter moral popes, that always complain and blame other people. what is there left for these fools? driving endlessly nonsense lifetimewasting grinders or waste their ps3 lifetimes and wasting energy b-specing!
non of us gets banned, none of us had any harm while we were having a great time getting donuts in under 1.3 secs. we are the real gran turismo drivers, we are the ones that spent enthusiastic times working on our setups and fighting other pilots from all over the world. the proof? we got the cash for it and we have garages full of excellent cars to have fun with and to explore in the coming months, while you guys who failed because of your stupid overmorality will be bitterly grinding for 1.000.000$ cars, over and over again. in the end it wasnt a question of moral, it was a question of intelligence.
i played every gran turismo starting from part one up to completing gt4 with 100%. no one of you butthurt fools can school me and tell me whats right, cuz you are wrong.
my drifting brothers, i look forward fighting you online with the wonderful cars pd made and we do own now. they thought we were bitter when pd closed the gap, but we are not, we are the winners, with the cash, the cars and the funtime we had getting it.
they will never understand but we wont care anyway HAHAHA!
you havent read my post properly, it actually was FUN driving RACES on SS7. it never felt like grinding.
BINGOMANyou havent read my post properly, it actually was FUN driving RACES on SS7. it never felt like grinding.
I generally agree with the sentiment that there would still be a respectable number of people cheating even if the A-Spec mode would be perfectly balanced. However, my point was that this number, in my humble opinion, would be significantly reduced, and that those who do cheat would cheat less. I may have gotten a wrong picture from the posts on GTP, but I am under the impression that the majority of people who play GT5 have cheated in some way, may it "only" be duping cars or paints or the full-blown SSR7 glitch. But I wouldn't call those people out as cheaters, simply because this game seduced them to cheat. Not because cheating is easy, but because the consequences if they didn't cheat would be next to unbearable for them.Since I've apparently pissed off a ton of people in this thread I just wanted to say something here because your post is pretty good.
I just want to say in response though you are naive to think that even if credits were more plentiful people wouldn't cheat. In fact I'd almost guarantee people would still dupe cars and someone still would have figured this glitch out even if more money was easily available. Maybe it would be slightly less prevalent, but people inherently still want to take the easy way out.
you havent read my post properly, it actually was FUN driving RACES on SS7. it never felt like grinding.
I generally agree with the sentiment that there would still be a respectable number of people cheating even if the A-Spec mode would be perfectly balanced. However, my point was that this number, in my humble opinion, would be significantly reduced, and that those who do cheat would cheat less. I may have gotten a wrong picture from the posts on GTP, but I am under the impression that the majority of people who play GT5 have cheated in some way, may it "only" be duping cars or paints or the full-blown SSR7 glitch. But I wouldn't call those people out as cheaters, simply because this game seduced them to cheat. Not because cheating is easy, but because the consequences if they didn't cheat would be next to unbearable for them.
I actually think that beside those who would always cheat independently of the quality of gameplay, the reason for anyone to cheat would remain very small, thus people would do it not at all or only rarely (if the credit system would be balanced properly).
That's how you glitchers sound. Don't justify it, just do it and take the criticism. It is deserved. When others call you cheaters remember that you ARE breaking the spirit of the rules. That is the definition of cheating. Enjoy your game any way you want. Yes even by cheating if that's you thing.
I'm not saying stop glitching, you wouldn't listen anyway. You cheaters seem to actually care how you are perceived because there are a lot of excuses made for it. No one cares about excuses and I'm telling you I think you are cheaters and so do many others.
I've no problem with the patch. Kaz put those cars in there in the first place and he decides how they are given out. The original NFS had like three cars and nobody bitched as some in here do. They enjoyed what they had.
Kaz probably went online and saw half the lobbies said
and got as disgusted as I did.
He has a commitment to the non glitchers to provide those paying customers with a good experience too. Nobody trying to do the right thing wants to see that crap every time they go online.
Glitchers go back to rubberbanding your controllers. At least then I can't see what you are doing. Don't worry no one will patch that. Isn't online B-spec a no effort moneymaker anyway? Not fast enough?
Since I've apparently pissed off a ton of people in this thread I just wanted to say something here because your post is pretty good.
I just want to say in response though you are naive to think that even if credits were more plentiful people wouldn't cheat. In fact I'd almost guarantee people would still dupe cars and someone still would have figured this glitch out even if more money was easily available. Maybe it would be slightly less prevalent, but people inherently still want to take the easy way out.
sina22How are any glitchers crybabies when you admit you felt disgusted over seeing glitch rooms on SSR7? You let yourself get disgusted over a video game! What could be more of a cry baby move than getting your feelings hurt over a video game, ya sissy?
And quit being so melo-dramatic ya babies, there weren't 50% of the roooms that were glitching. Maybe 50% of the SSR7 rooms, but not all. Your just being dramam queens when you say that crap.
This is you all in a nutshell...
"Waaa waaa, booo hooo, I log online and see people racing in rooms I don't have to click on, join, be a part of, or even look at, but I do it to it anyway just to upset myslf because I take this game SOOOO seriously. I'm trying to be a professional online race-car-driver and these "cheaters" make my online achievements look so little and puny, I should be ranked ahead of them, have more cars than them, and everyone online should be as good as me because they keep bumping into me...waaa,waaa,waaa"
I agree with Kaz' vision and am not trying to circumvent it.
BINGOMANsomeones a lil bit psychotic? i can see the vision? are you for real? you sound like one of those bible belters who deny evolution theory...
gt5 is a GAME you psychos... you take it so serious and you hate so much, you mad!
You didn't piss a bunch of people off. See there you go taking this crap too seriously again. We're simply pointing out you're a whiney clown who gets cranky over a video game, and how stupid you are for it. But it doesn't piss us off, because we really don't care about you. I just find you laughable.
WOW, you are really a psycho...
Are you talking about NORMAL racing? Or glitching, because if you thought glitching was more fun than grinding, their is something seriously wrong with you, what is more repetitive than driving in a circle at 21kmh, doing 4 secs a lap(or 1 sec donuts) over and over again for 200 laps, i'm sorry, but grinding was alot more fun, than that boring cheat(which i could only handle doing a maximum of 10 times, over the whole time it was up).
BINGOMANWOW, you are really a psycho... sorry pal but i leave the bus at this station,we are getting too far off track.
you dont know kaz, you dont know what he may think. talking about "his" visions and making them "yours" makes me feel uncomfortable...
<snipped it all because I can and should>
A) Sony/PD are not new comers to the gaming industry. I have no idea what you're thinking.
B) If they got it right the first time, they wouldn't need to fix it. PD is the one to blame for "hurting online gaming".
C) Oh, they didn't get it fixed. So they'll be wasting more time. Probably allot more to check the entire track. Too bad they shipped a substandard product without the proper testing. It's biting them in the butt now.