[Update!][PS3] GTA IV Role Play Events!

  • Thread starter Vince
Hey, i just looked at the original post, and noticed im not put down as a member. (Or anything) Any particular reason why or have i been missed.
Hey, i just looked at the original post, and noticed im not put down as a member. (Or anything) Any particular reason why or have i been missed.

Ah, I must have not put you down. My bad.
If you where kicked for any reason, I would put you in the Banned area.
sorry i havent been on much... on weekends im gone and school has started since tuesday i will hopefully have more time end later on. :/
sorry i havent been on much... on weekends im gone and school has started since tuesday i will hopefully have more time end later on. :/

We might have an event tonight, if enough people come on. I'm not sure when though.
Sorry i havent been on..ive got school, sports after school, and work. I will probably be free on the weekends though.
A solid 90%... My plans got canecled (unfortunately :boggled:), so I should be free all day.

Bummer for you, great for me. :lol:
I should be free all day as well, but I won't be around on Sunday (plans).
So, when'll you open a server? I've been wanting to join you, for a time.

Nothing is planned as of yet. I'm not entirely sure when the next time I'll be able to RP is. School starts again next Wednesday so I won't be able to cater for US times. :scared:
I've been looking through this thread and I'm considering applying but there's a big problem, I live in Australia and the times are much different than yours. What time do you guys play?
I've been looking through this thread and I'm considering applying but there's a big problem, I live in Australia and the times are much different than yours. What time do you guys play?

On weekends, we can start (In the US) Around 12 to 3. On weekdays, after everyone gets off work/school, it is around 3 to maybe even 5 or 6.
Name: Dale Hughes
Role Play experience:NON
Why I can trust you : iv been trying to find a nice role playing game and i would NOT like to mess up this clan

In Character (IC)

Name: Toby Hughes
Job/Career/Money Source: truck driver/ bus
Bio:he grew up in broker with his parents. he have 1 sister and 3 brothers that were older than him. he always watched how people would spen alot of $ and get good "toys" like boats, heli, ect so he first went to collage to get the mechanics degree. he fixed cars, paints cars, ect. he wanted to drive alot so he got a semi with his own $. so now he's rich driving loads of what ever people wanted, but spends very little ,has a large strong family that will back him up whenever,he would like to retire from truck driver and cruise around with a nice cavelcade and a super gt.
Personality: nice, not always so serious, if you do something stupid ( like high jack the load ) he will get VERY ANGERY and may kill you, but can be very nice
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On weekends, we can start (In the US) Around 12 to 3. On weekdays, after everyone gets off work/school, it is around 3 to maybe even 5 or 6.

Are you doing one tonight and if so how many hours from now would it be?
Are you doing one tonight and if so how many hours from now would it be?

From what it looks like, I'm probably not going to host one today. Not many people on, and the ones that are on are either away or playing another game.
From what it looks like, I'm probably not going to host one today. Not many people on, and the ones that are on are either away or playing another game.

Shame, I'm wide awake. I could probably have attened. Ah well, roll on next blue moon :lol:
Heh, yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Timing everyone's sceduel is pretty tough.
Ever think about making a UK/EU Event? :drool:

Yeah I understand, think the group is mainly USA based so it would only be expected for it to be set more towards them times.

You're the boss, you're the only one who can make official events :lol:
I'm not sure I'll be able to RP much anymore. School starts again on Wednesday so I'll be going to bed when the events start during the week. :indiff:
We need to have a roleplay on Saturday afternoon, starting between 1 and 2 PM. Should fit everyone's schedule, right?
We need to have a roleplay on Saturday afternoon, starting between 1 and 2 PM. Should fit everyone's schedule, right?

Yes! But not everyone lives by you, so make sure u put the GMT or better yet EDT or PDT.