This is terrible. (Keep in mind, I'm not making an excuse for him killing those people, and I think he should be punished accordingly)
Bram Turismo, when you see the things that these soldiers see on a day to day basis, it would probably take a massive toll on your mental capacity. If you saw your friends you've gotten to know for years, gone to party's with, fought side to side with, become practically brothers, and saw them get their faces mangled by bullets, die screaming in pain, anything you can possibly imagine that could be terrible, yet worse, I'm sure that would screw you up good. War doesn't however make it right for someone to shoot up a bunch of women and children like their deer. See, what the news shows of war, is not what war is. In fact, they have almost as far of an opinion of war as the eight year old Call of Duty fanboys. They think it's just shoot him, and him, and him, yet they don't realize the emotional toll it takes when you kill someone, or watch your best friend die, knowing the family he grew up with will be hurt like nothing else in a couple hours, knowing that even though that person shooting at you is the enemy, he's much more than that. He's a man just like you, a man who might have a wife, maybe two children, one is just starting school and the other is starting their 4th year, two teeth missing and one growing in, with parents and siblings, all who will grow up from now on missing one person they loved more than words. When someone who's seen all this, who's felt all these emotions, who lost people they cared about, well that tends to screw you up. I'm not making an excuse for him shooting people, I'm just saying, it's not right to compare him to people who killed because they wished all death to Americans, because this guy didn't wish all death to Afgans, he went crazy and killed innocent people. Now, what does that sound like? Oh yeah, those crazy people who start killing innocent people. We should charge him just like any of them, not hand him over to a country which will cause him to get ripped to shreads or stoned to death. If your going to execute him, do it by lethal injection in the States, not by some cruel and terrible punishment by a country who is biased to all Americans, let alone one who just killed 16 innocent lives.
However, Burning a Holy Book or pissing on dead corpses? That's screwed up. That indicates problems before war. I don't agree with any religion, however you don't see me burning every book on the matter. And I wouldn't think about pissing on a dead person, even if they were shooting at me ten minutes ago. It's a huge disrespect for someone who's fighting for what they believe in, regardless of which side their on.