VC and SA Superjumps--instructions, pics, & discussion

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I just checked my stats, it has 559 meters as my best, and 51 meters in hieght. I guess I must not have saved afterwards. Well I can always go do some more.
Originally posted by RancidMilk
or I'm just crazy.:mischievous:

Do you really want to open that can of worms???:lol:

Originally posted by RancidMilk
I just checked my stats, it has 559 meters as my best, and 51 meters in hieght. I guess I must not have saved afterwards. Well I can always go do some more.

You really don't know how rare jumping that far is--I"ve been superjumping 7 months and have never made it to that stretch of land near Fort Baxter---I've almost made it to Starfish Island 3 times but haven't come close since last October-- do yourself a favor and save next time.

Originally posted by Spuds725
You really don't know how rare jumping that far is--I"ve been superjumping 7 months and have never made it to that stretch of land near Fort Baxter---I've almost made it to Starfish Island 3 times but haven't come close since last October-- do yourself a favor and save next time.

Spuds. [/B]

About six months ago I remember either me or you Spuds (when we first started superjumping) saying that it's only a matter before one of us got a 1000m jump. But it never happened.....

I think I've been close-- I just missed making the land near the stadium--if I'd been 20 feet longer or about 50 feet to the right I think I would have 1000 meters--- story of my life :(
Originally posted by Spuds725
I think I've been close-- I just missed making the land near the stadium--if I'd been 20 feet longer or about 50 feet to the right I think I would have 1000 meters--- story of my life :(

I've hit the water around Leaf Links a couple of times. That must be 1000m or more. But I've never successfully hit land after a REALLY long jump. And I've semi-retired from the superjumps anyway so I probably won't do it anyday soon.

I have super jumped quite a bit after I first tried it. It is really additcting after you get a really far one. And I have once almost made it to starfish island but exploded before I hit, that was about a month or so ago. most of the time I'll go south-east into little haiti or northeast to downtown.
I didn't have one on my computer that was small enough to upload to my page (it has a limit of 5 MB)-- I couldn't make another vid since my digital camera is out of town with my wife--I' try to make a new phils place one this week sometime.

I downloaded it and tried it with Media Player, didn't work said something about the codec. Then I tried it on Quick Time and that didn't work either. I don't have RealPlayer or anything like that so I can' watch it I don't think. Thanks anyway though.
I haven't tried to watch it at home-- I can't install updates at work since I don't have "administrator" priviliges.

Besides, if I want to watch a superjump, I do one--:lol:

That lighthouse one I can watch at work though.
Well I downloaded DivX player and I saw the Video so yeah, thanks Spuds and Acidman. No need to post other vids.
Cool, hope it helps--

The hard part is getting the feel of how far you should back up-- not enough and you don't get much and you get turned to the west. Its pretty much gravy after you figure that out--just a matter of time til you get a good one--keep praying to the superjump gods.

I'll try downloading that in the morning and checking it out--
I spent maybe 4 hours last night doing super-jumps, mostly I'd go into the water between the military base and the stadium, but then I got a freakishly large one that hurled me clear out to the military pennisula thing; I caught fire so I put in the health cheat but after i did I fell of the bike but landed on top of the main building in the base. If I would have landed it, it would have been monstrous. I got really mad and quit after that.
Did you have any weapons when you entered the cheat--just wondering if thats why you demorphed--That one lighthouse video shows someone entering a cheat so it should be possible--unless there is another health cheat???
Well, actually I did have weapons. When I did it I was holding the Ruger but after entering the cheat I had the RL in my hands. Do weapons cause you to demorph?
If you use the cheats as you enter it you will switch weapons and then fire-- firing does demorph you so that might cause it. Whether you fall off or not will likely depend if you are upside down or not-- I think he will stay on the bike otherwise (unless he hits something).

I haven't tried to enter a code in while superjumping so I don't know if he falls off regardless.

If you think you might use the cheat, I'd get rid of your weapons and try it that way.

Well the thing is I was doing them on my 45% file so I didn't have the extra damage so I had caught fire easier. From now on I'll do them on my 100% so I don't have to use the health cheat or anything.
On that vid you posted Spuds, why oh why is Tommy in such a weird position on the bike? I've seen him in weird positions before on bikes (no s******ing), like hugging the fuel tank (gives a perfect wheelie)?
Are you referring to him "standing" while on the bike-- to superjump you have to be morphed to a bike--makes it impossible for him to fall off (unless you fire a weapon). Morphing to a bike is a prerequisite for superjumping.

I posted a clip of how to morph but I took it down...I needed the room on my web site--maybe Famine can repost it on his, if you need or want to see how...Famine??

I tried out superjumping today and at Phil's Place all i seem to be able to do is kinda superjump down into grey hell, i got a few jumps of 50 or so meters high and 2000+ degrees, anybody know what im doing wrong?
Were you shot out or did you just fall through grey hell. If you got over 2000 rotation you were probably shot out...if so you were doing it right--its not an exact science-- I've done hundreds of usually takes a couple of tries to get to the point he falls on his side and maybe every 3rd one of these he gets shot out a decent amount. There is a certain amount of luck to it. Maybe every 10th (where you are actually shot out) one or so would be equivalent to the one I showed in the series of pics on the first page-- I call that a mediocre jump... the record ones are fairly rare.

I've stated before but it bears repeating--if you are frequently getting turned so you are facing the west, you were likely backing up in the corner too long.

As far as after you fall to the side...try both of the ways I mentioned....try holding gas a second or 2 after you fall to the side, letting go and doing nothing and you can also try waiting a few seconds after let off gas and then gunning it again....they have both worked for me.

FYI-- my 40,000 degree rotation I was in actually stuck in the wall pointed down and I was just trying to free myself when I got that was a teleport jump and it is the only one I've got there that wasn't like the ones describe in the pics.

Originally posted by Spuds725
Were you shot out or did you just fall through grey hell. If you got over 2000 rotation you were probably shot out...if so you were doing it right--its not an exact science-- I've done hundreds of usually takes a couple of tries to get to the point he falls on his side and maybe every 3rd one of these he gets shot out a decent amount. There is a certain amount of luck to it. Maybe every 10th (where you are actually shot out) one or so would be equivalent to the one I showed in the series of pics on the first page-- I call that a mediocre jump... the record ones are fairly rare.

I only tried he superjump about 15 times and yeah it sounds like i was getting shot out. Oh well, i'll try some more tomorrow.
