Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Here's a screenshot:


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Originally posted by Acidman
Damnit Spuds! Leave my records alone!

Time to do some boat hunting myself then. :D

You are gonna hate me now Acidman but I figured out a new killing method a few nights ago (using the rocket launcher)--its pretty fast (687 per 10 minutes)-- an added bonus of it is that it really raises your media attention-- II've used it about 2 1/2 hours so far.

Highest media attention- 6140

I can't post a pic yet-- I'm having problems with my PC at home--I can't get into windows but I can access the files using DOS commands--I will copy them to a floppy and upload them at work tomorrow night (I'm at the library now)-- I'm gonna likely by a new pc.

Other stats

CR 937283
kills 395153
kgs explosives 48540

I will update recordbook at work tomorrow night.

Looks like I'm not going to be a Godfather in January :(

Quick update:
Wanted Stars Attained: 3672 (no movement on the leaderboard)
Wanted Stars Evaded: 3001
Longest time in Bloodring (secs): 1260
Bloodring Kills: 1831


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Ok Spuds you need to either post or PM me with that killing method.

Not that I want to get back the Highest Media Attention record, I'll never beat you in the Rankings anyway...

I'd just really like to know.
Originally posted by Famine
...Longest time in Bloodring (secs): 1260
Bloodring Kills: 1831

You sir, are nothing if not persistent. :)
Seriously, that's quite the record. 👍 I'd chase you on it but I won't because:

a) You're way ahead of me.

b) The Bloodring can well and truly annoy me sometimes.

c) I mean, really annoy me.

Oh tell me about it.

I've been flipped onto my roof and blown up more times than I care to remember - and usually well into the teens of minutes. For some reason the re-righting mechanism just doesn't work sometimes... Bah!

But I'm determined now to get into the back half of the hour. 31' or bust! :D

New Cone Crazy time: 16s


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A little off-topic, but has anyone else seen (or stolen, like me) the black Voodoo? I acquired it during the Haitian funeral bust mission, so I assume it's always there, but I never spotted it before now:


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Famine, I have indeed stolen the black Voodoo, a fair share of times I might add. If you're attached to it don't keep it in the Hyman Condo though, we all know how easy it is for cars to dissapear in there.
I keep mine at either Sunshine Autos or at the mansion.
I've had a few disappear from the Mansion before too. And one form Sunshine Autos.

Hyman Condo has been relatively stable recently, with a garage full of Police Mavericks... :D

Anyway, cheers for the info. Didn't think it'd be new and unusual, but you never can tell :D
and boats destroyed

CR 937283
Kills 395153
time 377:27
kgs of explosives 48540

Updated recordbook--

Will update rankings tomorrow or sunday night.

Added "distance travelled by boat"-- I forgot this one before--ooops..


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I don't know if i've said this before but:

I owe pretty much all the killing I've done after 200 000 kills to Spuds and his methods. I give him full credit for helping me get to where I am now.

I'm nopw offically coming out of killing retirement. Spuds new and improved killing method has re-sparked my interest. With his new killing method I can get, on average, about 1000 kills per 15 minutes played.

People You've wasted - 508023
Forgot to write down my CR.
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
PCJ Playground - 1:04
No of headshots - 8074
Gang members wasted - 17263
Helicopters destroyed - 6308


How did your PCJ run go (any wrecks, missed checkpoints, or big slowdowns)??-- do you think less then 60 seconds is possible??

My biggest problem is getting the 3rd checkpoint-- I either have too much speed coming off the roof to make the turn to hit the stairway ramp, or I slow down too much that I don't have enough speed to reach the 3rd checkpoint--

On my 1:10 run, I got the 3rd one but wrecked when I landed (hit side of building across the street) but was able to get back on fast and just nailed the rest of the course.

As far as Acidman giving me credit, methods are one thing, but having the tenacity to keep going and going and going is quite another-- My hat is off to both Acidman and T. Vercetti for being able to keep playing through the boredom. I really don't know how you stay motivated. Getting to "Godfather" is the only thing keeping me going-- the new killing method should make the last 35,000-40,000 kills alot easier (about 9 or 10 more killing hours) as I was getting sick of killing in the Hunter.
Originally posted by Spuds725
How did your PCJ run go (any wrecks, missed checkpoints, or big slowdowns)??-- do you think less then 60 seconds is possible??

My biggest problem is getting the 3rd checkpoint-- I either have too much speed coming off the roof to make the turn to hit the stairway ramp, or I slow down too much that I don't have enough speed to reach the 3rd checkpoint--

On my 1:10 run, I got the 3rd one but wrecked when I landed (hit side of building across the street) but was able to get back on fast and just nailed the rest of the course.

No, I got a completely clean run through the course. And yeah, the 3rd checkpoint is a ***** to get. If you hit the first ramp too fast you'll get the first 2 checkpoints but you'll come down too hard to hit the ramp for the 3rd. But come off the roof too slow and you won't have enough momentum to make the jump.

There's a bit where a truck crosses your path in the alley and I have to slow down a bit. If you keep your head down and keep your speed you can get in front of him but it's hard to keep control the other side of the truck.

I'd say a below 60 second run is possible. I saw someone on an other forum post a time of 58 seconds I think. I reckon that's possible.

Updates:Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity': 0'48
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive': 1'00

Not done for the day, but I'm off out to play hockey now... Laterers :D
Originally posted by Famine
Updates:Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity': 0'48
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive': 1'00

Not done for the day, but I'm off out to play hockey now... Laterers :D

You bumped me off 2 #5 records :mad:

hey KM, which car you using for border run (if you don't mind me asking)

As far as that truck on PCJ Playground, as long as you don't wreck in the block before you reach it (at least for me), I usually don't have a problem getting past the front of it (without crouching). I just stay on the left and aim for the gap between the wall on the far side and the column right next to it.

Besides that 3rd checkpoint, my only other problem with the course is not cutting to the left a little on the little pallet ramp in the alley-- if you don't cut a little then i nail that little corner with the light pole when you land. The rest of the course I pretty much can fly through.

Updated recordbook--

I'll have to think about revealing that new killing method--I don't mind other people getting the kills, but it boosts your media attention too and I finally got back on that one.
Originally posted by Spuds725
hey KM, which car you using for border run (if you don't mind me asking)

I used the Hotring Racer. You linked to the Vice City Racer thread on Neoseeker before where someone got 1:11 with a Comet. I tried the Comet and though it corners like a dream, it doesn't have the raw straight line of the Hotring Racer, so I couldn't manage better than about 1:17 with it. I did manage 1:16 with both the Hotring Racer and the Cheetah, but I did it about 20 times in a row with the Cheetah and couldn't managed better than 1:16. The Hotring Racer doesn't take corners at high speed quite as well as some other cars, but it's got such raw straight line speed and acceleration that I think that the only way to beat most of the street race records is with it. The only exception is Ocean Beach Drive where there's two long straight runs, for this I used the PCJ600. All other records I got with the Hotring Racer.

As far as that truck on PCJ Playground, as long as you don't wreck in the block before you reach it (at least for me), I usually don't have a problem getting past the front of it (without crouching). I just stay on the left and aim for the gap between the wall on the far side and the column right next to it.

You got past the truck without slowing down? I haven't managed that without wiping out the other side. Maybe I'll try it again.

Besides that 3rd checkpoint, my only other problem with the course is not cutting to the left a little on the little pallet ramp in the alley-- if you don't cut a little then i nail that little corner with the light pole when you land. The rest of the course I pretty much can fly through.

What I do is simply try to bounce off the wall when I hit the pallet. That way I usually avoid that awkward little corner where there's a potential for a nasty wipeout.

I figured out that bounce off the wall too but even so I sometimes just cant cut if fast enough or I cut it too much and get turned a little to the left as I fly down the alley--its nothing compared to that 3rd checkpoint though.

As far as the truck you gotta have alot of speed to get past it-- and be fearless.

Also my latest;

Kills: 400213 :D
CR: 945171
time 380:29
Days 1341
Road vehicles: 98946
Boats 2104
helis: 8675
property destroyed: 711,625,850
Originally posted by Spuds725
You bumped me off 2 #5 records :mad:

hey KM, which car you using for border run (if you don't mind me asking)

Sorry... :(

I guess I lied - I WAS finished for the day. But, I've come back to Vice Street Racer today and gone for:

Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity': 0'47
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive': 0'57
Fastest time on 'Border Run': 1'19
Fastest time on 'Capital Cruise': 1'36
Fastest time on 'Tour!': 2'10
Small update - mainly miscellaneous:

Days passed in game: 312
Times Busted: 26
Hospital Visits: 58
Distance Traveled on Foot (Miles): 249.54
Distance Traveled by Car (Miles): 1807.03
Distance Traveled by Bike (Miles): 274.24
Distance Traveled by Boat (Miles): 22.97
Distance Traveled by Golf Cart (Miles): 2.54
Distance Traveled by Helicopter (Miles): 121.43
Total Distance Traveled (Miles): 2477.78

Kgs of explosives used: 14843

(Edit: Bollocks. Could have edited the last post instead of making a new one. Sorry...)
Originally posted by Famine
Sorry... :(

I guess I lied - I WAS finished for the day. But, I've come back to Vice Street Racer today and gone for:

Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity': 0'47
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive': 0'57
Fastest time on 'Border Run': 1'19
Fastest time on 'Capital Cruise': 1'36
Fastest time on 'Tour!': 2'10

Bumped me off another one-- thanks :mad:

I did about 350 more levels of Brown thunder today (can't waste a good spawning point) and went over 100000 road vehicles destroyed.

CR 953308
Kills 403569
Road vehicles destroyed 100002
Boats destroyed 2120
Helis destroyed 8700
Criminals wasted 126128
Criminals killed on vig. 172796

Hoping for Godfather by next weekend (if I get time to play).


Will try to update rankings tonight