Need a pic for that checkpoint charlie (new #1)--
if you could in the future, post all your stats you want to update in one post with one of your pics, and put subsequent pics in other posts-- I only need pics for new #1's or for what is considered unbelievable (or at least hard to believe) stats-- this will save me time when I edit the recordbook--thanks..
Also, it helps if you actually post them to this thread (I just pulled your other records off of the other thread)-- just to clarify, your highest vigilante level is now 3200?? Also I pulled off 572% for your accuracy--is that correct-
What is your property destroyed up to (did it go over 1 billion, stop at 999,999,999 or roll over to 0)?? I'm just curious.
I would also prefer you post your time played--pic is not necessary.