Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
16 minutes in the Bloodring :D But the AI seem to have found a new gear for aggression... It took me four attempts to do it, and each time it took well over 5 minutes just to get into the 2 minute zone. I got blown up on 12 minutes once as well (irritating)...

I'll do a full Assman, sorry Acidman, style stats update tomorrow... :D
Originally posted by Famine

I'll do a full Assman, sorry Acidman, style stats update tomorrow... :D

I'll wait on updating the rankings until this afternoon then (its 8:30 am now--but if you don't update your stats by around 3 pm-- you will have to wait until next time.

Also, if you are doing a big update, please only include recordbook stats and keep them in order (like they are displayed in your stats page)



Recordbook updated--
Alright! Alright! :lol:

I just scratched through the book and most of my updates won't affect my standings in their categories (Seagulls sniped, for example). But here they are...

Planes & Helicopters destroyed: 1164
Tires popped with gunfire: 1748
Wanted Stars Attained: 1666
Wanted Stars Evaded: 1131
Number of headshots: 3546
Gang members wasted: 4788
Longest 2 wheels distance (m): 73.63m
Total fires extinguished: 532
Longest time in Bloodring (secs): 1020
Bloodring Kills: 1393
Seagulls Sniped: 108

Yes - I got my 17 minutes in the Bloodring. It was touch and go for a while though. And I managed something I'd not done before too... Whoops:


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Updated recordbook and rankings
(rather then upload new rankings pic into a new post, I uploaded it into my post a few above this one--you will note the date at bottom of pic is now 1/18/04)


Congrats on the 17 minute bloodring-- question: what are you doing on top of the garage things---I've never tried getting up there before.
I wasn't trying... I got some assistance :D

I often do the half-pipe thing - drive up one side of the arena, turning at the top, in order to get a straight line across the centre bit. Unfortunately, as I slowed down there was a chasing AI car who blitzed me onto the roof there... I thought it was mildly unusual, so I paused quick and grabbed the camera! :D

It was pretty close to where I saw an AI car drive straight out of the arena a while ago too...
I got bored at midnight last night...

Bloodring Time: 1080s
Bloodring Kills: 1514

CR 905705 --still hoping to reach Godfather by end of the month (I'm taking vacation from work next week--should find time)
Kills 375180

PCJ playground 1:22 (I also had a great one going--I had 50 seconds on the clock as I hit the side of the building leaving the last jump about 4 feet short)--also, I found that on any of my saved games, I can only get a save pcj playground time once--it won't let me beat it in the stats :banghead: :banghead:

I did not take a pic of the 1:22 as I intend to much better.

Also, this is a pic of my Dirtring time--have not tried to beat acidmans last one yet (but its on my list of things to do).



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Originally posted by Gaskell
My flatmate Tom's best on VC : Endurance is 3:54 (PS2) :P


ps. He just got 3:55 as well ;)

Did you want him listed??-- I need a screenshot for #1 record--if you can't submit one, I can list it but it will have (unverified) next to it and it will be #5-- should I just put "Tom" for the name or "Gaskell's Flatmate" :lol:

No problem-- if you are gonna submit more records with that name make sure you put the name at the top (or create a new user account with it)-- or just do whatever it takes to make it clear to me who got the record-- thanks--


updated (recordbook)-unverified for now
Does a "3:51" sound way too farfetched? Without a pic to confirm it I guess it does. :indiff:
At any rate I recently got that in the VC Enduro. That Hotring Racer was behaving like a dream.

I'll get a camera someday, I'll get a camera I tell you!
I do believe it is possible (on another thread someone did a 3:41 and I believe him), but it has been the policy of this recordbook to provide screenshots for new #1 records--if you mail me a photo of it, I will scan it for you and post it if you want-- PM me if you want to do this-- make sure you don't get too close to the TV if you take a photo (most cameras have a minimum focal length of 3 feet) and turn off the flash.

Or we can poll everyone

Spuds-- yes.
1-1 so far.


Well, I believe Sleek actually.

My post above was to be taken more as a joke, asking him to post a pic of his camera and all.

I guess I should have put one of these in there - :P.

That's never going to happen unless you turn the traffic off. And even then you're cutting it fine. 3'51 I believe - I think that a 3'48 is possible, but with zero collisions.
Yeah, but the odds of having zero collisions are pretty low.
On my run I had a few bumps into other cars, but at low speed.

The best thing you can do when you get that "Oh ****!" feeling, and you just know you're gonna crash is to lay off the gas and try to coast through the hairy situation as best as your senses will allow.
Still, I was amazed at how my Hotring Racer tore ass once I got on the highway to Little Haiti, and throughout the very same it was extremely smooth.
I honestly didn't think I had a shot at breaking my PB when I was still exiting Vice Point.
Originally posted by Famine

That's never going to happen unless you turn the traffic off. And even then you're cutting it fine. 3'51 I believe - I think that a 3'48 is possible, but with zero collisions.

ok I'll bite, how do you turn the traffic off??

If you read the thread I mentioned, you will find that he (the guys handle is Coognut) is very knowledgeable about running the cars at the ragged edge--its an interesting thread-- they also have the best times posted for various cars on VC Endurance.
I seem to recall it's one of the hundreds of thousands of cheats that people seem to use.

I only ever tried one myself - the one which supposedly displays your current Media Rating (as in current - not maximum) on the game screen. It didn't work.

There is no way I'll ever believe a 3'41 unless someone comes into my house and does it in front of me. 3'45 is the least I'd accept - but that'd be pushing it.

I've been trying new speed challenges which aren;t in the game. My record for getting into the Sabre Turbo (Sunshine Autos) to the entrance (as in inside) of the Hyman Arena is 86s (1h 26 elapsed on the game clock). That's quite a fun one :D.

I'll have a look for that thread at neoseeker then, I guess... :D
I know that 3:41 is unbelievable, but if you read his posts and how adamant he is about people not posting fake times--he has most of the best times there and he does complain about having most of the best time--I've PMed him (about Integra's posted time on "tour") and he agreed it was impossible to get 1:43 on that race--he isn't a kid either, I think he is like 27 or so--kind of above making false claims (not that I'm against you younguns).

If there is a clear traffic cheat maybe he used it and it is acceptable there (I did not ask)--I honestly don't know how fast you can get on VC endurance-- that race frustrates the hell out of me--its too long and I keep screwing up and wasted all the time up to the screw up.

Either way, this recordbook will be maintained as cheat free-- so I expect honesty from everyone :mad: -- but glitches are another matter (see my superjump, jump height, and flip records)--

On a side note, I will post a little note like I did for my flip and jump height records if anyone wants to explain a glitch record or particular vehicle for a race or whatever.

I'm also going to trial adding additional categories in the record book for the remaining stats in the game (even infamous ones) distance travelled in different vehicles, days passed in game, fishes fed, times busted, hospital visits, etc this is really just so the recordbook is complete--since we already have some pretty meaningless stats in there anyway--

I'm not going to add these categories to the rankings though--since they would likely boost me to the top of the rankings (I rule getting busted, hospital visits, helicopter travel distance, and total travel distance)--anyway, I don't anyone to think, that is why I'm adding them--these misc stats will be lumped together at the bottom of the recordbook so won't be in order like most of the rest of the recordbook.

Comments or concerns about this requested (PM me or post here if you want).

Since KM and I are the only ones to try superjumps, I'm thinking of moving these down to the misc status too and removing them from the rankings (these give me and him 3 categories in the rankings no one else has (4 categories for me since he hasn't posted or gotten a superjump flip yet))--alternately, some other people can try doing the superjumps--they are really fun actually--I do them rarely now, only because I don't have any game playing time to spare doing them (my life is pretty busy) and it takes a while to get a good one (what I consider good now anyway).

Originally posted by Spuds725
I know that 3:41 is unbelievable, but if you read his posts and how adamant he is about people not posting fake times--he has most of the best times there and he does complain about having most of the best time--I've PMed him (about Integra's posted time on "tour") and he agreed it was impossible to get 1:43 on that race--he isn't a kid either, I think he is like 27 or so--kind of above making false claims (not that I'm against you younguns).

I'm 27 this year... :lol: Youngun indeed!

Not to over-philosophise, but those who shout loudest about something tend to be the other way themselves. Think of the homophobic but gay nextdoor neighbour in "American Beauty".

I'm not above cheating. But I figure that I've taken so much time to prove myself in GT3 with Xport replays and everything else, I simply have too much at stake - my reputation - by lying about my times or cheating. There isn't the same recourse in GTA - short of videoing a live run. That would make me believe it - if it were a PS2 version. I'm told you can slow down the clock on a PC to acheive better times - seen those people who claim 90s or less for Expert Minesweeper? - but I wouldn't know how it was done.

Most people here on this thread are trustworthy - through word and deed. I cannot judge Coognut since I do not know him. I hope his time is genuine, and if he can physically prove it then I will happily retract my :odd: expression and words. But I don't believe a word of it right now.
At least you were not alive before video games existed-- I remember the hoopla surrounding the groundbreaking game of Pong.
I remember my brother (35 this year :D) piecing together a ZX80, I remember our ZX81 and I remember our ZX Spectrum 16k (and Rob upgrading it to 48k). Everything else since then I've kept... My collection of Spectrums is worth like £1000 :lol:

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