Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I got nearly 7 mintes on bloodring but the car blew up (to many cars blew up around it) i was 6:30 or so, so i was very mad.

Do you guys have many tips on bloodring as i like it and find it fun.
My main tip is to keep moving-- keep you view on wide and if any of the other cars catch fire, do whatever you can to get away from them-- best way to finish a level is to avoid damage-- even if it takes a while.

Learn to not flip when jumping over the middle section at an angle (turn into your roll).

Stay out of the crouds, if they start to box you in and you can't get to your next checkpoint, just get out of the croud and come back to it--- if its close and they turn you around so its behind you back up to it (use your rear view)-- but if the croud is too thick, just get away.

I find I make the most progress when I'm able to keep my speed up so I avoid going over the middle unless the checkpoint is up there.

I've also found you can draw the other cars up the walls by driving on the flat sections up at the top, you need to keep moving so they don't land on you and don't get stuck in one of the corners.

Thats about it-- just stay cool-- I don't reload the game if I fail bloodring unless I screwed up and ended it real fast-- I think i do better if I don't play it as often--Avoiding burnout. I did my last couple on 1 try each but did them all on different days- I've failed 11 minute one 3 times now--- just bad luck I guess.

Also, I don't know if you've noticed but the car does heal, so if you do take some damage, don't panic just keep hitting your checkpoints and you can get it back up to full strength over a few minutes.
Thanks Spuds for the tips.
I have a few records to be updated (again)

2 Wheel time 4 sec
2 Wheel distance 141.82
Little Hait chopper checkpoint 1:45
PCJ playground 1:06
Test Track 2:15

Thanks Oh and im still working on the 2 wheel time as i got a good car I just need the right place.
forgot photo again :(


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Originally posted by Spuds725
For a quick 200,000 CR points-- max your money.


How do you max your money? I'm c(lap) at Brown Thunder, so you can forget the Vigilante missions... :lol:
well than you can forget ya max money. Brown thunder only way to do it and you will need to get to about 390 levels in a row to get $999 999 999

Attempt brown thunder near the army barracks as there is a good spawning point
Flying the hunter just takes a little practice--it is actually the best chopper to fly as it is so responsive--also, as you complete levels the hunter gets more armor, so you can get more aggressive as you do more levels as it becomes virtually indestructible-- after a few hundred levels it takes over 50 shots with your rocket launcher to blow it up. If you get level 12 to lock in at the airport in the runway area, from then on, 2 of the 3 cars will spawn in the spot your level 12 cars spawned. If on the runway, between 80-95% of the time, the 3rd car will kill itself, and you can just mostly hover near the spawn point firing your minigun and blow up the cars as they spawn--I've done 100 levels in under 15 minutes at a good spot before-- the hard part it getting them to spawn at the airport in the first place.

You can also max out your money by 3 other ways (they are all similar)-- If you have a lousy time or have not done test track, trial by dirt, or cone crazy-- this is how you can max out your money (cone crazy is the fastest since is the shortest race).

These are not interchangeable--you have to select one of the races and keep redoing that particular race.

Each time you do the race and beat your old time you get more money (I believe it doubles each time)--so keep repeating the races but each time beat your time by preferably 1 second-- if you do this about 20 times you will max out your money---I've never done this but I'm told it works--

If you ever start a new game-- do cone crazy right away and get a time just under a minute and then keep barely beating it and you will never have to worry about money the rest of the game.


updated recordbook
Edit:Bloodring Kills: 1077 (:D)
Bloodring Time: 900 seconds
Wanted Stars Attained: 1586
Wanted Stars Evaded: 1073


Cheers for the advice guys!
None are really ez but the fastest way is via the blowing up helicopters in garage glitch-- park a few sparrows in your big Hymen condo garage-- walk up to garage til it opens- fire rocket into garage--let them blow up, back up a little til the garage closes- go back toward it and it opens and the helis will be healed-- repeat-- you get 30 pts per helicopter and can park as many as 4 in the hymen condo (it may eat them occassionally)-- if you get a wanted level or damage you can grab the bribe or armor there and to make the bribe and armor respawn just save.

I didn't like doing it that way since it "felt" like cheating to me.

It is boring and still takes a while though.

If you do do it this way, all I ask is that you account for your CR points by posting your heli stats

I played yesterday but had nothing but bad luck-- I got a good brownthunder spot and did about 150 levels-- then I had a car spawn in the side of one of the ships in vice port-- so I was getting in position to take a pic of it and I accidently hit the bail out button and drowned (lost about 1700 kills toward my CR)-- then I was messing around before I saved and my kid (15 months) decided to push the little light on the front of the playstation (reset) --so I lost the CR points for the criminals killed on vigilante too-- so all in all, I lost about 3,500 CR points...can't wait til my kid starts playing video games so I can pay him back.:lol:

Originally posted by Spuds725
None are really ez but the fastest way is via the blowing up helicopters in garage glitch-- park a few sparrows in your big Hymen condo garage-- walk up to garage til it opens- fire rocket into garage--let them blow up, back up a little til the garage closes- go back toward it and it opens and the helis will be healed-- repeat-- you get 30 pts per helicopter and can park as many as 4 in the hymen condo (it may eat them occassionally)-- if you get a wanted level or damage you can grab the bribe or armor there and to make the bribe and armor respawn just save.

I didn't like doing it that way since it "felt" like cheating to me.

It is boring and still takes a while though.

If you do do it this way, all I ask is that you account for your CR points by posting your heli stats

I played yesterday but had nothing but bad luck-- I got a good brownthunder spot and did about 150 levels-- then I had a car spawn in the side of one of the ships in vice port-- so I was getting in position to take a pic of it and I accidently hit the bail out button and drowned (lost about 1700 kills toward my CR)-- then I was messing around before I saved and my kid (15 months) decided to push the little light on the front of the playstation (reset) --so I lost the CR points for the criminals killed on vigilante too-- so all in all, I lost about 3,500 CR points...can't wait til my kid starts playing video games so I can pay him back.:lol:


Ok cool, thanks, i did know about that glitch before, but i didnt know about doing 4 at a time.
The smallest - and so easiest to fit in - helicopter is the VCN Maverick. If you're interested *innocentty whistles*
Originally posted by Famine
The smallest - and so easiest to fit in - helicopter is the VCN Maverick. If you're interested *innocentty whistles*

HA! Finally got you! :P

All I did was put one Sea Spparow in the Hyman Condo garage and blow it up. Quite a tedious task, having no life helps. 👍
Originally posted by Acidman
HA! Finally got you! :P

All I did was put one Sea Spparow in the Hyman Condo garage and blow it up. Quite a tedious task, having no life helps. 👍

I used the Sea Sparrow too, but I put 4 in. Although after a while 2 will probably be eaten and you'll have 2 left.

And don't use the rocket launcher to blow them up, use the Minigun. That you can blow them up from much closer range without getting any damage yourself, and you can do it much faster.

But as Spuds said, it's boring as hell.

Originally posted by KieranMurphy
I used the Sea Sparrow too, but I put 4 in. Although after a while 2 will probably be eaten and you'll have 2 left.

And don't use the rocket launcher to blow them up, use the Minigun. That you can blow them up from much closer range without getting any damage yourself, and you can do it much faster.

But as Spuds said, it's boring as hell.


How high does it boost it?
yep 30 pts each--so from your CR ~ 400,000 were talking 20,000 helis to reach Godfather-- better get crackin--

I never tried with the mini gun, but yeah, might be better then the rocket launcher-- although getting hurt is easily remedied by having the armor and save point (to heal) 15 feet away.


I didn't write down exact numbers but did 300 levels of brown thunder today.
CR 895,700
Kills 368,700

Also, has anyone else had problems with improving their PCJ playground time after 100%-- I did a race in 1:15 today (my current record is 1:38) and I got the mission completed message at the end but not the little music thing you get after everything else--also, no new best time message, and my stats didn't change.

I tried starting a new game and reloading my saved game- and got a 1:20-- same thing????

I might have to use one of my early saved games to improve my time and to post my proof.
Originally posted by Spuds725
Also, has anyone else had problems with improving their PCJ playground time after 100%-- I did a race in 1:15 today (my current record is 1:38) and I got the mission completed message at the end but not the little music thing you get after everything else--also, no new best time message, and my stats didn't change.

I tried starting a new game and reloading my saved game- and got a 1:20-- same thing????

I might have to use one of my early saved games to improve my time and to post my proof.

Yeah, I've been thinking of starting a new game to try and beat my PCJ Playground time because it won't register any new times I get at all in the stats.

well i got my 1:06 beating my 1:5x and i have 100% so i guess it works for some ppl
Originally posted by Small_Fryz
oh can you update the vice city rankings table thingy to please

I was planning on doing that today-- I usually do it on weekends I work. Depends on how busy I get today-- if not done today should be done tomorrow.

Thanks for the responses--I hate it that I don't get credit for my PCJ 1:15 but on the bright side, I think I can beat it (I wrecked once)-- I read on another forum of someone going under 1 minute.

updated rankings-- if anyone has stats to update, post them and I will update again tomorrow sometime.



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Alright, I think it's about time for a full update....

CR - 1238948
Playing Time - 502:39
People You've wasted - 502019
Road Vehicles destroyed - 93489
Boats destroyed - 1738
Planes and helicopters destroyed - 15366
Tires popped with gunfire - 10031
Stars attained - 8263
Stars evaded - 5090
Headshots - 4057
Gang members wasted - 15384
Criminals wasted - 77210
Kgs of explosives used - 391724
Accuracy - 265%
Criminals killed on vigilante - 100782
alloy wheels of steel - 1:44
Driver - 2:03
Baron (plane) race - 2:23
RC Helicopter pickup - 7:27
downtown chopper checkpoint - 2:38
Vice Point Chopper checkpoint - 2:06
Trial by dirt - 2:36
Test Track - 2:36
cone crazy - :28
Dirt Ring - 2:44 :D - just got that one last night
Flight hours - 1:25
Best % hits for shooter - 94%
seagulls sniped - 228
Property destroyed - $689836160

If anyone doesn't believe any of these records ask me for a screenshot, or go to hell. Your choice. :D
I was expecting him to have 550,000 kills-- thats a big update, I'll get it in the morning and update the rankings too--


ps... I found a new way to fall through grey hell (done it twice now)-- you need a bunch of speed but drive north on a PCJ and hit the inside corner of the building where you grab the PCJ for PCJ Playground (just behind where the bike is parked) and sometimes, when you fly off the bike you fall into the building and fall through grey hell-- you land south of the same building-- was pretty cool the first time.