Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Played again today and once again, got killed after about 2,000 kills (3rd time in a row-- although one of the times I was busted) :banghead:

Anyway--I was pissed so I worked on my other stats for a few hours--

Kills 343,301 #2
CR 846,725

Border Run 1:25 #5
Downtown chopper checkpoint: 1:53 #2
Ocean Beach Chopper checkpoint 1:29 #2
Little Haiti Choper Checkpoint 1:46 #2

Bloodring 540 seconds (9 minutes) #2
Bloodring kills 717 #2

I'm king of second best :lol:

I figured out KM's chopper checkpoint secret-- I think. Now I just have to learn not to hit stuff.
Originally posted by Spuds725
I figured out KM's chopper checkpoint secret-- I think. Now I just have to learn not to hit stuff.

There's a trick I've figured out to knock about 4 or 5 seconds off the time of the race. But it still takes a fair bit of practice on each course to lower your times. You just gotta know the course off by heart so you can take corners smoothly and avoid hitting stuff in awkward spots like trees and power lines.

Yep, I figured out the trick yesterday and figured it saved at least 5 seconds--

Memorizing the courses hasn't really helped me, the damn Sparrows are just not responsive enough-- now if I could do it with the Hunter :D

I do have room for improvement-- hardly any of my races were near clean, I was surprised by my times-- the 5 seconds does make a big difference-- (it might even save you more then 5 secs on a few of them).
You know I'm gonna need a screenshot if you break the vigilante record-- do you have a digital cam???

Also, where is your spawn point-- be specific (don't just say runway)-- I'm just curious.

And pray the game doesn't lock up.

Originally posted by Hell No
In the airport by the controll tower with the spinning thing.

Im on level 3358 now.

Still going.

North or south of it-- either one is good--I've gotten 400 levels an hour at either one.

Will definitely need to see a pic (you might want to take one now in cases your game locks up- I will post record if I have a pic even if its not in your save file due to a lock up)

FYI, as far as your CR goes, you are getting 12 pts per level doing vigilante (your kills stat on your screen as you do vigilante--the ones that kill themselves count toward this) and when you save or go to a pay n spray you will get the points for the kills about 8 more per leve (that you actually killed 1 pt each) -- I would not try to land and go to a pay n spray (while on vigilante)-- the hunter likes to disapear when you turn your back.

By my calculation just from vigilante you should have raised your CR by almost 70,000 pts (after you get your kills credited)

Whats your goal (when are you gonna stop)-- I know its possible to go indefinitely--but you will have to quit at some point-- I know its hard to stop after you have gone that far.

Good luck--

updated-- (unverified for now)

Ok heres one from an hour or two ago.

030104-gta 10.jpg

Just so you get the idea. :D

Yes my CR has gone up about 65,000, and im thinking on stopping at 4000.

Not sure yet though.
You still might want to take a pic now just in case--

power failure, someone kicks out cord, lock up, etc...

Congrats to setting a new record--I'm gonna put up your pic stats for now--


No hurry on posting the pic, just take the pic so you have a record of it (just in case)

When I did my record run I was taking a pic every 100 levels (just in case) my game is prone to lockups though--
Ok--- updated

No need to post until you get your final numbers but don't hesitate to take a pic every 100 levels or so, so you have proof.

Also, when you are done post your other stats (kills and stuff)-- you should be in the rankings in several stats now.



I will be updating the rankings tomorrow so if anyone needs to update their stats--don't say I didn't give you warning.
No i aint yet. lmao. I was thinking of going to 4500, but then i will feel the urge to go to 5000.

Its a really hard decision.
I told you it is tough to stop--especially if you ever think you might want to go higher, its tough to start another long spree again-- I'm fairly sick of Vigilante at the airport--not killing them there, but when that third one survives it seems to always be in vice port and that little hop gets old (thats usually when I clear my stars too).

I'm thinking of doing brownthunder in vice point some time-- just to see if there are any good spawning points there-- I imagine if you could get a beach spawning point, it might go pretty good.
Best place I ever had I could get between 300-400 levels per hour (400 was tough but doable)--

Don't worry about me going for your record-- I'm going for Godfather and then hanging it up as far as killing. Since my game is prone to locking up, I don't play much more then 2 hours at a time without saving (so I don't lose my kill stats toward my criminal ranking) so I don't see me doing more the 800 levels at a shot-- but if someone else is so motivated, any record (that involves endurance) can be broken--they just have to want to do it.
Well, its finally over. Here you go..

253 H 34 M

914 Days passed.

040104-VC Vigilante stats 001.jpg

People wasted - 76,332. (was 30k when i started)

040104-VC Vigilante stats 002.jpg

And the big one.

Level 4620. :)

040104-VC Vigilante stats 003.jpg

Anything else?
I got your other stats off the pics and updated them in the record book

Planes and Helis, criminals killed on vigilante, road vehicles, etc--please verify I got them right as some were hard to read.

I can' t read your Criminal rating (flash is reflected in screen) and you didn't post a pic of your criminals wasted--

I don't need to see a pic (your other stats are proof of these--since they move together with kills and criminals wasted on vigilante) but just post the numbers when you get a chance-- no hurry.

(Note: try turning the flash off in the future or take pic at more of an angle to avoid the flash reflection.)


Also, looks like you are #2 in people saved in ambulance.

One other thing-- did you take the pics before you saved??-- It looks like your CR is 38x,xxx-- but if you saved your kills on your vigilante should have been credited to your CR so it should be around 425,000-- you didn't end your run by dying or getting busted did you??? "...Say it ain't so..."
Originally posted by Spuds725
I got your other stats off the pics and updated them in the record book

Planes and Helis, criminals killed on vigilante, road vehicles, etc--please verify I got them right as some were hard to read.

I can' t read your Criminal rating (flash is reflected in screen) and you didn't post a pic of your criminals wasted--

I don't need to see a pic (your other stats are proof of these--since they move together with kills and criminals wasted on vigilante) but just post the numbers when you get a chance-- no hurry.

(Note: try turning the flash off in the future or take pic at more of an angle to avoid the flash reflection.)


Also, looks like you are #2 in people saved in ambulance.

One other thing-- did you take the pics before you saved??-- It looks like your CR is 38x,xxx-- but if you saved your kills on your vigilante should have been credited to your CR so it should be around 425,000-- you didn't end your run by dying or getting busted did you??? "...Say it ain't so..."

Yes i died, i got pulled out, and 2 people were shooting at me with a spas shotgun. I couldnt get up. But im stil pleased with the result.