Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I reckon that we should ruin a XMas competition for certain races, helicopyer checkpoints, etc. to see who can win a virtual bottle of whiskey. After all, nobody's actually donated a bottle of whiskey But I think that at least a bottle og Stolichyana Vodka or Jameson Whiskey should be availbe for certain records.

Anyone agree? I know we're split all over the globe, but at least a virtual bottle of vodka or whisky should be made available for certain records.....

i.e. Most Killls,
Highest Vigilante mission.
Most Gang Members Wasted,
Most stars wanted and escaped, etc.

Anyone in for it?

So we shall be playing for this then? I don't drink, but still, I could sell it to my friends. :lol:


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How about most haitians (gang members) killed--

was that insensitive??

As far as drinking--I'm contractually obligated to drink only Bud Light-- It sucks being a party animal.

I did some research and I've come to the conclusion that the "Tour" time posted by IntegraGS-R must have been a Typo on his part from when he was running the recordbook-- He had a time of 1:43 which is 15 seconds faster then any time I've seen posted anywhere

I personally think he accidently typed in his "capital cruise" time in the wrong spot-- those of you that know/knew him when he ran the recordbook know that he was not the type to post false stats--if he was I think he came across as smart enough to post believable stats. :lol:

Anyway, I emailed him and informed him I deleted his time and asked him if he wants to recheck and update his time to please do-- if his 1:43 is right I asked him to submit a screenshot though.

I updated the "Tour" rankings

#5 spot is now open-- I think I have a 2:20 time or so-- I'll have to check.
Well I believe in a few days, a week at the most, I will finally retire from competitively playing Vice City.

I believe that once Reach 500,000 kills, that record as with my Criminla Rating will be pretty much untouchable by anyone currently on this board.

My stats as of right now:
People Wasted - 475225
Criminal Rating - 1201796
Just to clarify-- I could touch it, I just choose not to. :lol:
(otherwise we will never be able to stop killing--someone has to break the cycle)

Are you gonna get GTA:3?? I'm thinking of getting it and mastering it before the next one comes out-- after I reach Godfather of course.

Also, are you ever gonna try superjumping-- you gotta do it at least once.
That is true, you could beat the People killed if you wanted to, sorry about that. I don't know about GTA: III.

Meh, I don't know about superjumps either.
Originally posted by Acidman

Meh, I don't know about superjumps either.


My latests

CR-- 839470
Time played-- 341:23
Kills- 336634
Road vehicles destroyed-- 84235
Boats destroyed-- 1251
Helicopters destroyed - 7900
Tires popped- 5156
Wanted stars attained - 4312
" " " " avoided - 2549
Headshots-- 5722
Gangmembers wasted 12681
Criminals wasted 103253
Kgs of Explosives-- 28360
Criminals killed on vigilante-- 141046
Accuracy- 322%
Property destroyed- $608,779,328
Spuds, I long suspected that Integra's time was a mistake on his behalf or whoever made up the record book before you.

"Tour" is the only race I don't have the 1st or 2nd best time for, and I haven't come close to beating 2 minutes for it yet. I haven't even come close to getting a clean run for it.

As for my suggestion for a Xmas competition for certain races, you'd best ignore that suggestion. I was obviously smashed when I wrote it because a) I don't remember posting it and b) I've no idea how it would work.

So ignore it.

On a lighter note, I got 2:23 for the RC Bandit race. If you need it I can get you a screenshot.

If I ever get to "Godfather" I'll once again work on my race times.

Does anyone think Acidman can actually stop killing??? :lol:

Nope. Acidman will not.

I wanna be like him though. I beat the final storyline missions and a few Cuban and Hatian missions and now at 68% but with only 2,8xxx people wasted.

Yech. Must...use...M60...:drool:

I possibly think also I'm #1 in "ice cream" deliveries. with 200 something deliveries.
Originally posted by Spuds725
Does anyone think Acidman can actually stop killing??? :lol:

Oh God I hope so. I've played this game way to much. It's time to retire. I'm even coming up on 500 hours of playtime. Hopefully it will round off to 500 hours when I reach 500,000 kills. Heh, that would be equivalent to 1,000 kills for every hour I played, cool.
Originally posted by Acidman
Oh God I hope so. I've played this game way to much. It's time to retire. I'm even coming up on 500 hours of playtime. Hopefully it will round off to 500 hours when I reach 500,000 kills. Heh, that would be equivalent to 1,000 kills for every hour I played, cool.

I'm almost up to 1,000 kills per hour of play time now-- 337,000 kills on 341 hours of play time-- a 2 hour killing spree will do it.

Updated (with Acidman's "final" killing numbers)---- still waiting for his other stats..
Hey I was wondering...Do mutiple deaths count? Because I probably have the higest record for most fish fed. :lol:

By the way, I got a digi cam for Chistmas today. I need to charge the battery, but I probably have a couple of records. Most "ice cream" sold, and possibly the quickest hotring time of 13 seconds even.
Originally posted by xAkirax2004
Hey I was wondering...Do mutiple deaths count? Because I probably have the higest record for most fish fed. :lol:

By the way, I got a digi cam for Chistmas today. I need to charge the battery, but I probably have a couple of records. Most "ice cream" sold, and possibly the quickest hotring time of 13 seconds even.

Post the stats/pics-- as far as 13 seconds even, you need to read the little note in the recordbook for that race--the game rounds it down so your time is likely a fair amount higher-- start a new race and post a pic of the time that is displayed as they start the race (not your stats pic).

Also, I don't understand how that record is possible so you better explain to me how you are re-writing the laws of vice city physics-- The best time I've ever seen on PS2 is in the mid 14s.

What platform are you running the game on also?? PS2, PC, or XBOX.... if you got in the PC version and modified the top speed parameter for the Hotring racer then you time is not valid.

Records with cheats or mods are not allowed!!!


Updated recordbook--
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
Spuds, I long suspected that Integra's time was a mistake on his behalf or whoever made up the record book before you.

"Tour" is the only race I don't have the 1st or 2nd best time for, and I haven't come close to beating 2 minutes for it yet. I haven't even come close to getting a clean run for it.


Hey, I think I solved the Tour time mystery--- I looked back at the original recordbook thread (the one done by Shannon) and found the 1:43 there, then looked where Integra posted all his stats-- his time for border run was 1:43 but his Tour time was "MUCH" higher. I think Shannon just entered it in the wrong spot--- I looked over all of Integra's other posts and he never put in different time. I guess he never noticed it when he was doing the recordbook.

Anyway, mystery solved--

I snapped a pic with my digi-cam and managed to get the "ice cream" sales down. if you can't read it it says 245.


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well after months or so here are my races times and my hotring lap time confirmed :)


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mum got a digi camera for christmas so i was able to take a pic

oh and can you add my rating (225888) as seen in the first pic
Wow, I'm surprised I still in the record book. I'm on there 12 times. I'm surprised that number hasnt gone down due to the fact I havent played this game is quite a few months.
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Wow, I'm surprised I still in the record book. I'm on there 12 times. I'm surprised that number hasnt gone down due to the fact I havent played this game is quite a few months.

Some of us are stuck raising our CR to Godfather and don't have time to do other stuff-- but yes, some of your records are tough to beat.

I didn't write down my stats-- I got killed after 2,000 or so and was too pissed to keep playing (I was managing a real good killing rate too--Ranchers were spawning like crazy)--

Small-- I was wondering if you were gonna ever confirm your times-- Frankly, I was finding them hard to believe (especially the Hotring one)--mmmmm this crow is delicious... :lol:

Originally posted by Spuds725
mmmmm this crow is delicious... :lol:

What does that mean.

and yes i was thinking of trying to better the times that i am not first in as i have nothing better to do.

On a lighter note, yesterday I started a new game. I think I need to start killing. Considering the fact my criminal rating is only 624 and Ive just recently completed the protection ring asset.

God I need to kill more.
Originally posted by Small_Fryz
What does that mean.

When you are wrong about something, and you have to admit being wrong-- it is referred to as "eating crow" (I was wrong in not believing your times).

-- I guess this is just an american saying-- I don't know where/how it originated.