Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Sleek, do you have a release date PS2? Did you get yours when they first came out? If so, that could be the problem, or so i've heard from reading up on PS2 disc read errors and such. I forget what my model number is but i'll edit this post later with my model bumber. Also if you get a disc read error on any game. Phone up Sony and they'll give you information on where to send your PS2 to so that you can get it fixed free of charge. I had to send mine away during the summer as some of you may recall, i had tos end it 2 provinces over and it was only gone for a week so, at least they do fast work.
*scratched back of head* :embarrassed: Um... yeah, about that. My PS2 has the mod-chip in it, as in it had to be opened, as in it had to have the sticker on the back of it ripped off therefore nullifying the warranty etc.
Even so I bought it used and finding the guy who sold it to me to find out when he bought it, could prove troublesome :confused: Further more, could Sony tell me where to send my PS2 seeing as how I'm overseas?
My best course of action I think is to save up and have it cleaned out thoroughly at a shop where they put the chips in, that usually shot some life into my PS1 when it started messing up back then. :indiff:
Oh yes, Sony won't do **** for you if you have "Tampered" with their presious product. But a cleaning might do the trick though.

Also the Model Number on my PS2 is SCHP-39001
I played a little last night doing misc stuff, started a killing spree and locked up--at least it was early in the spree, and then I hung it up:

I will likely not get to play for at least 3 weeks but I will be able to update the record book through next sunday-- then no updates from Nov 24 through Dec 5

I will be updating the rankings on saturday so don't hold back your stats.

My latest:

CR-- 800433
Time played-- 330:00
Kills- 318499
Road vehicles destroy-- 79262
Boats destroyed-- 1172
Helicopters destroyed - 7591
Tires popped- 4961
Wanted stars attained - 4001
" " " " avoided - 2297
Headshots-- 5656
Gangmembers wasted 12424
Criminals wasted 93838
Criminals killed on vigilante-- forgot to write down
Accuracy- 312%
Downtown chopper checkpoint 2:12
Little Haiti chopper checkpoint 1:59
Trial by dirt and test track 2:49 I think mines glitched--they are have always been the same
Bloodring kills 688
Property destroyed- $572,901,440
I've bought myself Halo for my PC and haven't played VC in a while. I've got my Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint time down to 1:14. I also managed a time of 1:24 for PCJ Playground (I know it's not a record, but my current game has 1:45 for it's PCJ Playground, I wanna beat it, my old time and Famine's time) but it wouldn't acknowledge it in my stats page. Anyone else have this happen to them?

Also Spuds, I noticed that your thread inviting people to this record book was shutdown at on the basis that it was "advertising". If it ain't telling people about a commercial site, then I reckon they shoulda left that thread open. But that's just my 2c.

I PMed the moderator and explained to him that I only posted it since the recordbook there was closed. I also pointed out that in my post I suggested someone there start a new one. I also pointed out that technically it wasn't an ad but just a link which is permitted by the rules and offered to edit my posts and remove the links if he would just unlock the thread-- he PMed me back and basically ignored my reasoning and said I was promoting another site. I PMed back and pointed out that any type of linking is promoting another site-- he never responded.

As far as the PCJ playground time, I haven't beaten my 1:38 yet although I did do it last weekend and would have gotten about a 1:25 or so but left the last jump short (barely) and missed the roof-- I hate that.

Anyway-- getting off topic-- updated recordbook-- I have not got to play at all since Sunday-- I might get in a little time on Monday before we leave on our trip but I doubt it. Working everyday til then..... Urge to kill rising :mischievous:
Ok, updated rankings--

Just a reminder to everyone, I will be on vacation from Nov 24 until Dec 5 so I will be unable to update the recordbook during this time.


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Even though Spuds isn't around till the 5th, I feel as tough it is time for an update.

People Wasted - 386072
Criminal Rating - 1071967

jeez Acidman, is that all you do in VC now???

I'd say killing is about my 5th favorite thing to do there (behind superjumps, streetracing, bloodring, and hotring)
Hello Spuds! Nice to have you back!

Yes, it is pretty much all I do in VC now. Believe me, for your own good, you don't want to know how far I am ahead of you.
Screenshot please.

I played this morning and was a bit rusty but killed 5000 more-- 323,000+. I work tonight and will post some exact numbers.

What exactly is your motivation now-- I can't see myself killing (much) after I reach Godfather. Although you have repeatedly said "the record will soon be yours" to me, your actions have never supported this I and no matter what I do, you will never let me actually overtake you so I have no reason to really try.

My CR is about 808,000 so I don't see me getting much more then another 100,000 or so (after you add in vigilante levels and helis to reach godfather)--unless I die or get busted (alot). If you are over 425,000 I'd say your record is pretty safe.
Well, yeah, i've been saying that you can have that record for awhile. I also said that i'd stop killing after 100,000 people.

So much for that idea.

Over 425,000+ kills and my record would be pretty safe eh?

I'll put up a screenshot of my kills tonight. Would you like to at least guess what I am at right now before I post the screen?
My guess: 433,056

I forgot the sheet I wrote my stats on so I can't post them tonight :( I did get my vice point chopper checkpoint down to 1:50-- I didn't plan on doing it but I needed the chopper and when I took off I decided "what the heck"-- all my other stat improvements were destructive in nature :mad:
Close, but no cigar.

I swear I will stop killing soon.

People Wasted - 440161
CR - 1150657 - That is insane.


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You almost have caught me in road vehicles destroyed too-- I'm just over 80,000 now.

You really should update all your other stats too (if you can stop killing for 2 minutes).

What is your time played up to-- I'm around 333 hours now.
Here is my latest after yesterdays spree:

CR-- 808559
Time played-- 332:34
Kills- 323388
Road vehicles destroyed-- 80430
Boats destroyed-- 1221
Helicopters destroyed - 7669
Tires popped- 5014
Wanted stars attained - 4060
" " " " avoided - 2353
Headshots-- 5668
Gangmembers wasted 12480
Criminals wasted 94607
Criminals killed on vigilante-- 128867
Accuracy- 316%
Property destroyed- $581,136,832

Acidman, you should have the lead in property destroyed now, we are about the same in road vehicles but you are killing me in planes and helicopters.

CR- 1164515
Time played - 482:49
Kills - 450063
Road vehicles destroyed - 80565
Boats destroyed - 1686
Helicopters destroyed - 14802
Tires popped - 9445
Wanted stars attained - 8024
" " " " avoided - 4974
Headshots - 3852
Gangmembers wasted - 14409
Criminals wasted - 72326
Criminals killed on vigilante - 94359
Accuracy - 242%
Property destroyed - 598,357,056

Are you sure that you won't ever kill more than me?
I'm pretty sure I will reach Godfather in about the next 100,000 kills or so-- after that I plan on hanging up on killing with the hunter (you have only killed around 200,000 with it, I've done about 300,000 this way and I really am sick of it but of course it is the fastest way).-- I may still kill to boost my gang members wasted and headshots but thats it and you know how fast you can do those. But I really want to work on my street races and check point races and stuff--KM needs knocked down a few pegs :lol:

I'd wager that your kill lead is pretty safe-- you should at least be able to slow down so you don't end up hating the game-- I honestly don't know what is keeping you going.

Since you have come this far, you might as well go for half a million-- I honestly don't see me or anyone else touching that.

It takes alot to impress me and you have managed to do it. :cheers:


I was actually thinking of going to half a million which is about 27% of the city dead. I'm at about 453 000+ right now. I imagine I can make 500 000 by either the end of the month or beginning of January.

I really don't know why I keep on killing. It has become pretty much like a job. But yeah, it's all good.
I think Acidman has discouraged/intimidated everyone else from posting; he and I are the only ones to have posted on this thread in almost 3 weeks.


My latest:

CR-- 811582
Time played-- 335:56
Kills- 325603
Road vehicles destroyed-- 81002
Boats destroyed-- 1227
Helicopters destroyed - 7710
Tires popped- 5074
Wanted stars attained - 44257
" " " " avoided - 2505
Headshots-- 5696
Gangmembers wasted 12597
Criminals wasted 95040
Kgs of Explosives-- 28306
Criminals killed on vigilante-- 129378
Accuracy- 317%
Property destroyed- $585,009,216

And some misc:
Fires put out 457
Ice cream sold 131
RC heli: 7:14
Vice point chopper checkpoint 1:43

:lol: That might be it.

I wonder what Km has been doing lately? He hasn't posted here in quite some time. I'm still only at about 453,000+ kills. I haven't had ay time to play for I have had way to much school work to be doing. My teachers seem to think that right beofre Christmas break we want to have 2-3 hours of homework each night.

Originally posted by Acidman
:lol: That might be it.

I wonder what Km has been doing lately?

Not playing Vice City for some reason. The only thing I have to add to the record book is a time of 2:17 for the RC Baron race.

I dont post here because it take ages to get anywhere near some of the records and apart from the races im not that interesting in getting records
Oh on that not mum is getting a digi camera for xmas so i will post screenies of them times a little after xmas :)
I FINALLY got a chance to play today-- I got a sweet spawning spot on brown thunder so just concentrated on that-- I did about 340 levels in an hour and timed myself between 200 and 300--14 minutes :)

The spot was in the runway area just north of the radar tower near where the runways intersect. This spot is equal to or better then any other I've ever done.

My latest:

CR-- 819030
Time played-- 337:13
Kills- 328690
Road vehicles destroyed-- 81996
Boats destroyed-- 1230
Helicopters destroyed - 7723
Tires popped- 5089
Wanted stars attained - 4279
" " " " avoided - 2522
Headshots-- 5715
Gangmembers wasted 12631
Criminals wasted 97908
Kgs of Explosives-- 28360
Criminals killed on vigilante-- 133479
Accuracy- 317%
Property destroyed- $592,188,672
Did mostly brownthunder again (about 540 levels)-- can't waste a good spawn spot--- managed to play 2 hours without "killing all the haitians"-- I don't know if I'm racist or not though-- since the game trains you to be, and I've become an efficient killing machine so I must be trained.....

In the imortal words of Vinnie Barbarino: "I'm so confused!!!"

CR-- 833157
Time played-- 339:18
Kills- 333539
Road vehicles destroyed-- 83427
Boats destroyed-- 1246
Helicopters destroyed - 7817
Tires popped- 5126
Wanted stars attained - 4295
" " " " avoided - 2538
Headshots-- 5722
Gangmembers wasted 12643
Criminals wasted 102388
Kgs of Explosives-- 28360
Criminals killed on vigilante-- 139977
Accuracy- 320%
Property destroyed- forgot to write down

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