Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by Spuds725
Goose (Top Gun--actually not a pilot, died in Top Gun (Brain trauma) and ER (brain tumor)--coincidence???)

Goose - Maverick's navigator - died of a broken neck, after the canopy failed to clear in an emergency eject (in a flat spin, caused by Ice Man's hesitancy... Swine).

I was going to say that was a "heads up", but thought better of it.

Oh, wait... Damn.
The Driver: 1:50 (done while laying back in my recliner with my kid taking a nap on top of me)

screenshot is still in my camera

New rankings-- no surprises.

I will update again tomorrow if anyone posts more stats-- not too much of a problem lately--

And I hate to say it, but I'm actually getting bored with the game-- I can't seem to improve my race times (which if frustrating)-- and I can't get motivated enough to kill gang members and get headshots--so what else is there for me to do???


  • hallfame.jpg
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Well, I do know what you mean Spuds. Killing now feels like a chore, rather than fun.

CR - 1307375
People Wasted - 549138

I took this screen to show some noobs on another forum, so I may as well post it here to.

Originally posted by Acidman
Well, I do know what you mean Spuds. Killing now feels like a chore, rather than fun.

I hear that-- my new method did get old pretty fast--at least in the hunter you got a radio to listen to.

I played on friday night for about 2 hours and essentially wasted my time-- I couldn't run a clean race to save my life (I worked on capital cruise and border run)-- but the traffic kept getting in my way...I got spoiled doing "the driver" mission over and over again--little if any traffic on that race-- I still think I can shave a few seconds off that one.

I'm not sure if my "Alloy" time can be beat though--I ran that about perfect-- if it does get beat it won't be by much.

I think I'm about done with VC-- I need to star resting up for the next one anyway (wanna be fresh)--

Originally posted by Spuds725
my new method did get old pretty fast--at least in the hunter you got a radio to listen to.

I'm still using "The Mansion Method" and problably will keep on using it until I get to 600 000 kills.

I also usually just turn down the volume on my TV so that I can still just hear whe the Police Heli approches, and listen to my stereo.

CR - 1318439
People Wasted - 557357

Killed about 8000 today. :D
Not too long (couple of hours to do the following)-- I took my game with 93 hidden packages--the one in which I took my accuracy up to 416,000%... then I started doing missions and just did the ones I had to (I still have not finished cortez or avery)--after I did shakedown I went and did the cone crazy trick to max my money--then bought all the properties. I also started the love fist missions so I could open up the biker missions and do "Alloy wheels of steel"-- They weren't too bad since I'd done them all before--I even got the helicopter one you do for Diaz in the first try (that one kicked my butt the first time I did it). I haven't saved after I did "Alloy" and "Driver" so I can do them whenever I want.

Anyway, having all the weapons at the hotel made everything pretty easy (rocket launcher makes short work of the early missions)

anyway, thats why my CR is so high--200,000 from the money and the rest is whats left from my accuracy (about 30,000%).
People Wasted - 565083
CR - 1328720

I'll go past 570 000 This weekend. Also I have next week off school so I may be able to make it (or get close to) 600 000.
I only do the street races in my baby (see avatar if you do not understand), so I want to see who can get the best time in a banshee in VC Endurance, I wanna leave this challenge open for a little while but I just wanna see some good times outta the banshee!
I doubt you will get many takers to do a 4 minute + race with an inferior car-- There is another site and they did VC trials with different vehicles-- the best times were:

-Hotring Racer- 3:41
-Stinger- 4:00
-PCJ 600- 4:02
-Comet- 4:07
-Cheetah- 4:08
-Infernus- 4:09
-Banshee- 4:10
-Sabre Turbo- 4:19
-Sentinel XS- 4:29
-Zebra Cab- 4:35
-Deluxo- 4:36
-Phoenix- 4:38
-Cuban Hermes- 4:40
-Police Car- 4:52
-Bloodring Banger- 4:58
-Freeway- 5:07
I tell you it's not very easy on a PCJ-600...

I'll have to check on my time in the Rhino. We had a competition on another site :D Under 6' I think.
Originally posted by Blake
I think it is hella easy on the PCJ

I'd say a REAL fast time is possible on the PCJ. But I find it impossible to do a course that long without wiping out at least once. I think I managed about 4:20 on the PCJ and that included a couple of crashes. My best time in something other than the Hotring Racer is 4:15 in a Cheetah.

Although I'm posting this picture, and eating a record with it, I don't believe these types of record should be allowed to stand.

Can we make a rule that all Accuracy stats must be recorded at 100% game completion, and move those like mine and Spuds' to an extra, un-scored category?

(oh and the game doesn't recognise "infinity" as a value - I had to fire one shot conventionally to register a percentage)


  • gtamillionpercent.jpg
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Originally posted by Famine
Although I'm posting this picture, and eating a record with it, I don't believe these types of record should be allowed to stand.

Can we make a rule that all Accuracy stats must be recorded at 100% game completion, and move those like mine and Spuds' to an extra, un-scored category?

(oh and the game doesn't recognise "infinity" as a value - I had to fire one shot conventionally to register a percentage)

What was weird is I started a new game (last June) collected hidden packages and got the sea sparrow--did not even pick up a gun--and somehow my game gave me 19 shots fired--then I found that your CR does not go up with that few shots fired (this was when I was "checking" for godfather ranking--I read on another forum you need 100 shots fired before the CR goes up.

Also on my game when I start it will show in my stats that I've completed 12 levels of vigilante (but I won't get the armor bonus unless I actually do it).

As far as the 100% thing-- I'm not sure if integra was at 100% or not. SHannon is periodically on here and I know that record was from a game less then 100% anyway--

there is only one way to raise it significantly other then brown thunder or my #1 killing method and that is the parking tape down trick-- and the people with the high playing time (Acidman and me) will take "Forever" to raise it since our shots fired are so high.

I guess we can poll this again??

What are your shots fired and completion amount Famine??

Also, to clarify, none of the shots fired by the hunter or sea sparrow count--only the hits.

Originally posted by Spuds725
What was weird is I started a new game (last June) collected hidden packages and got the sea sparrow--did not even pick up a gun--and somehow my game gave me 19 shots fired--

I think the stats includes shots fired by other people, so if you drove past some gang members having a shootout with PIGs or whatever, then that's added. Same thing happened me with a new game I started. By the time I got 80 packages and the Sea Sparrow, I'd about 100 shots fired.
