Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by Spuds725
Then it got weird--started subtracting money

$ -939,524,096
$ - 1,879,048,192

then it went positive again

was the last one and is in my screenshot

That's because the amount is stored in memory as a 32-bit integer. When it gets beyond 2^31 (2147483648), it gets confused because it starts to interpret some values as negative numbers.

8 seconds?

EIGHT seconds?

Eight seconds?

What order do you get them in (although I know what you get last :D)? I've been hexperimenting with different orders and have manages a 14s best...
Obviously I nudged the cones around before I started.

--2 on the ramps (which are the hardest to get fast)
--one behind the drive up ramp
--the one in the circle of cones
--the one in the corner

I think I can actually shave another second or two off that--I was driving "slightly" conservative.

Whats your preferred order??

I think mine is the fastest order since it is the shortest distance between all of them--the last 3 are in almost a straight line, and you have speed already when you hit the first one. If you did it the reverse of my order you have to back into the first one to start and it slows you down--but at least you can hit the ramp ones more agressively-- I really haven't tried any other orders when going for the record--it just made the most sense to me.
I start off by reversing to the one in the corner, then wazzing it up to the two on the ramp, through the one behind the on-ramp and then sneaking into the circle...
When I got my 18 sec one I did it that way-- it just takes too long to drive from the first to the second and then you have a tendency to hit the ramps too fast and fly off the building-- I think I was a little lucky in that I got that 8 sec time on my first try that way-- you only have to move one more cone to do it the way I did it (the one in the middle of the circle)-- I think 6 secs is possible-- one of these days.

I think I'm finally ready to play another game-- I got an gift certificate and I think I'm going to get GTA:Springfield (AKA Simpsons: Hit and Run)-- has anyone tried this???
CR - 1410950
People Wasted - 625261\

Killed the last about 8000 in the Hunter using the "FBI Spawn" and am pleased to say that I haven't lost my touch one bit. :)
I tried the mansion method this afternoon, stocking up about 300 rocket launcher shells hoping to kill a few hundred people. I did kill a few hundred people but my shells were gone in what seemed like less than a minute, then I had a fight with level 6 police inside my mansion for about 30 minutes. Very fun.
Yep, they go pretty fast which is why you need to get 100% so you have unlimited ammo and fast reload for this method.

If you have access to the Hunter I recommend the hunter/FBI method--although it takes a while to get the hang of--or just do brownthunder-- if you want to rack up high numbers of kills.
Updated recordbook

I'm the 1000th post of this thread!!

It doesn't take so long-- just don't do any missions you don't have to--do cortez until you get diaz-- I think you have to do the first avery mission too.

THen start love fist to open the biker missions.

If you want to repeat "alloy" don't save after you complete it--- I still think another second or two can be shaved off this.

I use the same game to do "the driver"-- to get this one you have to buy the Malibu and do shootist and break Cam out of jail--I also bought and did all the sunshine autos lists to get the Hotring racer.
Spuds, I have a question, do you steal a bike from the bikers or use a normal bike? If you use a normal one you could shave alot of time off by stealing the racers bikes.
You can pick up a Freeway - the bikes the racers use - in Vice Point. Head under the Prawn Island bridge southbound and take the next left. The Freeway is parked on the right, one street up.
I steal one of the bikers bikes as they have extra good handling-- kind of impossible to get my times with any other (it won't let you use a PCJ) and any others (Freeways or Angels) in the game handle horribly.

Also, if you store one of these in a garage and try to reuse it, it will lose its great handling ability.

Originally posted by Spuds725
I steal one of the bikers bikes as they have extra good handling-- kind of impossible to get my times with any other (it won't let you use a PCJ) and any others (Freeways or Angels) in the game handle horribly.

Also, if you store one of these in a garage and try to reuse it, it will lose its great handling ability.


I didn't know you could steal one of their bikes to race with. Do you just hit triangle when you're beside one of them? I was using one of the Angels outside the Greasy Chopper to race with.

No...shoot him :mischievous: ... yep--try to do the kickoff/jumpon maneuver when you jack it so you end up on the bike--the race will start when you do.
Yes that is how I did my most recent time. I think it was very similar to yours. Except I just elbowed him off the bike so they were quicker off the line.

I just hate that you cannot store that incredible handling Angel. I tried to but I had heard the rumer of it losing the handling so I tried it...and they were right...
How does this look for a header for the next recordbook??

I just threw that together...if anyone wants to make a better one--please feel free.



  • gtasarb.jpg
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It's very nice but it needs a little bit of touching up here and there. Very understated. I like it.
*whistles innocently*

Oh - that's 741.84m, 262.97m and my rotation record is 25644 degrees (more than in that pic).


  • superjump.jpg
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Update of Stats

Can Validate Any If Need Be

CR - 2160733
play time - 600.05
days passed in game - 1682
people you've wasted - 836296
road vehicles destroyed - 282954
wanted stars attained - 8445
wanted stars evaded - 8245
bullets fired - 27883
bulllets that hit - 1936155
accuracy - 694%
distance by heli - 9963.85
total dist traveled - 14088.52
criminals killed on vigilante mission - 1074035

rc plane race - 2:11
rc car race - 2:21
bloodring kills - 3638
longest bloodring time - 1800
property destroyed - $1,969,142,016.00

let me know what pic you need
What is your method of killing?

Just pure Vigilante?

Also, do you have 100%? Do you use cheats?

I would like to see pictures of everything. I classify those as unbelieveable, although they are problably all true.
Yeah...but can you do street races or superjumps???

Anyway, because of the history of your accomplishments and the proof you have provided before, I believe them too but the policy is to post pics for any new #1 record-- the records you posted are clustered on the stat page so you can do them in a couple of pics.. please do so when you get time.

Also, I need you to post your criminals wasted stat--(in addition to the criminals killed on vigilante that you already posted).

I have one question though....why??? You have to be getting bored of doing brownthunder unless you found a way to "Unborify" it or found a cool (fast) new spot.

Updated-- (in the next few minutes)
Originally posted by Famine
*whistles innocently*

Oh - that's 741.84m, 262.97m and my rotation record is 25644 degrees (more than in that pic).

Holy Cr**!!! I thought that was feet--I didn't realize til I was putting it in the recordbook.--where did you land, or was it a bouncing one??
Phil's Place to the road outside Fort Baxter...


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