Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I have a record for Alloy Wheel of Steel: 1:24

I don't have the software for my digital camera so I will post a pic when I get it in a few days (or weeks if i'm unlucky)
Just one question: When you "max out your money", can you go back below 999999999999 or is it just permenently like that?
Alloy Wheels of Steel - 1:12
(first try with the Super Angel!)



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First try??? Holy Cr*p!!! It took me many tries to get just to 1:16---

Did you do it perfect or do you think you can take off more?

I thought mine was fairly flawless--didn't think more then a second or two less off my time was possible. You must have some motorcycle ducking down trick--I'm too busy driving to stay ducked down.

When are you going to knock off my driver time??? And before you think something is wrong with you game. There is a glitch in "the driver" mission-- between 5 and 7 seconds is added to your actual time (time on the clock when you hit the finish line and the time it gives you)--I've actually done it in 1:43--I'm assuming everyone has this glitch.

In answer to your question its not stuck but after 100%, its hard to spend more money then you make. I don't try to hit the money icons but they are in the way and I do a fair amount of races still. There is really nothing to buy except weapons and you have most of them available--and with unlimited ammo, its just hard to spend money.

Originally posted by Spuds725
First try??? Holy Cr*p!!! It took me many tries to get just to 1:16---

Did you do it perfect or do you think you can take off more?

I thought mine was fairly flawless--didn't think more then a second or two less off my time was possible. You must have some motorcycle ducking down trick--I'm too busy driving to stay ducked down.

I had it down to 1:20 with a regular Angel, so I'd done it a load of times anyway. But I might try it a few more times to see what kinda time I can get.

When are you going to knock off my driver time??? And before you think something is wrong with you game. There is a glitch in "the driver" mission-- between 5 and 7 seconds is added to your actual time (time on the clock when you hit the finish line and the time it gives you)--I've actually done it in 1:43--I'm assuming everyone has this glitch.

I've just got to the point in a restarted game that I can buy property, so I have to get the money. I'm gonna do the Cone Crazy thing and buy the Malibu, and do those missions soon. As for the time glitch, I did notice that I'd got less than 2 minutes but it still only gave me 2-something.

I'm steadying myself waiting for you to post a 1:30 time in "the driver" are in Europe right???? if so, doesn't the electrical grid run at 50 hz as opposed to the 60 hz in north america...I wonder if this is affecting your clock speed and times??? We might need to put an * next to your times :lol:

Originally posted by Spuds725
I'm steadying myself waiting for you to post a 1:30 time in "the driver" are in Europe right???? if so, doesn't the electrical grid run at 50 hz as opposed to the 60 hz in north america...I wonder if this is affecting your clock speed and times??? We might need to put an * next to your times :lol:


Hey, I've been waiting for somebody to point out something like that for a while now. A lot of record books for games have separate sections for PAL and NTSC scores. Why I don't know. I've been worried that I'm not as good as I think I am. Maybe 1 European minute is like 1:30 American or something. Ack, don't even suggest it.

Also Spuds, I actually have an old saved game from over a year ago (its from December 2002, just before I completed Keep Your Friends Close the first time) on my memory card that has a game saved just before I did The Driver, and also has all the Sunshine Auto lists completed, so I have the Hotring Racer.

Expect a Driver time over the weekend.

If you ever do a 3:30 VC endurance...then we will know.

I was just kidding before-- as far as my race times--I'm second to you in most races and mine were all far from perfect so I don't think its a continental problem.

Are you ducking on the Angel??? I duck on the long stretches but it didn't seem to go faster so I never made a habit out of it.

I'm thinking of trying "the driver" using the PCJ-- the traffic is pretty light (as you will see) so as long as you get past Phil it should be possible to shave off some more-- there are quite a few turns on the first half though.

Enjoy the driver in the Hotring though--its so much easier (with the light traffic) then the other street races.
I'm adding "UNMORPHED" rotation record category to the recordbook-- I'll add it for flips too if you guys want it.

I did get a 1600 rotation unmophed the other day so I'm kind of interested in trying to improve it (I didn't take pic of it--but I think I can improve it)---

Cone Crazy: 0:18
Drug Deals: 51
Times busted (in 100% game): 5
Fishes Fed(in 100% game): 21
Insane Jump Rotation (not morphed): 552
Bike Distance Travelled: 507.64
Boat Dist Travelled: 18.57
Stoppie Dist: 208.14
Cash made in taxi: $52767.00
Percentage of hits for shooter: 92%
RC Car Race: 2.24
RC Heli pickup: 7.03
Downtown Chopper Checkpoint: 2.32
Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint: 2.12
PCJ Playground: 1:14

To make my life easier if you are going to post more then 2 or 3 stats in one message....please list them in the order they come in your stats so I don't have to search all over in the recordbook--with few exceptions...the recordbook is in the same order as your stats.

People wasted by others - 1614
Bullets fired - 250034
Trial by Dirt - 2:18
Sprayings - 2400
Weapon Budget - $1,731,400
Fashion Budget - $20,430
Auto Repair Budget - $234,200
Property Destroyed - $139,616,544

Can you stick me down for a 1'15 Alloy Wheels of Steel and a 0'13 Cone Crazy? Neither affect my position though.
Originally posted by Spuds725
Still waiting.....(and the weekend is almost over)



I found it difficult to get a clean run. Crazy idiot Hillary driving all over the place and cops coming out of side streets.

Originally posted by KieranMurphy

I found it difficult to get a clean run. Crazy idiot Hillary driving all over the place and cops coming out of side streets.


Where are you typically passing him?? I pass him on the straight stretch as you head south (before you turn at Pole Position) (I have passed him at the first hard (left turn) before (but its pretty rare)-- he seems to let me go by every time without a problem when I pass him north of the Pole postion though--I find it hard not to get a time above 1:55 now (unless I seriously screw up).

Do you need some pointers-- I'm curious as to what is possible if a good driver does this race :lol:

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