Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by RancidMilk
I have a new record for the max rotation. It was 1395 without spawning into the bike or using any glitches/cheats. Just from running head on into a car.

Rancid PMed me his method-- its up to him to reveal it to anyone else--I tried it for about 1/2 hour before I finally got one close to his: 1245 degrees--I believe this is sufficiently close to his rotation to count his

Also...soon after I tried his I got an unmorphed 1585 degrees--I won't count this because I didn't take a pic or tape it--I hooked up my VCR and taped me doing it again and got a 1429 degree rotation.

EDIT: CLip removed--- I beat my record and uploaded a new clip--see post :

I did it at the same place/method that I got my morphed 3100 degree rotation...I parked a car backwards at the top of the stairs (with the back wheels on the landing at the top) at the big stairs downtown (pointing toward ammunation) and then popped a wheelie on a sanchez as I hit it---worked pretty good if anyone else wants to try it.

If anyone wants to try it morphed use a PCJ.

Thanks for being patient enough to get a good rotation using my method Spuds.

And also I just got a new best time on the RC baron (plane) race. 2:10. I'm working on a photo right now.
I actually had like 1600 or 1700 on the yellow ramps in the airport once. Though it was on my friends version. :banghead: :banghead: I'll have to try again.
Downtown Chopper Checkpont - 1:26
People Wasted - 77046
Criminal Rating - 608874



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Originally posted by RancidMilk
Thanks for being patient enough to get a good rotation using my method Spuds.

You were lucky--I was about to give up. I did get an 800 degree one on one of my first tries but didn't get another one even close to that until I got that 1245 one. I kept either getting thrown off or just not getting any height--suddenly on that one I got about 30 feet high with good rotation.

Originally posted by RancidMilk
I also have a new 2nd place for the helicopter pickup. If you look it's in the same picture I took for the plane one. 6:06

I saw that and it looked like 6:xx but I wasn't sure--

Trail by Dirt: 2:00

I have to start a new game and see how fast I can do it with sunny weather and no gangsters.

I tried it on my restarted game and it still rained after the first lap--I still sucked at it.

My game is glitched anyway and it locks the trial by dirt time and the test track time together. I forget which one it puts in the stats but they are the same and always have been.
Just hit a score of 99 for The Shooter, but with only 88% accuracy I'm going back for more... :D

Edit: Highest score for The Shooter: 106; Highest Accuracy: 100%

You know it!

I'll post the photos up laterer.
Downtown Chopper Checkpoint - 1:23
Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint - 1:17

I ain't gonna beat these times soon.



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Originally posted by RancidMilk
Jeez man your freaking good at those chopper things. I did them a while ago to compare, and I had like 1 1/2 minutes more.

Sometimes I'll do the same checkpoint about 10 - 20 times in a row. If I reckon I'm outside a record time, I'll just quit and start again. And again. And again. And again. Once you've done each course about 150 times you'll know exactly the best way to do it. How to avoid poles and buildings and trees. How to travel at max speed through a bunch of checkpoints in a row without slowing down and with the minimum amount of turning and raising and lowering your height.

That's what I did with the RC plane race. I tried it a least 100 times. I can pretty much go through the whole race now with my eyes closed. I've actually tried.

I got mine down to where they are by repeating them over and over too-- if you can get them to my times you are good-- KMs are insane.

Also, a little trick--to trim off about 5 seconds-- grab a sparrow (note where you pick it up from) land it a few feet away and get out and back in--the checkpoint will end--fly to where you picked it up and sort of bump the ground where you picked it up before and the checkpoint will restart but you will already be airborne so you save the time it takes the chopper to wind up and take off (about 5-7 seconds)

Originally posted by Spuds725
Also, a little trick--to trim off about 5 seconds-- grab a sparrow (note where you pick it up from) land it a few feet away and get out and back in--the checkpoint will end--fly to where you picked it up and sort of bump the ground where you picked it up before and the checkpoint will restart but you will already be airborne so you save the time it takes the chopper to wind up and take off (about 5-7 seconds)

This is similar to what I do, but all I do is just take off vertically and land in the exact same spot from where it starts, get out and back in again. I haven't really tried so that I'm already airborne. What I have tried experimenting with is to try hitting the starting spot at speed so that you're not only airborne but travelling forward at spped. But it almost never works.

So anyway, I'm looking at the record book tonight looking for more records to break...

Dirtring - 2:44! WTF? I remember about a year ago being so proud of my record book time of 5:45. I don't think I'm gonna even try to get close to that kinda time.

Hotring - 3:08! WTF? My best time after god know how many attempts is 3:23. That's a second better per lap than my best ever! Aaargj!

Bloodring - 1800 seconds! WTF? My record so far is 180 seconds and it took about 15 minutes just to do that. How the hell long does it take to build up 1800 seconds time in Bloodring when each checkpoint only gives you 15 seconds or so!

I know I'm good at Vice City, but these kinda records are just off the wall and I don't think I could even be bothered attempting them.

Morphed and unmorphed rotation are there for the taking--I have the records but I've hardly put any time in getting or improving them. And they are fun too.

Probably take less time then going for the kills record :lol:

As far as the checkpoint, it's hard to bump the spot on some of them with forward motion (vice point for one) but I can do it on a couple of them--just takes a few tries sometimes. I haven't been able to get it at high speed but just some forward motion. I haven't tried to improve them in ages. You are too far out of reach.


I doubt I'll be putting in much VC time for a while. I've been playing Simpsons:HIt and Run-- its got alot of driving but the vehicles handling aren't as realistic as VC--its pretty hard to flip them-- the scenery graphics are fantastic though--the character skins are a little off though..the only downside is alot of the missions are kind of repetitive and there are no weapons (so far)--the dialogue is a little repetitive also.

It needs more Ralph Wiggum in it too: "I broke my Wookie..... Leprechauns tell me to burn things"

I finally broke down and bought GTA3 on last friday--should arrive tomorrow or thursday, so I'm sure I'll be busy with that for a while-- and I won't give up until I get a GTA3 superjump--looks like it might be cooler then the VC ones.

I just got 3:23 in the dirt ring checkpoint thing. I would of had less if it weren't for that damn checkpoint on top of the car, with the skinny wood plank going up towards it from another car, know which one I'm talking about? It took me proabaly 30 seconds jsut to get that.
Something odd on "The Driver"

I crossed the line as 1'49 became 1'50 (I was watching). The caption came up with - and the stats say - "Race Time: 1'57". HUH?