Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by Acidman
I also got a new unmorphed rotation yesterday - 1251 Degrees. Not that much higher than my last, but still.

Got it in the same place to, the fountain on Star Fish Island.

There is no fountain on Starfish island :lol: -- I know you meant Prawn Island.

I did try it (the explosion trick for rotation) once a week or two ago but it blew up too late. I'll try it again one of these days.

I'll need a screen shot of your stat screen for that rotation (if you want it included)--I did count 8 spins though so guess I can include it without if you don't have it.

Yep - no probs. I've just taken photos of the other two (Shooter hits %age and score - although it's a bit blurry on the new camera).

I'll get a screen up soon. I'll also supply a screen of people wasted and CR once I get to 640K. I also have gone over 100K road vehicles destroyed.
Originally posted by Famine
Mine's in a totally unrelated place... How are you hitting the fountain - I only tend to flip over once, and it doesn't even register on the stunt-o-meter..?

Well, it may sound like I'm trying to keep something from you, but I swear I'm not.

All I do is just go full tilt towards the fountain, and make sure I'm pulling back on my analog stick to get the front end up a little.

It's basically pure luck. I don't know what else I can tell you.
Originally posted by Famine
Mine's in a totally unrelated place... How are you hitting the fountain - I only tend to flip over once, and it doesn't even register on the stunt-o-meter..?

You need to be popping a wheelie as you hit it and turning a little helps too--you have to experiment with hitting it at different angles--I haven't messed with this one other then morphed in ages.

Also, this is unrelated, but if anyone wants me to post a clip I will--the guy that made that video (link I posted a page back)--discovered a way to jump on top of the hospital in downtown-- this makes it possible to get 2 of the 3 jumps you do on G-spotlight without doing the mission--it took me a lot of tries to finally get it--it is easier morphed. If anyone wants to start a new game and get their jumps done early--this provides a way to get a few more of them.

Its hard to describe--let me know if you want a clip posted.


The 'jump on the hospital in Downtown' jump eh?

I have seen it on a few stunt video's and have tried it for myself. I can get up there no problem. All you need to do is just hit the grassy incline while holding a wheelie. Like every other jump. :rolleyes:

Whenever I'm in the area with a PCJ 600 I always give it a try. It especially comes in handy when at six stars. Just make the jump ontop of the hospital, use the Unquie Jump to jump over the street onto the electronics stores, then simply drive up the stairs, off the ramp, an you're right at Hyman Condo - A police bribe, armor, save point, heli, and anything else you would need when escaping six stars.
Originally posted by Acidman

The 'jump on the hospital in Downtown' jump eh?

I have seen it on a few stunt video's and have tried it for myself. I can get up there no problem. All you need to do is just hit the grassy incline while holding a wheelie. Like every other jump. :rolleyes:

Whenever I'm in the area with a PCJ 600 I always give it a try. It especially comes in handy when at six stars. Just make the jump ontop of the hospital, use the Unquie Jump to jump over the street onto the electronics stores, then simply drive up the stairs, off the ramp, an you're right at Hyman Condo - A police bribe, armor, save point, heli, and anything else you would need when escaping six stars.

Guess this isn't news--if anyone else wants me to post the clip lemme know..

I can get up there some of the time-- anyway that jump you are talking about is fun on a sanchez too--also, instead of that grassy ramp--just to the left (aproach it the same way) there is a ramp where the wall (that seperates the hospital and the building next to it) starts-- you can get some pretty high jumps off this one--I can nearly makit on top of the building to your right--good on a PCJ or a Sanchez--

Note: neither of these are particularly great for rotation--just good fun jumps...

There is also another way to get a unique jump from G-Spotlight without dong the mission. It really doesn't help if you can o the one mentioned above but still. Use those hella big stairs and jump on top of Ammunation is Downtown. Go to the east side and slowly ride west towards the rail, if you ride slowly towards the north west corneryou will see the rail, just before you hit it pop a wheelie so you can get your front wheel over the top, then push forward on the analouge stick and put the pedal down. If you are lucky you and the bike will go flying onto the building you land on just after the hospital jump.
Three new ones:
RC Baron: 2'12 (doesn't move me at all)
RC Bandits: 2'18 (as above)
RC Raider: 6'19 (ditto).

I'll have to make two posts to include my last few records' screenies... Sorry.


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And that screenie was more than a little bobbins...


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I was just doing a Taxi run too - I'm not visiting Pay'n'Spray on this game, so I had to deliver as many as possible without wrecking my taxi. I got 79!

in case anyone is wondering why I haven't posted recently--I haven't played in a while--I'm playing "Simpsons:hit and run" and will be starting my GTA:3 game when my new memory card comes (hopefully friday). The only thing I plan on doing on VC anytime soon is some unmorphed bike rotations and maybe some superjumps...but only if I find the time.

By being just generally great. :D

On missions like "Copland" or "Martha's Mugshot", when you acquire 5 wanted stars, there's 4 police bribes within touching distance of you. The fifth one disappears after a little while on it's own.
But In EVERY SINGLE MISSION like hmmm... the one where you save Lance from the junk yard, those thugs are friggin monkey's when you're on the road after getting lance in there comets.
Pay'n'Spray won't help you there.

BUT, getting into the Trashmaster at the Junkyard will... Part of the advantages of writing a guide for it, really :D
Originally posted by WhiteCharisma85
But In EVERY SINGLE MISSION like hmmm... the one where you save Lance from the junk yard, those thugs are friggin monkey's when you're on the road after getting lance in there comets.

I've never gone to the Pay'n'Spray on that mission. I was always able to escape the Comets in the Sentinel and go straight to the hospital.

Small collection for yers...

People saved in an Ambulance: 138
Fastest time on 'Border Run': 1'16
Fastest time on 'Tour!': 2'08
Fastest time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint: 2'13
Fastest time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint: 1'45
Fastest time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint: 2'02
Fastest time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint: 2'10
Fastest time on 'Trial by Dirt': 1'54
Highest Score for The Shooter - 97

I only had 82% accuracy! I got 46 in the first round and made a balls of the rest of it. That last round is bloody hard.

I'll have a pic later. And I saved my game in the same spot so I can't go back and do it again without restarting the game from scratch.

Originally posted by RancidMilk
I got a superjump height of 255 meters. I didn't check but it's probably in the top five.

Top 4 actually--since you are the 4th to post that in that stat.


I've been playing GTA3 for a couple days now (I'm doing it like VC and not using any guides)-- I'm still on first island and have completed 17 missions-- 5 hidden packages, 2 jumps, and have failed 2 rampages (the damn things move in GTA3)--the early missions are a bit repetitive (just driving people around) but they are starting to get more challenging--I think I may have made a mistake though--I did some mission where I torch some gang members with a flame thrower--now when ever I drive on there turf they shoot at me...I tried doing taxi missions and my customer started shooting at me--LOL I like it so far, the radio stations aren't as good and I really miss having a bike...the first island has a lack of fast cars (I did find where I can get a banshee anytime now though so at least there is that). There is also a lack of good weapons---I found some on top of a building (I can see them and a hidden package) but I can't get up there yet--I'll figure it out....

Anyway---I don't want anyone to post any spoilers on this (I'm trying to do it all on my own) but thought I'd just post my progress.

Can ya' pull a wheelie on the PC vers. of Vice City?
Btw...My record is 'bout 512 metres on a Faggio (please don't hate me :( )
