Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by Blake
As long as we have someone committed running it we have no problem.

I'm not committed...but I should be....:lol: :lol:

I don't mind updating it...there is a slow trickle of new records coming in--takes me about 5 minutes every other day or so...somehow I can squeeze it in. On the previous 2 versions there were alot more updates so it was a handful to keep up--I only expanded the rankings (to 5 per categoy) when it slowed down.

I've been thinking about this for GTA:SA-- Unless someone else feels strongly about running it, I'll do that one too but INITIALLY there will be strict rules about posting in order to handle the flood and to avoid me reading spoilers.

1. No posting of spoilers in the game...I plan on playing through without a guide (like I did VC and GTA3--if they start appearing I will stop updating) until I finish the game...there are plenty of other threads to discuss anything you want.

2. Initially all categories will have 3 stat rankings and they will not be numbered. In addition every record post will be required to have "the stat" a space a "-" another space and then the persons name.

People wasted 1000 - Acidman
Road vehicles destroyed 500 - Acidman

and additionally all records submitted must be in the order they appear in the stats.

This will allow me to go through and copy and paste the records and will greatly speed up my abilitiy to keep up with what could potentially be a flood of posts.

3. Screenshots will not be required unless I ask for them initially--if after the game settles out and I feel a screenshot is required I will contact the person via PM/email and request it.

4. If the flood is too much, I will add that only new #1 records can be submitted (this should slow down the flood)--will see if I need to apply this rule.

After a month or two, the recordbook should look like this one and the same rules as this one will apply.

Terminal Velocity - 0:43
Border Run - 1:09
(guess what vehicle I used for these)

and a piccy of my Hotring time



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Originally posted by Spuds725
I'm not committed...but I should be....:lol: :lol:

I don't mind updating it...there is a slow trickle of new records coming in--takes me about 5 minutes every other day or so...somehow I can squeeze it in. On the previous 2 versions there were alot more updates so it was a handful to keep up--I only expanded the rankings (to 5 per categoy) when it slowed down.

I've been thinking about this for GTA:SA-- Unless someone else feels strongly about running it, I'll do that one too but INITIALLY there will be strict rules about posting in order to handle the flood and to avoid me reading spoilers.

1. No posting of spoilers in the game...I plan on playing through without a guide (like I did VC and GTA3--if they start appearing I will stop updating) until I finish the game...there are plenty of other threads to discuss anything you want.

2. Initially all categories will have 3 stat rankings and they will not be numbered. In addition every record post will be required to have "the stat" a space a "-" another space and then the persons name.

People wasted 1000 - Acidman
Road vehicles destroyed 500 - Acidman

and additionally all records submitted must be in the order they appear in the stats.

This will allow me to go through and copy and paste the records and will greatly speed up my abilitiy to keep up with what could potentially be a flood of posts.

3. Screenshots will not be required unless I ask for them initially--if after the game settles out and I feel a screenshot is required I will contact the person via PM/email and request it.

4. If the flood is too much, I will add that only new #1 records can be submitted (this should slow down the flood)--will see if I need to apply this rule.

After a month or two, the recordbook should look like this one and the same rules as this one will apply.


I would like to take part in A record book, if not for SA maybe I could administrate a new GTA3 one?
Tour! - 1:55
VC Endurance - 3:55

I'll have a pic maybe tonight.

If anyone here has their a game save from before Alloy Wheels of Steel (I think Spuds and Famine might), then snipe one of the riders at the start, take their bike to Sunshine Autos (if you've bought it, if not then get it), and try the street races. I've beaten 4 of 6 times so far with the Super Angel. And I reckon I can improve those times more. I don't think I can beat my Ocean Drive time with it though. The PCJ600 is still faster on the straight runs.

The Accuracy glitch has been discussed several time before.

Essentially no shots fired from a helicopter's gun (Sea Sparrow, Hunter) count as shots fired, BUT any shots which hit from a helicopter's gun count as shots hit. I simply fired 9,999 shots into an exploded Patriot from a Sea Sparrow, then climbed out and zinged one off with an M4. 1 shot fired, 10,000 shots hit, 1,000,000% accuracy.
Terminal Velocity - 0:42
Checkpoint Charlie - 1:56
The Driver - 1:46
and pics for Tour and VC Endurance



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Originally posted by KieranMurphy
If anyone here has their a game save from before Alloy Wheels of Steel (I think Spuds and Famine might), then snipe one of the riders at the start, take their bike to Sunshine Autos (if you've bought it, if not then get it), and try the street races. I've beaten 4 of 6 times so far with the Super Angel. And I reckon I can improve those times more. I don't think I can beat my Ocean Drive time with it though. The PCJ600 is still faster on the straight runs.


Nice tip!

And I certainly do! :D
Originally posted by Famine
Nice tip!

And I certainly do! :D

Report back how you did when you've tried it. I'm interested to know what other people make of doing the street races with the Super Angel. I can't go back to the Hotring Racer now.

Did you do "the Driver" with it too?? I think 1:46 is possible with the hotring racer --I never did a perfect race.

I might try it after I finish GTA3...90% done now...82 hidden packages, 14 rampages, 14 jumps....still have paramedic and firefighter to finish up and a couple side missions.

man there was a time when i had good as races times now they all faded down the ranks :(
Originally posted by Spuds725
Did you do "the Driver" with it too?? I think 1:46 is possible with the hotring racer --I never did a perfect race.

Yeah, I used the Super Angel for The Driver. I bought the Malibu and completed No Escape so I could try it out. After a few runs I got that time.

I'd say it's definitely possible in the Hotring Racer, but like you, I never managed a perfect run through the course.

Originally posted by Small_Fryz
max insane jump height 215m

Height??? was it a superjump--or is that a typo and you meant distance?? Waiting your answer..


Updated including KM's post after this one...
VC Endurance - 3:52

I should have a pic tonight. This run included a balls-up downtown where I missed a checkpoint and had to go back and get it. I'm keeping an eye on my time at various checkpoints. I had 2:23 when I crossed over back to the West Island. Earlier in the day I had a time of 2:17 but wiped out twice in Little Haiti and ended up with 4:01.

There's a really low time there for the taking with the Super Angel if I can get just one really good run through the course.

Originally posted by KieranMurphy
There's a really low time there for the taking with the Super Angel if I can get just one really good run through the course.

N00bish question: Whats the Super Angel. Some kind of Angel you get in a mission?

EDIT: Just found out on the Special Car list. Damn i did 'Alloy wheels of Steel' ages ago:banghead:
If you start a new game--it doesn't take too long to get that far (a couple of hours at most)-- I used my game with 93 hidden packages that I used for raising my accuracy so I had all the good weapons--made it easy to complete everything. You have to start Love Fist to get the Mitch Baker missions to open.

I also recommend buying the Malibu so you can re-do the driver also and then don't ever save over this game if you complete the driver (so you can redo it).

Obviously save at the Skumhole shack so you can get the Super Angel fast.
You were bored, so you did something even more boring???

Updated-- New #1, Screenshot is in order but no hurry-- I'm going to note it in the recordbook though (until you post one)...sorry--I know you have to use a webcam and its a pain.

Your cash should be up there unless you did them all in very small groups.

My PS2 controller has been acting up the past couple of days. Every so often it says that either there's no controller or that the controller isn't a proper PS2 controller. And sometimes it feels a bit sluggish. The buttons don't seem to be responing properly.

So I'm doing Tour! today and I hit the second last checkpoint with 1:50 on the clock and immediately a message pops up telling me there's no controller connected to the system, the controller stops working and Tommy launches into the wall in front of him. I was heading for a time of 1:52 !


Originally posted by Spuds725
You were bored, so you did something even more boring???

Updated-- New #1, Screenshot is in order but no hurry-- I'm going to note it in the recordbook though (until you post one)...sorry--I know you have to use a webcam and its a pain.

Your cash should be up there unless you did them all in very small groups.


Yes, quite strange I know. It wasn't totally boring though considering I hopped along with the hydraulics most of the time. And for about 50 of em I did it with 3 stars to add some intensity to it. Pretty fun actually. I'll have to check my money in a little while. Not sure what it is total but I did make about 40,000 in the 65 that I did.

-I'll try and get a screen by tomorrow.
Its pretty fun. You just can't stop for too long or you'll get busted. I'd just shoot the cops drive by style if they got too close. I tried it with 4 stars, but it doesn't work too well with all the FBI ranchers.