Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
If you max out your cash I'd do it either via brown thunder (if you can fly the hunter decently), 391 consecutive levels will max you out if your money is less the 8,000,000 now.

When I did it I started with about 15,000,000 and it tooke me 440 to max it out :confused:

Criminal Rating: 604,550

For the hours played record do the hours all have to be on one file or can it just be a few save files added together?
One file for time played--no adding stats, sorry.

Also, I'm posititve it should have taken you 389 levels to max it out from 15,000,000. The money progression is as follows:

$50 x level completed squared---I calculated it out on excel--it works out exactly (I've checked it at very high levels)-- its possible you were raising it so fast your money was still adding to your total and it took that long for it to catch up...if you would have stopped at 389--I'm sure it would have caught up eventually and have been maxed out.

When I maxed my money using the cone crazy trick, it took nearly an hour for the money to add on to my total.

Originally posted by Spuds725
Hold off on maxing your money--I just PMed a friend on another forum--he has the PC version and knows the computer code for the game very well--he will either know or can look up the requirements---let me here back from him and I'll forward you the info...hopefully this will solve the mystery.


I asked him, unfortunately he did not know--sorry.

Here is our exchange:

I got a question and I'm wondering if you may have looked at this before (it seems you know the computer coding of the game very well), you know off hand the requirements for the Godfather criminal ranking in your stats???

I'm assuming its the same for PS2 and PC. The reason I ask is I know people on diffferent boards that have enough CR points for Godfather but it still says "don".

Its kind of hard to check all the permutations of different stats since it takes so long to raise it.

I'm pretty sure besides 1,000,000 CR points you need to have 100%-- is there a money requirement?? Both people I know, didn't have their money close to being maxed out at the time when they crossed the 1,000,000 of them didn't have 100% done either, he then got 100% after and his ranking still stayed at Don...

Anyway...any help would be appreciated--if you have to (or want to) look it up, there is no huge hurry on this.

Thanks a bunch....

Spuds (aka Bill)

His response:

I appreciate being considered. Unfortunately, criminal rating is handled by the engine and has nothing to do with the code at all. I've never looked into the EXE, so I wouldn't know where to begin. Wish I could be of more assistance.
I appreciate being considered. Unfortunately, criminal rating is handled by the engine and has nothing to do with the code at all. I've never looked into the EXE, so I wouldn't know where to begin. Wish I could be of more assistance

That's too bad. It would be nice to know the exact requirements for it. That way I could make sure I have everything neccessary first. oooo well.

Criminal Rating: 635840 (Kind of slacked off yesterday and only did 30,000 points)

Planes & helicopters destroyed: 14008
Cone Crazy: 11 seconds
"Ice cream" sold: 200
Drug deals made: 100
Originally posted by RancidMilk
Planes & helicopters destroyed: 14008
Cone Crazy: 11 seconds
"Ice cream" sold: 200
Drug deals made: 100 [/B]

God bless your patience RancidMilk! I haven't got the willpower to continue my heli blowing up to make it to Godfather. I've got something less than 12,000 helis blown up and over 10,000 of them are just blowing them up at Hyman Condo and I don't have the patience to do any more. I'm not sure if I've got the will to either kill or heli-blow my way to Godfather.

Well thank you. I try to make it sort of interesting by doing some heli races after a few scores of thousands of points(if I could just shave 3 seconds off my downtown heli time I'll have your record :cool: ) Though it does get pretty dull. I'll usually put on my music while I do them to try and make the time go faster. But I am kind of ashamed that I'm doing it with the helis (seems kind of like cheating) but killing 1,000,000 people would take too much of my time. Kudos to the people who did it that way.
Originally posted by RancidMilk
But I am kind of ashamed that I'm doing it with the helis (seems kind of like cheating) but killing 1,000,000 people would take too much of my time. Kudos to the people who did it that way.

Don't be ashamed-- If I had a lick of common sense I would have done it that way too (or not at all)--unfortunately after I'd gotten up to 600,000 or so I'd gone too far to stop and leave the job unfinished-- evidently I don't like killing.....I went over 1,000,000 3 months ago and since then I've raised it up by about 10,000--

I wasted the equivalent of about 6 days of my life (hours added together of me killing) doing it.


I'm guessing 12-15 days (remember its only time spent killing)-- its got more left then I do (more then likely).

Are you retired from VC yet??

I played some last week-- I played from beginning up through the diaz missions so I could verify my VC quiz answer--

Other then that, trying to do stunts in Liberty city--- Its a stunters paradise if there were a PCJ there--- its tough finding good car/tank places.
Well I'm not completly retired from Vice City on the PS2. Haven't played it in quite awhile though, MTA takes up all of my free time now. Also the reason I haven't been posting here latley.

But I do intend on going back to it sometime.
What are you doing on MTA?? I mean are you doing team stuff, free for all wars... What is the appeal I mean? Maybe I'll buy the PC version--- should we move this to an MTA thread???
Oh geez, MTA is so freaking cool!

Yeah, I am part of a team. We call ourselves the VCH or Vice City Hitmen. We do gang wars, free for alls, everything.

There are even Stunt Servers which are dedicated to stunting. It's regular Vice City, except with extra ramps added in all over the city.

Everytime you click "Connect" it's a new challenge every time, different people all the time, not just the same old Police AI you have all the time, these are actual people for goodness sake!

And yes, I do think an MTA thread is in order. :D
I was going to suggest you add that record a while ago, while I was getting 100% my second time. There used to be a record like that in the neoseeker recordbook a while ago. It took me about 26 hours to do it. But I don't really have proof now after spending hours and hourst blowing up helicopters. Maybe you should add a fastest time to beat the story missions? I guess that wouldn't work though because you can't really prove that.

Speaking of blowing up helicopters, I'm up to 970,000 CR points now. I might do 30,000 tonight, or if I'm too tired and don't feel like it I'll do it tomorrow.
Yeah-- its kind of an obvious type of record to include, I just never thought to add it.

I kind of did it for KM-- he has a game at 17 hours and is 97% done-- if he completes and posts that, your 26 won't need to be proved. I'll go ahead and add it in with "unverified"-- I'm assuming no one needs proof for my 102 hours I posted.

I'm going to try and see what I can do with it over the summer.
That's a good idea. I might put that in my record book, though it would have to be rounded off to days.

It would be a good challenge to set myself over the next set of holidays.
Well, I did it. I am now a Godfather. 1,000,001 points. I also have about 25 thousand helicopters destroyed. And I did it all in under 100 hours. :cool: I might be able to post some pictures tomorrow as a friend said he would let me borrow his camera.
Originally posted by RancidMilk
Well, I did it. I am now a Godfather. 1,000,001 points. I also have about 25 thousand helicopters destroyed. And I did it all in under 100 hours. :cool: I might be able to post some pictures tomorrow as a friend said he would let me borrow his camera.
Originally posted by xAkirax2004
I quit 2 months because both my GTA 3 and Vice City disks are going bad. :(

Thank god for the double pack. 👍

Dont the saves from the origional version not work on double pack?
Here is a picture of my criminal rating and helicopters destroyed. I couldn't get the camera from my friend so I had to do it the way I've been doing it, so the quality is very poor. I played with tint and brightness to try and get it a little better.

Godfather 1002283 (went on a killing spree and got a few more points)
Planes and helicopters destroyed- 26,179 (only about 50 of that is planes)


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