Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Originally posted by Famine
Oi... Spuds? Remember THIS post? :D Stick it on please...

Is that for time to 100%?? If so it looks like 32:11-- is that correct??

Also, I started a new game today, going for that best time to 100%. I did Paramedic right away, then went and did the molotov rampage so the fire truck would show up and did firefighter. I did cone crazy, PCJ playground, and started doing missions. I got up to Copland today- I still have to finish the last cortez and avery missions. Have only done 1 malibu mission so far (no other assets purchased yet). I also did vigilante in the tank from "sir yes sir" have not done any other sides yet. I'm at 23% in about 4 hours-- I have yet to collect any packages, do any jumps, and have done just the one rampage.

I noticed today that you get 1 CR point for each patient you save in the ambulance and for each fire you put out in firefighter-- as well as this you get points for each level in ambulance (example--level 11 gives you 11 points) you also get 30 points for completing firefighter and paramedic. I'm thinking you get 1 pt per taxi passenger too (since the other 3 R3 missions each give you points--will have to check)---just something I noticed today.


i finished in 23 hours of game play. though you prolly want a screenie which i cant give ya.
I'll list it now as unverified, if KM can't finish his game in under that, I'm pretty sure I will. That will make the screenshot requirement moot (spelling??)-- or you can play it again.

The only part of the game I dislike is paramedic--I did it first in my new game (in 62 minutes) and then created a new save with just that done---I will NEVER do it again. :)

I can post a screenie of my 102:59 if anyone needs to see it (I kept a save right after I made 100%)

Originally posted by Spuds725
I'll list it now as unverified, if KM can't finish his game in under that, I'm pretty sure I will. That will make the screenshot requirement moot (spelling??)-- or you can play it again.

I haven't done anything about finishing that game yet. I've got exams this and next week so don't expect anything from me soon. But I'll get to 100% some day. I've a feeling that Taxi Driver is gonna take a couple of hours to get 100 fares but I should still come in at under 20 hours.

I have 353,234 shots fired.

And I also just started a new file; going for a record. Only did 40 taxi missions and the firetruck. I think what I'll do is the taxi, firetruck, ambulance, vigilate, rampages, and packages, then save after that so I can have a file with all of those out of the way already. That sounds like a good plan.
I was planning on doing that too but I didn't have a package map handy--

Don't forget pizzaboy...

You will have to steal the hunter to do vigilante though--you can't do it with the Rhino since the criminals spawn on the first island and the Rhino is on the 2nd (if you do it before opening the 2nd island). I imagine the other R3 missions do it the same way. If you want the firetruck to appear on the first island, do the molotov rampage or get the molotovs from downtown and bring them back to the first island.

I flew around last night and pretty quickly grabbed 39 packages from memory before my heli caught fire-- I did write them down so I don't end up with 1 or 2 left.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the pizza boy mission. And I already did firetruck in the ocean/washington beach area. I got the molotovs from the mexican restraunt.

I've also just today collected 15 packages, and did 29 unique jumps. I can't do the jumps at the docks, or the ones you do during G-spotlight because I'm yet to do a mission still. And for vigilate, I think I'll just do those after I get 1000 packages then steal the hunter from the base.
You actually can get up on the hospital downtown prior to G-spotlight if you really want to and complete 2 of 3 unique jumps that you get on G-spotlight....the one you will be missing is the one out the window when you start it.

This embankment is just south of the hospital. You aproach from the west but you have to start in the open yard to the north a bit and turn to the east to get up speed. Its kind of hard to get up there (I've done it about 6-8 times)...if you morph to a bike, its alot easier.

If I remember correctly you turn to the right a bit as you hit the embankment.

You sort of boomerang off that wall on your right and get shot off to the left-- when not morphed you will wipe out alot. Even if you don't want to the jumps early, its a fun jump to do--when you are playing for fun.

As far as my "quick" 100% quest, I'm at 42% done. I've done all storyline up to Copland, Completed Pole postion, Boatyard, Kaufmann cabs, Malibu, lovefist, Mitch baker, all 5 assasination missions.

Stuff I'm working on: 45 hidden packages, 1 rampage, 1 unique jump, I've done 2 of 6 street races, Stolen car lists for SSA--I'm not really working on these, when I see a car on a list, I grab it and either store it or drive it to SSA.

Still have to buy and do film studio and printworks, cuban and haitian missions, Phils missions, Pizzaboy, taxi, stadium events, RC races, Trial by dirt, test track, shooting range, and all 4 chopper checkpoints.

I'm at 7.5 hours so far.


Played another hour today. Got all the hidden packages, robbed 7/15 stores, 1 rampage, started doing film studio missions. 8.5 hours 48% done.


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I finished up the taxi missions and hidden packages today. Also started on rampages. I need to do vigilate, pizzaboy, ambulance, finish rampages, rob stores, and do all of the other races and junk, then I'll have all of the side missions done (i think) so i can just have a "base" file.
You are being alot more methodical then me-- in hind sight I should have done that too. At least getting the boring stuff done-- I might do more stuff with my save after paramedic.

Whats your time played up to??
Sorry it took me a while to get back here but I have an update. I finally got a chance to spend time playing the game so I took your advice Spuds and started playing Brown Thunder. I had a little over a mil in cash when I started.

So when it got up to 13 mil I wondered what exactly is the max cash number and I paused to come one the net and find out ...and then I saw it....Godfather.

So thanks Spuds for the help. If I hadn't come here I wouldn't have got Godfather and probably never even would have believed it exsisted. You fellas are gold.;)
Cool!!! :) Congrats on reaching Godfather. Glad we could help you out.

The max cash is $999,999,999 by the way. So that narrows down the mystery for Godfather ranking. You need between 1 and 13 million dollars---I'm betting it's $10,000,000.

Thanks for coming back here and posting that. I always wondered what the money requirement was.

100% game update:
I'm at 58% in just over 10 hours.

Originally posted by Spuds725
You are being alot more methodical then me-- in hind sight I should have done that too. At least getting the boring stuff done-- I might do more stuff with my save after paramedic.

Whats your time played up to??

My plan is to get all of that boring stuff done, safe a file for it, then just play off of that to try and get a fast time beating missions and whatnot. And if I want to try and get a better time, I'll just play off of it again.

Just today I finished rampages, did chopper checkpoint, rc races, test track, trial by dirt, and 2 stadium missions. Just need to finish dirt ring, pcj playground, rob all stores, and buy all of the safe houses. I'm at about 6 hours. Once I finished just all of the main story missions in about 9 hours, so I'm guessing if I can do it in about 7 or 8 this time I'll have about 16 hours to get 100%

P.S. I was looking around the net and found a record where a guy beat the main story missions in about 4 hours. Thats insane.

{edit} I forgot about ambulance and pizzaboy. :banghead: I just realized I didn't do those yet. Damn paramedic missions, those are boring and take forever. :irked: {edit}
Nice job Spuds. I'm still working on mine. I've been pretty busy this past week so I havn't had that much time to play. I'm at about 70 percent. I need to do some property missions and the last few main missions so I'm gonna try and get those done by this weekend.
What is your time up to?? I thought I was doing ok til I finally did taxi... I was able to do 100 in a row and it still took me 1:47-- seems like I hardly got any short place down town...airport, police station downtown, airport... I moved to the first island for a bit and it wasn't going any better so I went back to the 2nd island (of course going back and forth wasted about 5 minutes). I did pizza boy in vice point and knocked that out pretty fast-- I did it in downtown the last time I did it.

I should have tried to be more methodical-- do all the rampages, packages, jumps, side stuff in one area, then move to next area...I'm thinking it would be hard to get 100% in under 15 hours but I'm ready do be proved wrong.
I'm at about 13.5 right now. I doubt I'll get under 15 as I still have plenty of missions left.

I did the taxi downtown also. And it took me about the same amount of time. Those are getting very boring now. In all of my files put together I have over 550 of them done. Which is about 10 hours....

I hate the paramedic missions the most though. I ran over the person on level 9, then tried again and did it again on the 6th guy. :banghead: They're especially hard on gta III.
I agree that GTA3’s paramedic is harder—mainly because of no pause map. I think VC’s ambulances are tougher…the one in GTA3 I had started smoking pretty early (level 3) but it still lasted me…I did it very late in the game on Stuanton Island and the Yardies (and a few Cartel guys) kept shooting at me. I found it easier to get around on Stuanton Island then in VC though because the streets are mostly wider and there are multiple ways to get up and down the island.

Also, if anyone else tries to do a quick 100% game, realize your clock is running while cut scenes are playing, so click through all cut scenes.

One last thing…I will be out of town starting Monday for 11 days (I’m going to Myrtle Beach South Carolina). I will not be able to update the recordbook during that time—there have been very few submissions anyway but if anyone wonders why I’m not updating, that is why.

I squeezed in some play last night and today. I did the missions up to Love fist and the biker shop. I'm up to 15 hours now and still have to finish missions, unique jumps, SSA car lists which take a while....I think that's all. I'm not sure if I can beat your time Spuds.

One last thing…I will be out of town starting Monday for 11 days (I’m going to Myrtle Beach South Carolina).

Gonna play golf by any chance?? There are some really nice courses over there.
[off topic] I doubt I'll get any golf in. I used to play quite a bit and got pretty good, but haven't played regularly in about 6 years. Me and the wife and my kid (20 months old) will be mainly doing the beach thing-- relaxing and do some bike riding. We are also spreading out our drive there and back over 2 days so we will only be there for 7 days. If I have room I might pack my clubs and try and squeeze in a little bit--I need to hit a driving range first though [/off topic]

As far as SSA cars, I wouldn't look for too long at a time without reloading. Also I wouldn't look around SSA for at least the first list--seems like they make you hunt for them (downtown and vice point)...The Esperanto kicked my butt...the rest kind of showed up. You might want to just print out all the cars you have to find and just play your missions. If you see one on the list, grab it and store it (if you have the time to spare).

As far as the jumps go, I had problems getting the one by the malibu to register, other then that, just do them in areas-- I planned out my route carefully and did all the airport jumps one after another over about 4-5 minutes-- I had to do it twice though because my bike blew up before I finished the first time.

I think you still have a shot at my record-- good luck!
I played some last night, and this morning and did missions past shakedown. I bought the Film Studios and finished missions there, then I finished my unique jumps. Also started on Kaufman Cabs. So now I'll I have to do is finish Kaufman, Printworks, Boatyard, Pole Position, Malibu, SSA car lists and races. Oh and do the cherry poppers drug deals. Then finish the last two missions. I have 15 hours 47 minutes now. So if I do the missions as fast as possible and do good on the car lists I might have a change. Last time I tried to get the Sabre, it took me almost 2 hours. I didn't just look for it for 2 straight hours, but it took that long for it to finally show up somewhere. I think what I'll do is go look around for a car, and if I can't find it I'll just reload and try again.
So you guys are going for quickest to 100% now, eh? Think I'll join in the fun too.

I was looking over the times for the SAA races, specificly the V.C. Endurance times. They are super low compared to my best efforts so I was wondering what cars or bikes you suggest using to get a good time?
I don't have the patience to keep repeating VC endurance...the last 1/4 or the race always seems to screw me-- my best is about 4:15

For raw speed in a car, you can't beat the hotring racer-- you have to learn to corner well in it though. The PCJ is faster but its unforgiving if you wreck. KM managed to break 4 minutes with the "super angel" but you have to have a save at "Alloy wheels of steel" to race with that can't save it.

I've heard the stinger is pretty good since it combines good speed and good handling. It seems like the cheetah and comet just don't have enough speed although their handling is excellent. The Infernus has good speed too but I just can't consitently hit turns good with it so I usually won't use it for street races.

KM and some of the others are the ones to ask for VC endurance-- I believe they all have points in the race that they check and if they aren't making good enough time, reload (rather then waste time driving the whole race) definitely need to learn all the turns in the little haiti and little havana--its easy to mess up that part of the race. Everything up to that is cake.


Rancid, if you are trying to get the sabre, I seem to remember that if you are driving in one of the kaufmann cabs, it makes them spawn. You can at least try it if you can't find it. I know that the cars that spawn are related to the car you are driving...somehow they are divided into certain cars you are in make certain cars spawn.
Finished Kaufman Cabs, and Malibu assets. I started the car lists and did the first one already. I also did one of Phil's missions. I'm gonna try and get the boatyard and pole position assets done tonight and maybe do some more of the cars at SSA.

(edit) I just remembered I got 1:57 on the mission "Driver".
Well, I finished today. 17 hours and 25 minutes. I could have beat it if it weren't for the damn car lists. :mad: I tried repeatedly to reload where I last saved and try to shave off 20 minutes by trying to find the cars faster. But I couldn't.

After I finally finished them and checked my stats, it showed I only had 99% done. I got really man because I knew I didn't miss anything. So then I checked my stats and went over everything and I noticed I only had 4 of the SSA car races done. So I finshed the last one and got 100%
Yep, car lists suck--I had problems with the Esperanto. I didn't really look for any of the cars though. I just played and if I saw one, I grabbed it. I did that until I got to the ones that were in fixed locations.

I still think its possible to knock off at least an hour off my time. I'll try it again one of these days and be more methodical...not save as often and do all the jumps, packages,rampages, and side stuff in one area (like ocean beach), then move up to washington beach, vice point, etc...

In the missions, I think you can knock off time just by working the helicopters in more--ones where you have to travel longer distances. I used the sea sparrow for a couple of missions.


Yeah, I might try it again sometime. Good thing I have a file with all the side stuff saved already. ;) And the hunter and sea sparrow helped me out some on a few of the missions. The cars that gave me a hard time where the Virgo, Sabre(again), esperanto, and stinger.

Does saving affect time played at all? I know it passes the time 6-7 minutes but does that add on to time played also?
No, I checked, but I saved my progress often which means I wasn’t progressing the game when I went to and from my safehouses—30 seconds, 50 times adds up to almost a ½ hour.

I have just the save with paramedic done. I want to try and knock time off my side stuff too and be more methodical next time