Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I'm never showing my face again!! It was 18 seconds...where did 9 seconds come from?!? Sorry Spuds for messing you around, the time is actually on my save game because we sometimes copy each others cards if we've finished and we screwed up the other game. Again, very sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I did 21 not 11, lol.

Man that's REALLY embarrassing...don't hate me lol! That's REALLY REALLY embarrassing. I gotta figure out where I got 9 seconds from :banghead::banghead::banghead:!!!
No worries...

In the future try not to post "things you remember" others have done, but things you have done yourself. I know you are remembering things from before you participated here so its been a while so don't sweat it.

I haven't got a chance to try out Rancids method but if you can get the last 2 reasonably fast..sounds promising...I've never tried it that way but in my head it seems pretty fast if you can get the one in the north corner fast and make the "S" turn backing up without hitting the cone in the middle of the circle--- doing it his way you change directions only once. The only downside to it is that you start from a dead stop.

When I stated I didn't think it was possible to get much faster then my time I was assuming my route was the fastest since you hit the first two with some speed instead of from a dead stop, of course you have to change directions twice--as I stated before, I'm not infallible. I'm not sure when I'll get to try it out though. If it is fast, I'll be sure to post a video clip of it.

It might be a few days until I can try it out.

I'll start up the new category tomorrow---I have some work to do around the house right now and I'm already playing hooky from that.

I have Vice City on PC now so I can try it a bit, I know I can get down to 18 or 17, I'll give it a try. Btw, sorry about the thing before again, I still don't know why 9 seconds popped into my head! Btw, where's KM lately? He used to be god of most of the vehicle stuff, he would have some ideas on some quick ways to CC, surely...
He's around (I've exchanged a few PMs with him lately) but I think he is kind of busy right now---for some reason he ignored cone crazy--odd since he is in the recordbook for nearly every other timed event....all in good time.

Updated-- added new conecrazy category.

Jimmy Enslashay
Man that's REALLY embarrassing...don't hate me lol! That's REALLY REALLY embarrassing. I gotta figure out where I got 9 seconds from :banghead::banghead::banghead:!!!

I think it is possible to get 9 seconds on Cone Crazy...
So do it.

Theory is one thing-- but for record purposes I need either a video clip or detailed description-- if I can't repeat it in at least a ball park of the time, its inadmissable.

Is the horse (we are beating) still dead??? :crazy:
I may be reading this wrong but anyway.. Looky..

Fastest Time for "Cone Crazy"
Moving cones glitch
1. 0:08 - Spuds725
2. 0:11 - RancidMilk
3. 0:12 - Hell No
4. 0:13 - Famine

I didnt move any cones to do this.
I assumed you had-- once again, for a #1 record for this new category I need proof (as discussed in several posts now)-- I'm assuming you can make a clip of it (as you have made a stunt movie) or you can post your method and I can try to repeat it (but I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to try it out).... no hurry--I'll update the stats when time permits--time for bed.

I hate to sound like a broken record but would someone (anyone) please post proof of these low times--- lots of claims and the only person to post any type of method is Rancid---no clips yet...are you guys all trying to work my last nerve :crazy: (hey....lets mess with Spuds' head...) :scared:

Need help

In case someone hasn't noticed, the header/banner pic for the recordbook got lost some how. I linked my pic off Integra's recordbook thread which was linked off Shannon's recordbook thread.

If anyone has a good pic or knows how to edit pics good (I suck) Please post a pic to this thread to replace it....


Ok, 12 seconds on cone crazy now without moving any cones. I used the same route as I did before except instead of starting off without moving I started back farther and went fast through the first cone so I was able to knock off a second. I wish I could make a video....
Maybe I misread your route but is the first one you hit the one on the backside of the ramp that comes up to the roof (the same end of the garage as the 2 on the ramps)??

If so, is there room to hit that one going forward?? I still haven't got a chance to play and try this--I should get a chance tomorrow or wed.

It has now been over 3 weeks since I've played any GTA....a personal best for me.
Need help

In case someone hasn't noticed, the header/banner pic for the recordbook got lost some how. I linked my pic off Integra's recordbook thread which was linked off Shannon's recordbook thread.

If anyone has a good pic or knows how to edit pics good (I suck) Please post a pic to this thread to replace it....


I could make you one, I'll post it in a few days.
I could make you one, I'll post it in a few days.

Thanks--- I appreciate it and will credit the artwork to you (in the recordbook post).

Ok, back to the dead horse we've all been beating..

I did cone crazy this morning using the order posted by Rancid and was able to get my time down to 13 seconds (took me alot of tries--I kept hitting cones). I see how less then 13 (but not too much less) would be possible so Rancid and Hell No are the #1's now and the "unverified" are removed.

I no longer require a vid clip from Rancid or Hell No but I would like you both to either post (or you can PM me if you would like to keep it secret) a little more detail on your route (besides just the order you hit the checkpoints)--

I was able to finally get 13 but I had to get a little creative in my route to do it which is why I would like the more detailed info. Specifically I want you to describe how you got:
1. the checkpoint on the back side of the entrance ramp to the roof
2. the one in the corner at the north end

I don't plan on trying to get the number 1 in this category (I'm happy with my 13 seconds) so please don't think I'm milking you for info on this (if your route was different from mine).

If my route was the same as Rancids and it is ok with him (since he shared it with us), I will post a short vid clip of me getting the 13 seconds (I video taped me getting it)...its totally up to him.

Congrats Spuds, I might try that in the next few days, I set up my whole Vice City PC save game, so I'm gonna go for some records maybe. I'll try go for those Helicopter ones again later on down the track because I was closing in on KM's records, but I done those on PS2, so I don't know how I would go on PC...
This is the temporary recordbook header--still looking for a good one.


    10.5 KB · Views: 17
13 seconds for cone crazy:tup:

I didn't move any cones, cheat etc. If you need confirmation spuds, pm me and i'll tell you how I did it, but you probably already know the route I used.


  • Cone Crazy Record.jpg
    Cone Crazy Record.jpg
    41.2 KB · Views: 10
13 seconds for cone crazy:tup:

I didn't move any cones, cheat etc. If you need confirmation spuds, pm me and i'll tell you how I did it, but you probably already know the route I used.

Not needed-- I'm assuming you used the sequence posted by Rancid.

I made a clip of the route but for some reason geocities won't accept an WMV formated file--I compressed all my clips and am ready to post them but now I have to find a different host. Anbody know a free hosting site--need a few MBs

I did is basically that way but at the start of it I go straight through the middle of the cones (heading north) instead of backing it in then accelerating. You get some nice speed then, but I'm sure I could do it quicker with a big run up.

BTW I never read the route before just now, I just knew there was another one and tried to figure it out this morning.
Lol, you were trying all morning, then you got frustrated and drove straight through the middle and it actually worked. Then when he finished it off, I was laughing my head off. Usually our stupid idiotic things out of frustration end up backfiring...not....frontfiring (?)...

Then you couldn't do it again with replay soon as you tried it with replay off you did it :grumpy: !

Btw Spuds, try
Yea, that's the way Blake went, except he got a nice run-up for the start (Cone Crazy Vid).

By the way, have you posted that second vid before? Looks familiar. (Not just the stunt, the whole video does)
Jimmy Enslashay
Yea, that's the way Blake went, except he got a nice run-up for the start (Cone Crazy Vid).

By the way, have you posted that second vid before? Looks familiar. (Not just the stunt, the whole video does)

Yeah...cept it was an AVI format, larger with better resolution--also about 10x bigger.

I'm going to post some superjump clips too but I'm a probationary member so I'm limited to 700kb files and they are sligthly bigger.

I also spent about 2 hours trying to get a good GTA3 superjump the other night but had no luck on getting a good one---I got some pretty lame ones though--I still haven't got one that has shot me off the first island yet--
Are you talking about over the broken bridge? If you are it's impossible without cheating. Btw, try some jumps over the trucks at Portland Harbour Docks, and between the bridges. Even over the walkway to the Monorail at Chinatown. There's plenty of jumps.

Also, I don't know any other better free site creating places. If anyone else has any they'd like to share, I'd be just as grateful as Spuds.
[off topic] No, I'm talking about a GTA3 superjump--- done from the L-train tracks in Portland.

See video clips here.

Yes you need to use the health cheat for almost all of them--the cars take alot of damage.

I've done only 2 decent ones-- both were pretty high (about 1000 feet)...on one I landed near my safe house on portland, the other in St Marks (the one in St. Marks had over 20000 degrees rotation though) [/off topic]

Grrr, all of my attachments have been deleted, here's the proof if you never saw it. Clickety click for larger version.
Safehouse Visits: 244
People Wasted By Others: 542
Times Busted: 0
Hospital Visits: 0
Bullets Fired: 28649
Bullets That Hit: 12175
Accuracy (100% game): 42%
Distance Traveled by Boat: 15 miles
Regular Jump Flips (Infurnus): 3
Regular Jump Distance (Rhino): 214 meters
Regular Jump Height (Rhino): 35 meters
Super Jump Flips (My brother did this: Dallas) (Phil’s Place): 55
Super Jump Rotation (Phil’s Place): 34835 degrees
Super Jump Distance (Phil’s Place): 718 meters
Super Jump Height (Phil’s Place): 457 meters
Cash Made in Taxi: $114,238
RC Car Race: 2:22
Terminal Velocity: 0:46
Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint: 1:50
Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint: 2:04
Cone Crazy (not moving cones): 0:14
Fastest Time in Hotring: 3:12
Longest Time in Bloodring: 480 seconds
Fishes Fed: 0
Seagulls Sniped: 103
Highest Media Attention: 5128

Which records do I need to prove and how do I post pics to prove?

This is my first time on this forum. Spuds725 is my idol!
Spuds, I now know how to post pics, but what pics do you need to see?

I'll put them on here as soon as I can.

By the way, how do I put on a custom avatar?