Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Call me dumb, but what does NTSC mean (also, I heard you say LMAO once)? :confused:

By the way, where has Spuds been for the last few days?
Or maybe he's just not one of those guys that's on here every single day! cough ** Blake ** cough ** Jimmy ** cough :lol:

It just seem's like Spuds got 1000 posts and took a break! :boggled: (I looked at his profile)
What? lol. Anyway says you!;)

Uhh I have no idea what NTSC stands for -- if anything, but it's the american version of the game. LMAO means laughing my ass off.
No, it's just a regional difference, I found this:
The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) was responsible for developing, in 1953, a set of standard protocols for television (TV) broadcast transmission and reception in the United States. Other standards were adopted in the rest of the world. The NTSC standards have not changed significantly since their inception, except for the addition of new parameters for color signals. NTSC signals are not directly compatible with computer systems.

An NTSC TV image has 525 horizontal lines per frame (complete screen image). These lines are scanned from left to right, and from top to bottom. Every other line is skipped. Thus it takes two screen scans to complete a frame: one scan for the odd-numbered horizontal lines, and another scan for the even-numbered lines. Each half-frame screen scan takes approximately 1/60 of a second; a complete frame is scanned every 1/30 second. This alternate-line scanning system is known as interlacing.

PAL is short for Phase Alternating Line, the dominant television standard in Europe. The United States uses a different standard, NTSC. Whereas NTSC delivers 525 lines of resolution at 60 half-frames per second, PAL delivers 625 lines at 50 half-frames per second. Many video adapters that enable computer monitors to be used as television screens support both NTSC and PAL signals.
I'm back... Just had a ferocious GTAVC-a-thon. I managed...

100% completion: 15hr 33; 50 game days passed, 26 Safehouse visits.

No other stats of note, but I reckon, now I know what I'm doing, I could get sub-teen for 100% complete. I wasted an awful lot of time on a couple of rampages and Sunshine Autos for a start.

The reason I haven't been around is that the plant where I work had a maintenance outage and I worked a bunch of hours the last 8 days. Didn't have much free time--my next pay check is going to have about 55 hours of over time.

I'm gonna need to see a screenshot with your played time and your 100% visible- you are unverified until then.

I don't know if you can knock a significant amount off that time-- Just the ambulance and taxi take nearly 2 1/2 hours (I hope you did the ambulance first and saved it so you don't have to redo it). I didn't mess around in my game but I will admit I was not very methodical in doing side stuff.

Congrats on the teleport superjump jump Deli-- sorry folks, its just dumb luck. I'd heard of them before mine but there is no real method. If you notice on his screenshot, his first jump (the teleport) gave him no height stat--that was just like mine-- short distance, no height, and a buttload of spin-- I caught fire after my first bounce :ouch:

Updating now... (patience grasshopper)

Blake - Thanks for the info about NTSC. Although I still don't really understand it (too many big words)! :crazy:

Famine - :lol:

Spuds - Nice to see you back; save some of that money for SA! ;)
The reason I haven't been around is that the plant where I work had a maintenance outage and I worked a bunch of hours the last 8 days. Didn't have much free time--my next pay check is going to have about 55 hours of over time.

Oooh, lend us a tenner! :D

I'm gonna need to see a screenshot with your played time and your 100% visible- you are unverified until then.

Yep - no problem. I snapped one, but haven't uploaded it yet.

I don't know if you can knock a significant amount off that time-- Just the ambulance and taxi take nearly 2 1/2 hours (I hope you did the ambulance first and saved it so you don't have to redo it). I didn't mess around in my game but I will admit I was not very methodical in doing side stuff.

I got the Taxi mission down to just under 2 hours, by using the Zebra Cab and running up and down the West Island. I'm currently trying a game where I get all the rampages/Packages while I'm in a particular region. I've done 36% in about 4 hours, with all the side missions but the Helicopters, West Island Unique Jumps, Hotring/DirtRing, Vigilante (get packages, get Rhino - not hard) and Taxi.

I think a 12 hour game is there. Not much less though.

Famine your always competing to get the lowest possible time there aren't you :lol: ;)

I can't even finish the game. Or won't. Or enjoy killing cops so damn much I refuse to finish the game. Never mind finish in 12 hours.
I wouldn't put too much faith in the % you've completed equating to the time to complete the game. The jumps give you over 20% by themselves but don't take long to do. The ambulance and taxi give you at most 1 or 2 % each and easily take almost 3 hours to do-- I knocked out the taxi in 1:46 in my game last time (I did 100 in a row but switched from west to east and back to the west island. I did nail the paramedic pretty fast (hey she was a hot paramedic :dopey: ).

I think it might be fastest to use the region strategy (minus the jumps) but use a heli to get around. Do the jumps before or after.

I don't know. I'm going to think it through a bit.
Hey Deli, you're on every day as well! And I wasn't on yesterday...well in the daytime anyway! I was away, so you can stick that up your....:lol:

Anyway, 55 hours of overtime??? I hate you.
Jimmy, sorry to break it to you but neither of us had been registered here when I was in Europe, EVER! I was still on AoKHeaven forums back then...god that seems a long time ago...
You weren't in Newbie then,you didn't go to newbie untill I went here. But yeah, I'll leave it.
Right. I'm winding down on my current game. I've got 78% at 8 hours 18. All I have left is:
Dirt Ring
The Malibu (all)
Sunshine Autos (3 lists)
Pole Position (10 minutes wasted)
Vice Street Racer
Cherry Poppers
The Printworks
2 rampages (both in Little Haiti)
1 Unique Jump
Cap The Collectors/Keep Your Friends Close

And last but not least, 2 hours of taxi-based fun. This means that, to break the teens, I need to do all of the above in 1hr 42 or less. Doable? I think so.
Doable, yes, but you'll be pushing it. Somehow I think you will just hit the teens. Good luck:tup:
The Malibu (all)
Sunshine Autos (3 lists)
Pole Position (10 minutes wasted)
Vice Street Racer
Cherry Poppers
The Printworks

These are your most time consuming things I see. Printworks is easy. Cherry Poppers is a quick run. Pole Position, only 10 mins. Sunshine Autos stuff and Malibu will be your most time consuming of all, but I say you'll have a 11 hour and a bit finish. Good luck.
You're forgetting the Taxi...

I'm now left with:
Malibu - The Job mission only
Vice Street Racer
Cap the Collectors/Keep Your Friends Close
Sunshine Autos - a Voodoo :D
Dirt Ring

88%, 10hr 40 passed. I don't think I'll end up in the 12s, somehow... :D
You're forgetting the Taxi...

I'm now left with:
Malibu - The Job mission only
Vice Street Racer
Cap the Collectors/Keep Your Friends Close
Sunshine Autos - a Voodoo :D
Dirt Ring

88%, 10hr 40 passed. I don't think I'll end up in the 12s, somehow... :D
Printworks—15 minutes
Malibu - The Job mission only- 15 minutes
Vice Street Racer ???? (if he means all races, 15 minute at least)
Cap the Collectors/Keep Your Friends Close (10 minutes)
Sunshine Autos - a Voodoo :D (4 minutes)
Dirt Ring (~10 minutes for most people)
Taxi. -- At least 100 minutes

Grand total: 169 minutes—(ll minutes shy of 3 more hours)

I’m guessing he will get a minimum of 13 ½ hours.