Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Sweepstakes! :D

I intend to do "The Job", ending up otuside Cam's, then nip up to the Printworks and head up to Auntie Poulet's for a Voodoo. That should shave some time off. Then Cap the Collectors, do the VSR, nip up for my 3 minute Dirt Ring (:D - I got a 3'59. It counts!), tool up and head, in a TAxi, down to Starfish Island. Then Taxi it and I'm home and hosed. :D
Good job, Famine! 👍
Sounds like you have thought quite a bit about how to beat the game quickly.
By the way, after you beat it again, how many times have you went from 0 to 100%?
Sweepstakes! :D

I intend to do "The Job", ending up otuside Cam's, then nip up to the Printworks and head up to Auntie Poulet's for a Voodoo. That should shave some time off. Then Cap the Collectors, do the VSR, nip up for my 3 minute Dirt Ring (:D - I got a 3'59. It counts!), tool up and head, in a TAxi, down to Starfish Island. Then Taxi it and I'm home and hosed. :D
Since you already beat my time, I’ll give a a good hint for “the Job”. I noticed that when you walk/run around. That Cam follows you, and Phil follows Cam, so if you get too far ahead and turn or something, Phil will some times get stuck. Since only Phil has to survive, just before you exit the bank. Kill Cam—then Phil will follow you (and fairly closely since Cam is no more)—makes your escape a little easier.

Deli Dingo
Good job, Famine! 👍
Sounds like you have thought quite a bit about how to beat the game quickly.
By the way, after you beat it again, how many times have you went from 0 to 100%?

I think this will be number 12.
Not a bad idea, but I've never lost Phil in the 4 or 5 times I've done that. I like your working of the time Spuds, and good luck with the Taxi missions Famine.
I have....he lags and gets killed at the end, and its a long mission so it really pisses me off. I usually just park a car around the side of the bank (left side when facing it).

I just realized, famine still has to do PHils missions (add 8 more minutes to his time).

Looks like you're not gonna break 13 hours. I've also just started a new game to try for another quick 100% run. So far I'm 15% with 2:45 hours. I've done all the missions up to Rub Out and just started the cuban missions. I've also done the Paramedic mission(biggest hassle in the entire game I think[I saved a separate file with that done only like Spuds did so I wouldn't have to deal with it ever again.]) I didn't start out with my base file I made with all of the side missions done already because I thought I could improve on them.
I've been doing some calculations, and I think with a specific order of missions, depending on their end-points, I can do 11s. I might have to give it another crack on Monday/Tuesday next week... :D
You are one crazy man. By the way, haven't seen you around in a long time Rancid, or at least I haven't noticed you. You still on NeoSeeker? (Newbieseeker)

Also, Famine, if you can get 11, I will eat this post. :lol:
Looks like I'm going to be pretty close in my famine time prediction. I'm going to update and say you will come in a hair under 14 hours. I think you can get it between 13:40 and 13:50. I did 1:46 for taxi and that was doing 100 in a row but switching betwee the 2nd island, back to the 1st, and then back to the 2nd-- I figure I wasted 4-5 minutes doing that.

13hr 51 minutes. Taxi took 95 minutes.

However, not happy with that, I've started another game... :D 1hr 40 gone, 9% acheived, including Firefighter, Paramedic and Pizza Boy... :D

This one's going rather well. I'm sticking more to a predetermined pattern, and keeping track of what I've done more diligently... :D
Yeah, yeah. You'll get your damn screenshot... :lol:

Just completed Phnom Penh '86 for the 13th time... :D 29% completed (all of west island bar the two Chopper Checkpoints, two packages (island hut and blue & white building), one rampage (island hut), two jumps (Marina), Cortez's final two missions and Avery's final mission.. 3hr 18 passed.
I havn't been working on my game too much but so far I'm at 4:53 hours, and I still need to do all the malibu missions, phil cassidy, last 2 missions, assasinations, Pizza boy, car lists/races, firefighter, rampages, vigilate, packages, unique jumps, 3 chopper checkpoints, taxi, cherry poppers, rob all the stores, and to the rc races. So I've still got a ways to go. At this point i can't really guess what time I'll be able to get.
Screenshot! :D

I'd also like to put in a 4'59 RC Raider Pickup time.


  • gtavcstats12.jpg
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Screenshot! :D

I'd also like to put in a 4'59 RC Raider Pickup time.

I think I need my eyes checked--your pic looked kind of blurry--- I think you were too close when you took it. Your days played (43--at least thats what it looks like) support your time though. If its not too much trouble please take another screenshot.

Updated (RC Raider)
I took 20 photos, from varying distances. The camera just didn't want to know. Hopefully it shouldn't be too long before I give you an even quicker game :lol:

I also netted a 2'11 for the RC Barons in that game... :D

I wasn't happy with my earlier game, so I restarted from just over an hour. I've now reached the same point (29%) in 3hr 07. Not bad... :D
Jeez Famine, how do you have time to play this much Vice City while being super smart AND proving everybody wrong about EVERYTHING:lol:
I'll answer "yes" to both, since I work IN a school.... :lol:

My stats currently say 47% at 5hr 10. There is absolutely nothing left to do on the East Island at all apart from the two Chopper Checkpoints, the Malibu and any missions or races which might take me there. 90/100 packages are done, 7 rampages are left and 9 Unique Jumps (all at the airport). The only R3 mission left is Vigilante, and Taxi is still on the agenda. It seems to be just a case of rolling through the missions from this point on... :D
You've done all R3's except taxi and vigilante??

I'm impressed you've gotten paramedic, firefighter, pizzaboy, and that many packages, jump, rampages, and missions done in that amount of time.
I'm using the mission end-points to determine the region I mop-up. Since we know where each mission ends - or at least is likely to end in some of the more free-range missions - I can minimise the travel time.

Given that I've not wasted MUCH time and what I've actually done is more tangible than theoretical, I think 11hr 59 or less would be pushing it beyond sensible limits. 12hr 59 is a more acheivable goal. So Jimmy - your diet is safe. I think :D

I have lost count on my rampages though. I think I missed the M4 one at Northpoint mall, But, since I've got to go there in "Shakedown", I won't have wasted any time travelling specifically to it :D
Stats Update:
Best score for Shooter: 107 (hey, a point is a point).
RC Raider Pickup: 4'47
Best Time in Hotring: 3'08 (screenshot to follow).

My game is going swimmingly - I've got to grab a Phoenix, a Cuban Hermes and bring my Pizza Boy over from Vice Point, then do the six VSR races and then Taxi. And that's IT.

Current stats: 94% in 9hr 47.