Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I need to check my new game too. I know I drowned once getting the hidden package on the rocks (my heli fell off and sank)-- I think that was my only death.

Most of my deaths were from doing rampages. The only times I drowned were when I fell off the boat in Cortez's mission(i didn't want to reload because I just did some other missions before that...), and also when I fell in doing the unique jump by the Malibu.
Thanks a lot Spuds! :irked: You've just turned me off ever bothering to finish that game 100%. I don't think it's possibly for me to beat your score of just over 17 hours from my game.

Nuts to you!

The taxi missions are taking longer then I thought. I figured I could bang them out in a hour game time but I still have 40 left to do.

Started this new game yesterday and I'm 6 hours (game time) into it with all package, rampages, and vigilante done. I think I could have done it faster but getting back over to the other island at the very beginning takes a good chunk of time itself especially if you die a few time over there and have to go the name of being methodical.:irked:
You should have saved your game at the SkumHole shack (its pretty cheap and the police heli is close by) and reloaded if you died.

Also, here is a vid clip of a way I discovered to get to the 2nd island--it works on PS2, not sure of the other platforms-- its pretty easy (with some practice)-- note, you have to aim just a hair to the left of the gap and be upright as you go hit the barrier. The clip is about 18 seconds and 4.9 MBs

Go through the barrier

Yep, the taxi sucks as much as the paramedic--took me 1:45 to get 100 passengers in a row.

Screenie of where you should hit barrier to go through it.

Just a reminder, I will be out of town starting tomorrow for 10 days.. There will be no recordbook updates until I get back
Do all of these records have to be at 100% completion of the game? Because I do have one for Number of Drug Deals Made: 51. And that's without getting busted.
only the ones that say "(in a 100% game)" or something along those lines after the actual record.

btw Spuds, when u come back on here clear your Private Messages, its full dammit. lol.
Jimmy Enslashay
btw Spuds, when u come back on here clear your Private Messages, its full dammit. lol.

I'm Back..


I don't know why it had it as full-- Somehow it indicated 100 messages more then I actually had. Anyway, all deleted now.

Updated-- (added AP1's record)

spuds how the hell did you get 8 seconds on cone crazy???

I'm Goooood :)

I discussed this when I did it a while back. Start the mission and use the car to nudge the cones around-- you might also need to move the other cars that might be in your way. What you want is a straight shot across the 3 that are on the flat section of the roof (takes about 5 to 10 minutes to nudge them around). Nudge them gently. After you nudge them, start the timer by getting the 2 on the ramp (go up one cut the corner and down the other one so you are turning left across the corner--practice this so you can do this in your sleep prior to nudging the cones around)--then grab the one on the back side of the ramp to the roof, the one in the circle and just crash into the last one in the corner--these last 3 are about in a straight line.

I think its possible to take another second or two off my 8 seconds--I drove a little conservatively when I did it.

When I did this I had just had alot of practice grabbing the ones on the ramp--it was when I was maxing my money via the cone crazy trick so I'd just done it about 30 times so at the time, I had done it a bunch.

The best I did without nudging them is 19 seconds-- I think 18 or 17 seconds is possible that way-- That is grabbing the 2 on the ramp first, the one near the entrance ramp, the one in the corner, and then the one in the circle.

spuds how the hell did you get 8 seconds on cone crazy???

actually, i watched Blake do it in 9 seconds. it looks simple, although i never bothered trying to do it fast, my attempts at records were either chopper times (which got close to some of KM's times as i remember from the Neoseeker forums) and media attention (which i think im pretty high up). I might chuck VC in the disc tray on the PS2 for once and check some of my stats, if i can be bothered...remind me someone...actually remind me Blake when i see u next.
i think you should make that trick seperate as i takes the whole point of cone crazy away, the times should be how it the original track.
The recordbook has always included glitched stats-- The purpose of this is that it only requires a screenshot for proof. I've made exceptions for a few categories (rotation while not morphed for one) but I was able to furnish proof of my rotation record via a video clip. Most people cannot do this.

I've also put in explanations on glitched stats next to the stats (my 74 meter jump height for one)

If you really want to do this I will but any record that I consider unbelievable will require a video clip as proof-- My best is 19 seconds and I couldn't lower it further without nudging cones--- this would have to be the standard unless it can be explained to me and I can repeat it (as I've done for some other records)-- anyway-- all the records are under 19 right now (so they will stay in the "nudging category") so if you want to post to a new category, put up your time.

Anybody else have an opinion on this???

Also, if anyone wants to see any video clips of superjumps or anything else let me know--I just figured out how to compress my video files alot (reduction of 80% in size) by converting AVIs to WMV format and adjusting audio properties. Anyway, I've taken clips of both the lighthouse and phils place superjumps I can post if anyone wants to see them (or any other thing someone would want me to demonstrate)-- I actually haven't played any GTA (or any other video game) in at least 3 weeks

Anyway--- I can post more vid clips now (my free page is limited to 15MB total) since the clips will be alot smaller.

Well, my record says that I am at the rank of Enforcer (3209). Man, I still got a very long way to go before I reach the rank of Godfather, but who cares? I am what I am.
Riiiiiggghhttt....:lol: joking.

I'm sure you've done more than 19 seconds Spuds. It's easy, my best is about 11 seconds, but it's not too hard to get better. It just requires fast, but precision driving. You need to be accurate, but keep doing it over and over again until you know all the tiny shortcuts you can take through some cones.
Jimmy Enslashay
Riiiiiggghhttt....:lol: joking.

I'm sure you've done more than 19 seconds Spuds. It's easy, my best is about 11 seconds, but it's not too hard to get better. It just requires fast, but precision driving. You need to be accurate, but keep doing it over and over again until you know all the tiny shortcuts you can take through some cones.

Vid clip or route description please. YOu have to stop and change direction at least twice-- I don't believe 11 seconds is possible--

Prove me wrong.
I've managed 16 seconds without moving any cones. I don't really remember the order I did them in because it was a few months ago but I could try it later on today. I remember it because it was when I was trying to max out my money doing the cone crazy thing and when I got to about 15 mil. I accidentally ran into the last checkpoint right away and ended up getting 16 seconds.
Spuds, it is possible, I don't have Vice City on PC...yet, and I don't know if its on the save game I currently have. I'll check tomorrow, just gotta remember. It is very possible to get close to 10 seconds, I seen Blake do 9 and it looked like he did it easy, although he was practically panting when he finished :lol: jokin! But you know me, I'm not a bs'er, I just gotta find some proof. Just keep practising at it, it's really not that hard.

I did the ramp that goes up, left, and down first. Then I think I went to the one closest to it after that (I haven't played VC in a long time, let alone do the side missions), maybe went to the one opposite of the up/left/down ramp. Then the circle and I think that's it, u only have to d 4 don't u? I'm rusty on remembering VC stuff atm.
Jimmy Enslashay
Spuds, it is possible, I don't have Vice City on PC...yet, and I don't know if its on the save game I currently have. I'll check tomorrow, just gotta remember. It is very possible to get close to 10 seconds, I seen Blake do 9 and it looked like he did it easy, although he was practically panting when he finished :lol: jokin! But you know me, I'm not a bs'er, I just gotta find some proof. Just keep practising at it, it's really not that hard.

I did the ramp that goes up, left, and down first. Then I think I went to the one closest to it after that (I haven't played VC in a long time, let alone do the side missions), maybe went to the one opposite of the up/left/down ramp. Then the circle and I think that's it, u only have to d 4 don't u? I'm rusty on remembering VC stuff atm.

Listen...I'm not going to argue this. I've done it a ton of times and I have a good idea of what is possible and what is not possible. You can't even remember that there are 5 checkpoints nor the order and you are calling 9 seconds easy. I'll call the 16 that Rancid did possible because its at least in the ball park of my 19 but 9--no way was that done unless maybe cheats were involved. I haven't done cone crazy in several months and I did it enough times to remember it in my sleep.

Now I'm not accusing you or Blake of cheating but I put down my requirements for proof. Either show proof (by video clip) or explain the route and how it was done (in detail) so I can try it and determine if its possible or lets just drop this discussion.

I'm not saying I'm infallible so either prove me wrong or drop this.

I'm not trying to be a jerk about this but you keep bringing this back up and have provided no proof at all of these claims. I have a responsibility to everyone that has submitted records of maintaining the integrity of this recordbook.

Alright, I just did the cone crazy again today to verify my 16 seconds. And after I remembered my route I was able to do it in 13. I'll try to describe it the best I can. First I do the one farthest to the east. It's inside the cones that are kind of shaped like an h. Facing South I back into it squeezing between two cones and as soon as I touch it I accelerate forward and go up to the right and get the two checkpoints near and on the ramp. Then after I go down the ramp I keep going forward (to the North) and straight into the one in the far corner. After that I stop and go in reverse to the last one in the circle. Doing that I was able to do it in 13 seconds. It might be possible to shave off a second though.

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