Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
its less then 10K now :confused:

That link doesn't work--you need to remove the ".orig" from the end--but I found it....

Here it is..

You are going to have to explain how you were able to knock 28 seconds off the best RC plane time---thats just too much of a drop off in best times--- did you find a new glitch?? This is the VC equivalent of someone running a 3 minute mile.

I really haven't tried this race in forever so I really can't comment on this-- does anyone think this is possible???

If you or anyone wants to PM me regarding this...please do.


  • f8bb29e9.jpg
    9.4 KB · Views: 51
Oh sorry I forgot to add that it was glitched. I explained it a while ago but forgot to add it after the time. I really only got 2:09, but when I saved and checked my stats it said 1:42.

Originally posted by Spuds725
it's less then 10K now :confused:

What's less then 10K?
Yes glitches count---I'm going to add it was a glitch next to the time (like my 74 meter jump height)

Originally posted by RancidMilk
Oh sorry I forgot to add that it was glitched. I explained it a while ago but forgot to add it after the time. I really only got 2:09, but when I saved and checked my stats it said 1:42.

What's less then 10K?

The file size for the picture--I meant 10 KB--I downloaded it off that link and then uploaded it here for you--don't know why it said it was too big for you??




I'm assuming you are raising your CR by blowing up helis (since its risen so fast)...what are you up to?? (I don't need a screenshot but you need to "account" for your CR).

Also, you have posted stats for superjump flips and height, but not distance and rotation (and both categories have open spots)????

Yes, I am blowing up helis. Three at a time at the hyman condo garage. I'm trying to raise it about 100,000 each day. It's not the boring really, I'll usually blow them up until the time 20:00 then run over ot the stadium and do the race or whatever there.

I got a lap of the hotring in 14.95. I didn't check to see what the records were so I'm not sure if it's in there.

And for super jump distance:275
I have about a 30,000 degree rotation but I don't know the exact number.

I have over 6000 helicopters destroyed, I'll have to check later to get the exact number.
Is this record book strickly for ps2?

I ask because I don't beleive that the "Godfather" criminal rating exsist in Vice City and I'm almost certain it does not exsist in the ps2 version.

I state this because a few months back I set out to attain this Godfather criminal rating and I reached over 1 mil in about two weeks but the name also remained Don. If any of you have proof of those ratings I'd sure like to see them.
There's several screenshots in this thread - including one only two pages back from the user "Tommy Vercetti" - showing Godfather ratings. It does exist.
You can only achieve Godfather by first completing the game 100% and then raising your criminal rating to 1,000,000 or more. Do you have 100%?

Yeah I have 100% and over a mil CR. Actually my CR is 1001268 right now and I am still a Don. After I posted I went back through this thread and looked for screens and I found some. I'm just having a hard time understanding how they are legit.

This is my second copy of Vice so its not just a glitch with my game. Maybe there is something I'm missing in my stats but I've only been busted 11 times and sent to the hospital 20 times. I don't think thats too bad given how long ago I started this game.

I don't know...any thoughts?
Have you used ANY cheats at any point, either on the current save or any other save on that memory card?
Perhaps here or there. I don't use cheats much. But you know how it is when you're just messing around or friends are over and stuff. Anyway I haven't used any kind of cheats that would affect a game save...just the standerd ammo/health things. Plus I doubt I used any cheats on this game save. About a year ago I had to restart Vice on my quest to 100% so I kept this file seperate and I'm the only one who has ever played on it.
That's strange, because I've never heard of someone who got 100% and then 1,000,000 CR and didn't get Godfather.

Did you get 100% first and Godfather later? They have to be done in that order. Though it would be odd for someone to have a million CR points and not to have already gotten 100%.

Yeah I got 100% first. Actually I only had a CR in the 9000 range when I completed the 100% goal. I find it very strange myself. I've always heard about Godfather but I've never seen ps2 screenies until today. Well at least now I know it does in fact exsist.

I'll either have to start all over again on a new card (cries) or just keep plugin away at it and maybe it will change at 2 mil. Thanks for the quick replies guys.
Originally posted by 2o
Yeah I got 100% first. Actually I only had a CR in the 9000 range when I completed the 100% goal. I find it very strange myself. I've always heard about Godfather but I've never seen ps2 screenies until today. Well at least now I know it does in fact exsist.

I'll either have to start all over again on a new card (cries) or just keep plugin away at it and maybe it will change at 2 mil. Thanks for the quick replies guys.

I can assure you my screenshot is legitimate--I'd be raising holy hell if it didn't flip over to Godfather.

I also used a game just 9% completed, used the accuracy glitch and raised it to 2,000,000-- still stayed at Don.

Can you post your stats??? THe reason I ask is I know one other person who had this problem--he did not have 100% when he reached 1,000,000. Then he got 100%, it still did not change, so then I think he used cheats to lower it below 1,000,000 and raised it back above 1,000,000. Still stayed at Don- his money was not maxed out.

If your money is not maxed out (or real high) then maybe this plays a part in the Godfather ranking--- just an idea.

Or if you did just one thing to raise it maybe you need to raise it by a mix of different things-- Everyone I know who has done it had at least maxed out their money--then they either did helis (in a garage), or killed there way there (like me, Acidman, and T. Vercetti).

Anyway, just some thoughts...if you post your stats post:

Criminals killed on vigilante--
planes and helis destroyed--

these are the only stats I know of that raise your criminal rating.

Wow that must really suck. Right now I'm trying for godfather and if that happened to me I'd probably throw my playstation 2 across the room then go run out into the highway and kill myself.

I hope it doesn't have anything to do with cheats because I have used the armor and health cheat maybe 5 times. I doubt that will effect anything but if it does then damn.

Oh and here are my records I posted earlier but didn't know the exact number.

max insane jump rotation: 22,954 (i had one over 30,000 but didn't save:irked: )

planes and helis destroyed: 9465

criminal rating: 500,008 (don)
I'm assuming your money is maxed Rancid--if it now (if that is prerequisite???)

Also, since you are raising it so fast, don't bother posting a screenshot until you get up over 1,000,000 or unless you stop raising it...

BTW, how fast can you raise it with 3 in a garage-- (I'm just curious--I did some with multiple helicopters but it became more of a pain, since they bounce out or get eaten)...I did just 1 and found I could get 20 per minute (one every 3 seconds) or about 600 CR points per minute or about 35000 per hour-- at least you are being smart and taking a break (to do stadium events) every 20 minutes or so.


I have already maxed out my money. I did it with brown thunder--you helped me with the airport spawn, remember?

I was planning on posting a screen once I get over 1,000,000. I hope to get a digital camera soon as using the way I have to get screens, the criminal rating doesn't show up, at all. It's too blury. I don't want to get anything fancy; all the cameras I've seen are over 200+ dollars and I'm not willing to pay that much. I wonder if I can just get a cheap plastic one or something??

I've been able to average about 40 thousand points per hour using three. I align them a certain way in the farthest left garge at the condo. I've only had to adjust them maybe every 200-400 helicopters.
at least you are being smart and taking a break (to do stadium events) every 20 minutes or so.
That's the only way I can do it. If I don't I just get too bored. I'll also head over to the downtown chopper checkpoint and do that a few times. I'm determined to beat KMs time; I'm only 2 seconds behind.
Originally posted by RancidMilk
I have already maxed out my money. I did it with brown thunder--you helped me with the airport spawn, remember?

I forget who all I've helped-- but yeah I remember now...

As far a digital cam, yep they can be expensive--depends all you want to use it for-- for good screenshots I imaging 1 megapixel would be about as low a resolution you would want to go with-- I don't know if you can get a new one with that resolution but you might find a used one--EBay might be your friend in this case.

Otherwise, keep an eye on the sale papers and maybe check out Walmart (although we boycott that store--my wife used to work for them and they are horrible to their employees)--- perhaps see if they have higher res web cams that are cordless--that might be the only way to keep the price down.

I've found recently its much easier for me to post shots by taking a vid clip, uploading it to my PC and then just play/pause/screen capture--paste/crop/save--I've gotten pretty fast at doing all that (although it sounds harder).
I too am not a big fan of wal-mart. We just got a new "super" wal-mart recently and I didn't find it too super. You're basically rubbing up against people constantly and it's just a pain.

I think I will go check out ebay. 60% of everything I own is from ebay.

And how exactly do you take video clips? Do you just record it threw a vcr or something like that? I've never hear of that before.
Originally posted by Spuds725

Anyway, just some thoughts...if you post your stats post:

Criminals killed on vigilante--
planes and helis destroyed--

these are the only stats I know of that raise your criminal rating.


Sorry if I came off the wrong way but I made that first post before reading through the first 30 pages of the thread. Its obvious you guys are legit and it took most of you good amount of time to get to Godfather.

Don't have access to my stats at the moment but I canl post them later. However I think you are on to something. I raised it strickly by blowing up helis in the garage so off the top of my head I have like 30,000 destroyed helis but all the rest off my stats are pretty normal like they would be for the average guy who just got 100%. So maybe I have to have a mix of kills, cash, and accuacy.

As of right now I know I'm not maxed out on cash. I don't have many kills at all and my accuracy rating is only like 50%.

:banghead: I'm seriously thinking about just starting all over on a completely new card because I don't want to spend time building stats on this save if it might not work.
Originally posted by RancidMilk

And how exactly do you take video clips? Do you just record it threw a vcr or something like that? I've never hear of that before.

For my stats, I just record them when I pause the game.

For stunts I will hook my TV inputs into my VCR and record it, then use my digital cam (which records short vid clips) to digitize it when I play it back--- I imagine if you get a video capture card, you could do this too---I've not priced them but this might be cheaper then getting a digital cam (unless you want the cam for other stuff too)--I'd go to a computer store and talk to a computer nerd about it.

As far as the CR question 2o-- There might be a minimum cash amount required (who ever heard of a poor godfather)---I doubt its a mix of different stats, because I know of people on another forum that did it by cash and helis-- the accuracy component of mine is fairly low a few hundered percent and that only gives you about a 1000 pts.

If you max out your cash I'd do it either via brown thunder (if you can fly the hunter decently), 391 consecutive levels will max you out if your money is less the 8,000,000 now.

Otherwise, as long as your times are slow enough now, max your money by repeating test track, trial by dirt, or cone crazy-- just repeat and beat your record by 1 second each time you complete it, (you need a best time of at least 40 or so to max out your money in cone crazy)--for trial by dirt or test track, I'm guessing about 3 minutes-- for each of these, each time you beat your record, your prize money doubles--do it 23 timed total and your money will be maxed (your final payment will be 800,000,000--you need to stop when you get to this level as if you do it 2 more times you will lose money--value turns negative).

If you have questions on anything, just ask...

Hold off on maxing your money--I just PMed a friend on another forum--he has the PC version and knows the computer code for the game very well--he will either know or can look up the requirements---let me here back from him and I'll forward you the info...hopefully this will solve the mystery.


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