Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
I reloaded-- ALOT-- my play time was easily 6 hours--- I'd have to practice the missions some--- for me toughest missions this time through were (this is based on total time to complete due to reloads, not time on clock--- cabmageddon (took me 4 or 5 tries), checkpoint charley (seemed like 15-20 tries), "the chase" and SSA (first list)--- took me a while to get the Idaho

I breezed through guardian angels, supply and demand, and phenom penh 86-- these ones have historically given me problems.

Also, I did fail an early mission here and there but didn't reload since I hadn't saved for a few missions and the current mission didn't require much in the way of ammo.

What did you do for money to buy the assets Famine???

If I try again, I'm going to do cone crazy straight off-- I messed around some early on and it only took about 8-10 minutes to get enuf money off cone crazy
KM - I didn't reload at all. I have a blind spot for the mission for Diaz in the boat ("Supply & Demand"), but it only wastes an hour or so to start over again from there. There is no other difficult mission for me.

No reloading? I'm impressed.

I might try a long session this weekend and see what kind of time I can get. Supply and Demand used to be a problem for me but once I figured out what route to take it never gave me any more problems.

For me, its the trip back-- my boat tends to take alot of damage-- for some reason, this time, the heli didn't show up-- I had alot of damage to my boat but made it back the first time.
I love that mission. I used to always have trouble with the Chopper, but I became alright after a while with it.
I didn't reload at all.
That's pretty amazing.
I breezed through guardian angels, supply and demand, and phenom penh 86-- these ones have historically given me problems.
They have? I'd expect you to breeze through killing missions. Oh well. I used to mess up all the time on GTA 3 in the Tailing mission from Luigi...Pathetic I know. I got it though, and haven't failed it since. Guardian Angels is fairly easy to me. I love it. Phnom Penh '86 is probably the easiest out of them for me. Supply and Demand would be the most difficult, but the most fun.
Spilling the beans-- Colt Python on the way in-- jump off the ship from the upper deck to get back off-- grab health and armor if needed--escape.
What did you do for money to buy the assets Famine???

If I try again, I'm going to do cone crazy straight off-- I messed around some early on and it only took about 8-10 minutes to get enuf money off cone crazy

Cone Crazy.... :D

You get enough money from the other missions to be able to stop doing Cone Crazy after the $51,000 mark (as a single prize, not a total) and still have enough to buy all the assets you need - IF you do them in the right order.
I just finished at 3:43. I feel stupid because I did all of the love fist and biker missions. I thought they were neccessary in order to complete the rest. So that is about 30 minutes right there. After I read you didn't need those it was too late because I had already saved afterwards. I'm going to have another go at it. Also, is Avery's last mission neccessary?
Would someone be kind enough to tell me all the story missions you don't have to do? Because I seem to be doing a lot of missions that aren't needed.
You don't have to do ANY Avery missions either--

I'm trying to remember exactly but I'm not sure but what I think it does is when you complete (I think its "riot" ) I think thats it which open up Avery's missions, you only have an A on your map if you are in a car. If you get out of car and wait a few seconds you get a call from Cortez which opens up more of his-- I thought at least the first Avery mission was required but it isn't.

You don't have to do "all hands on deck" for cortez either. to open cortez, cortez to open diaz, diaz to open vercetti, shake down to open assets-- complete 6 assets (including printworks) and vercetti missions to open last 2 missions-- I'm not sure if you have a money requirement for keep your friends close.

When you are doing diaz I believe it pauses while you do more of cortez' missions--don't remember exactly.

I'm pretty sure this is the shortest way to finish the storyline (assets not in any specific order)

Ken Rosenburg
-"An Old Friend"
-"The Party"
-"Back Alley Brawl"
-"Jury Fury"
Colonel Juan Cortez
-"Treacherous Swine"
-"Mall Shootout"
-"Guardian Angels"
-"Sir, Yes Sir!"
Ricardo Diaz
-"The Chase"
-"Phnom Penh '86"
-"The Fastest Boat"
-"Supply and Demand"
Tommy Vercetti
-"Death Row"
-"Rub Out"
-"Bar Brawl"

Asset Missions Completed:
Cherry Popper Ice Cream Company
Kaufman Cabs
-"Friendly Rivalry"
Pole Position Club
-Spend $300 on Stripper
The Printworks
-"Spilling the Beans"
-"Hit the Courier"
The Boatyard
-"Checkpoint Charlie"
Sunshine Autos
-1st car list

Game Ending Missions
-"Cap the Collector"
-"Keep Your Friends Close..."
I would agree. To me it looks like the shortest way, unless with the assets you're quicker at finishing one than another. But that looks pretty much right.
A little update of my records...

Daily Police Spending: $77142.00
Max Insane Jump Rotation (Not Using Bike Morph): 2286° (I know I can do better ;))
Highest Media Attention: 5759 (Sorry Jimmy, I bumped you)

That is all for now.


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Thanks Spuds. I should be able to shave a considerable amount of time off considering I did all of Avery's, Love Fist, and Biker missions.
No problem-- I might give it a go again too. Just by doing it you learn things to shave off more time.

Updated-- (including your 3:43)
I was bored tonight so I started a new game to see how far I could get without dying or screwing up. I got to Death Row in one continuous session without saving or reloading and accidentally killed Lance. I had 1:05 on the clock when I then checked my time.

I might try again at the weekend. The last few times I've completed the game, I've always got all 100 pacakges first, so I've forgotten how it's not so easy when you don't have your weapons like the Python at hand. I'm thinking that picking up 20 packages or so that are on your route might make things easier. Can't beat the Python for missions like Death Row or Rub Out.

Hey, I spent about 4 hours last night on the Chopper Checkpoints! Here are my times along with how far I am away from "The Master" (KM of course! :lol: ):

Downtown Chopper Checkpoint: 1:33 (10 seconds, but it seems like eternity)
Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint: 1:14 (3 seconds, so close but so far away)
Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint: 1:12 (2 long seconds)
Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint: 1:26 (9 seconds, I can barely count it with two hands)

My thumbs hurt :ouch:!

EDIT: Oh yeah, there's my CR too: 342,092


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I'm nearly done with beating the storyline again. I'm at 2:16 with printworks, kaufaman, boatyard, and all but the landstalker for SSA. I'm thinking I'll do the cherry poppers mission, hurry over and do cone crazy one more time (I already did it a few times at the beginning) to get enough money to buy pole position, do the pole position asset, then go up to the test track to get the landstalker(if i don't find one before that) for the last SSA list. I should then just need to complete the last 2 missions.
Won't Cherry Poppers give you enough cash to get Pole Position?

Plus going east to do Pole then west to get landstalker seems like a wrong way round... I would try taking the cherry poppers up north into Downtown and then when you've completed it you'll be near the trial by dirt so that you can grab the landstalker... take it to SSA... then you've got a Sabre Turbo to drive over to Pole position...

updated records for me, friend is loaning me his ps2 (mine is broken) so vc hasnt been played much at all.

Crime rating

Safe house visits

ppl wasted by others

bullets fired (100% game)

bullets that hit (100% game)

Accuracy (100% game)

Dist traveled
foot 215
car 1964.27
bike 593.24
golf cart 52.06
heli 491.97
total 3338.32


weapon budget
5 702 190

fashon budget

auto repair and painting

MAN, I haven't seen you around since I was on NeoSeeker. And that was a fair while ago.

Welcome back, is this permanent, or are you going to be leaving us again?
blake and jimmy are you talkin to me?

if you are then yeah more than likely i will be sticking around here since i will be hopefully getting a new ps2 and san andreas next month as well as gt4 when it comes out. My ps2 has been broken for ages now so thats why i have been away from here. I see that people have beaten my racing times (remembers when nearly all of em was 1st) but i doubt i will be able to improve unless i spend some good amount of time getting used to the game.

If not then thats my story anway :P
Cool. Look forward to some really good competition in racing in San Andreas. We have Rancid, Famine and Fryz back into GTA, KM is the obvious champion of racing, and me and Blake seem to be in on it now. Spuds is more of a killer, but not to say he won't be up there. It should make for some good competition.

The GTA Forum will be very much alive.
yeah i might put a bit of time aside to improve me racing times, they are about the only records i dont find tedious or boring to beat (bloodrings ok). i also dont mind the chopper ones i see i have moved down the ranks in them also. hmm.
I was moving up in the Chopper Checkpoints for a while. Then my PS2 decides to be a jerk. It now freezes up every now and then. I can't wait for this PStwo I'm getting.
Plus going east to do Pole then west to get landstalker seems like a wrong way round... I would try taking the cherry poppers up north into Downtown and then when you've completed it you'll be near the trial by dirt so that you can grab the landstalker... take it to SSA... then you've got a Sabre Turbo to drive over to Pole position...


I think doing "distribution anywhere other then vice port will cost you more time then you would save by doing it anywhere else. I generally hang out right in front of the Pay n spray there-- and will just keep collecting til I see a cop or get a 3rd star then clear it in the pay n spray--the dock users are plentiful and good customers. I'd maybe try it at or near the pay n spray in Little Haiti and see how fast the Haitians buy--I don't think they are as plentiful and hang in groups in stead of being all over.

Also, the sentinel you find at SSA is nearly as fast as the sabre turbo--you won't save that much time.

I bet you are kicking yourself for not doing cone crazy 1 more time before.

welcome back small--- I think I saw you over at GTAforums unless someone stole your name.

Now where is Acidman??
