Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725

I'm going to load up my game tonight if I have time, and find out my Playing Time and Days Passed. Should be enough to move me up a notch.
I know what I did, I took the picture at an angle so you can't see the title "drug deals made" and you see the one below that. Oh well. I can't be bothered to fix that.

Oh, and the reason my pictures are so ****ty, is because I record it with a video camera first, then take a picture of the little screen on the video camera.
Yes, get a digi cam, you freaking GODFATHER! (JK, I'm just jealous ;) )

BTW, I just got to level 403 on "Brown Thunder"! No record, but I got over 300,000 CR because I maxed out my money. Don't put it in the books yet, because I'll get an exact number soon, along with a few other records maybe. :rolleyes:
Do you get any rewards (in terms of CR points) for maxing out your money? And after you max out your money, can you still go up in CR?
You get CR fro the amount of money you have, so when you max out your money you've gained the most possible CR points that you can from money, but you can still get CR by killing and blowing **** up!
Yeah that's what I wanted to know. I know you can get CR points other ways, but I'm talking in terms of making money. I thought maybe after you've hit maximum money, you still can get CR points because it could still be making money in the code.

If so you could get godfather for doing Cone stops.

Max money is $999,999,999. @ 1 pt per $5,000 that equals 200,000 CR points.

If you lose or spend the money, your CR drops by the same amount.

I just threw out a Piece of cr@p digital cam I could have sent you--- it was a free one I got for signing up with earthlink about 4 or 5 years ago and had about the same resolution as a web cam, just didn't have to be connected to a PC-

-if you are using a video cam to capture your pics already, it might be cheaper to get a video caputure card for your PC--then just plug in a video out cable from your camera and BAM!! got a pic---I've never priced them but they should be cheaper then a digital cam--unless you get a very low end one off ebay or something.
Oh, and the reason my pictures are so ****ty, is because I record it with a video camera first, then take a picture of the little screen on the video camera.

I suggest you either take a picture directly from your tv, or you should connect your camera to your tv when you're recording, so that the video on your camera has much higher "resolution" when you take a picture of the camera!
If so you could get godfather for doing Cone stops.
Good point.

I might actually price one of those Video Capture cards myself next time I head over to EB Games in about 9 or 10 days. Just curious. I like to know these things. If you can wait that long, RancidMilk, I'll be more than happy to post it in $AU, and you could convert it to $US.
This one is sweet--- I just about doubled my unmorphed rotation #1

4801 degrees--

I learned this off a couple guys playing the PC version over at GTAforums.... one of them had one over 6000 degrees

4801 degree rotation 2 MB, a 4801 degree unmorphed rotation on a PCJ 600.

I also added this to the clip thread.


Its definitely the best way I've seen for high rotations-- took me quite a few tries. I only had 4 or 5 over 2000 degrees--- but when you catch a good one, he really spins.

I was very lucky I caught that on video. The reason the video cuts off at the end is because I was at the very end of a video tape right after I landed--- the VCR is stopping itself.
Nice rotation, Spuds! 👍

I saw that method done on Nitzkit's video "Loose Ends" and I have been meaning to try it out one of these days. It just seems like it would take a while to set it up. How do you get the PCJ 600 and the Flatbed to the airport time-efficiently?
It doesn't take that long--just store a pcj at Sunshine Autos, head over to vice port and grab the flat bed-- park it at the airport, run back to Sunshine autos-- it only takes about 2 minutes (if that) and grab your PCJ-- don't drive another vehicle or the truck will probably disappear. After you get it over there it stayed there for me-- I had to move it back in place several times and whenever the PCJ needed healed I just zipped over to sunshine autos and back-- I did at least 30 jumps with it and tried it at a few other spots as well.

I went ahead and started a new game-- am seeing how fast I can do storyline-- I'm at about 2.5 hours---completed up through copland and started doing assets-- I've done Pole position, Kaufman cabs, and boatyard (got a 1:59 on Checkpoint Charley no less--on about my 10th try-- I kept screwing up royally and reloading and then finally had a kick@ss run)-- am doing either cherry poppers or Printworks next.
Good luck. How much % have you got completed?

By the way, your video is very slow...I have a slowish 56K connection, downloaded it at 960kb/sec! Took forever.

But it's an awesome technique. I'll keep it in mind when I return to Vice City (in a very long time). I'll probably forget. I think I also noticed that technique in Nitzkit's vid.
Jimmy Enslashay
By the way, your video is very slow...I have a slowish 56K connection, downloaded it at 960kb/sec! Took forever.

I'm assuming you meant 960 b/sec ---- I'm on dialup and I'm happy if I can download at 5kb/sec----

I have no control over that-- it uploaded faster then that....weren't you the one that directed me to I've had a few people complain about the download speed.

If anyone can recomend to me a better free site, please let me know. I'm willing to pay if I have to but I don't need alot of storage space nor bandwidth so I'd want it to be pretty cheap. Freewebs has a pay option but their free service has not impressed me very much.

I'm not sure what percentage I'm at, the last I noticed I was over 20%--I have hit a few unique jumps and jumps affect your % by disproportionate amount.
Yeah, 960b/sec. Sorry.

Also, I'm lucky to sit at 4kb, let alone 5kb. I usually sit around 3.74kb/sec max. We have a bad area.

Try out Geocities, too. I used to download clips constantly off a Geocities site, and I doubt he paid for it. You just can't download off it or view things on it when too many people visit or download off it.
I'm uploading video clip proof now--

Fastest time to complete storyline-- 3:32.

My % complete was 29%--

Just a few notes--

It did take me 6 assets to get the call: the order I did them was-- pole position, boat yard, kaufman cabs, cherry poppers, printworks, SSA (first list)-- got the call right after I delivered the Idaho-- I never bought the Malibu or Film studio.

For pole position-- I'd read on another forum it only takes $300 spent to complete it---I've always heard and spent $600. I tried it and spent exactly $305-- asset was completed.

And in case anyone was wondering-- I repeated cone crazy to get money-- I stopped with about $800,000-- I could have shaved time off by doing this to start so I had more save points--saved me some driving-- I finished with something like 600,000 so I could have done this one less time and still had enough money to finish--- other then properties, I went to downtown ammunation one time and bought a bunch of the good weapons and ammo.

I did follow Famine's recommendation and collected 30 packages so I could get the colt python pretty early.

I never did cortez' "all hands on deck"-- evidently this is not required-- there must be a minimum money requirement to get the call.

I'm sure Famine finished faster-- he is alot more methodical then me.

Here is the clip--it shows the mission completed with the 3 limos out front with stat shot of my time on either side of it:

storyline 3:32

Also for proof-- least favorite gang won't work--when I started keep your friends close, my least favorite was diaz's gang-- when I finished it was streetwannabees.

We might have to use the honor system for this category--
Jimmy Enslashay
Yeah, 960b/sec. Sorry.

Also, I'm lucky to sit at 4kb, let alone 5kb. I usually sit around 3.74kb/sec max. We have a bad area.

Try out Geocities, too. I used to download clips constantly off a Geocities site, and I doubt he paid for it. You just can't download off it or view things on it when too many people visit or download off it.

I usta use geocities--they only give you 15 MB-- I'd have to compress/reduce all my clips to get them all to fit.
It did take me 6 assets to get the call: the order I did them was-- pole position, boat yard, kaufman cabs, cherry poppers, printworks, SSA (first list)-- got the call right after I delivered the Idaho-- I never bought the Malibu or Film studio.
Well, I suppose you and Famine have now verified for sure that it takes the Printworks and 5 other assets to continue the main plot missions, not the Printworks and 4 others.

I think I'm going to have a go at a quick storyline pretty soon. It will probably be easier now that I know you don't have to do all of the assets.

criminal rating- 1,037,041
people wasted- 76,118 (I think I'm done killing now)
Updated--- yep, you don't want to be burnt out before SA comes out--- I've been resting up (killing wise) for 8 months--

If I can give you some advice to avoid frustration-- buy all the save points you can-- I tried doing a couple of missions at a time between saves-- and then I kept failing the 3rd one and having to redo missions-- you lose some time but it will take you less "real" time to finish the game-- Maybe get a list of missions so you know which ones are coming up-- so you save before a tough one-- angels and pretty much each of Diaz's missions (except "fastest boat"--although I flipped the boat and failed this one) are tough enough to save before each one.

Also, doing the first car list--- I found all but the Idaho and land stalker on the south bridge. For each of them, I saw them while driving across the bridge and they spawned. Another way to do this is to save at the safe house across from kens office-- a random car spawns across the street and a little south. Jump in this car and drive across the south bridge-- if you see a car you need grab it, if not reload and repeat--- I did this after I found most of the cars and kept seeing the first 4 (esperanto, rancher, blista compact, stallion) while driving the sentinel in the showroom at sunshine autos back across to ocean beach-- I came across the landstalker in washington beach while doing something else and drove it back...I couldn't find the Idaho doing the above, I did remember finding it downtown before so I drove the hyman condo-- saved and kept reloading-- I found it the first time but got busted with 1 star--reloaded a few more times and got it again right away on the street outside the condo.
I just started a while ago. I got all the way through shakedown and did the first love fist mission and I'm at 1:24. I've already bought the skumole shack, that one green building by the mall, and hyman condo, and the tall colorful building. I had a hard time with sir yes sir. I first beat it, and right after that I went to Diaz's to do the mission supply and demand (which i've never failed so I didn't think I'd need to save) and sure enough my boat exploded and I failed. I then had to go and redo sir yes sir, and failed that a couple more times before I finally beat it. I've been getting most of my armor and weapons through pickups.

I think I'm going to do the same assets you did Spuds. I already have a blista compact, and Esperanto stored at the hyman condo for the first SSA list so I'll only need to look for four cars. I'm going to keep an eye out for those. It would be nice to have all of them before I buy SSA.

I also figured out I'd need 220 thousand dollars to buy boatyard, cherry poppers, kaufman, SSA, and pole position. I'm thinking cone crazy would be the fastest way to get the money?
I'm uploading video clip proof now--

Fastest time to complete storyline-- 3:32.

My % complete was 29%--

Just a few notes--

It did take me 6 assets to get the call: the order I did them was-- pole position, boat yard, kaufman cabs, cherry poppers, printworks, SSA (first list)-- got the call right after I delivered the Idaho-- I never bought the Malibu or Film studio.

For pole position-- I'd read on another forum it only takes $300 spent to complete it---I've always heard and spent $600. I tried it and spent exactly $305-- asset was completed.

And in case anyone was wondering-- I repeated cone crazy to get money-- I stopped with about $800,000-- I could have shaved time off by doing this to start so I had more save points--saved me some driving-- I finished with something like 600,000 so I could have done this one less time and still had enough money to finish--- other then properties, I went to downtown ammunation one time and bought a bunch of the good weapons and ammo.

I did follow Famine's recommendation and collected 30 packages so I could get the colt python pretty early.

I never did cortez' "all hands on deck"-- evidently this is not required-- there must be a minimum money requirement to get the call.

I'm sure Famine finished faster-- he is alot more methodical then me.

Here is the clip--it shows the mission completed with the 3 limos out front with stat shot of my time on either side of it:

storyline 3:32

Also for proof-- least favorite gang won't work--when I started keep your friends close, my least favorite was diaz's gang-- when I finished it was streetwannabees.

We might have to use the honor system for this category--

I cranked out a 3hr14, but due to iLink fun this weekend I haven't had a chance to try for a quicker one. This week is relatively empty though, so I may have another run at it.

I spent exactly $300 at the Pole Position and it worked fine - so there's at least 5 seconds you can shave off... :D

With a little better planning - I had to go from Downtown to Cone Crazy once, like an ass - I think a sub 3 hour is feasible.
I just started a while ago. I got all the way through shakedown and did the first love fist mission and I'm at 1:24.
If you're just playing to get a quick storyline completion time, then I don't think you need to do any of the Love Fist missions. I'm pretty sure they don't advance the storyline missions.

I think a sub 3 hour is feasible.
Feasible, but VERY difficult I would say. Noone has achieved it yet, the record isn't even under 3.
I'm pretty sure they don't advance the storyline missions.
They don't.

Also Spuds, this video is alot quicker to download. about 2.1kb/sec. Good for a free hosting site.

Good stuff anyway. 👍
Jimmy Enslashay
Feasible, but VERY difficult I would say. Noone has achieved it yet, the record isn't even under 3. They don't.

The record I originally mentioned was for how long it would take to beat the storyline in one session, not how low the timer in the game read when the credits started. So it was like you had to start a stopwatch as soon as you took control of Tommy, and stopped it as soon as the final credits start to roll. So any mission screw-ups or reloads you have to do wouldn't stop the watch, it would keep timing you. That's why it's almost 4 hours. Because you can't retry missions to get a faster time, or if you have to reload then the timer doesn't reset to whatever it was on your last save.

Jimmy Enslashay
Feasible, but VERY difficult I would say. Noone has achieved it yet, the record isn't even under 3.

The posted record was 3hr59. Both Spuds & I have managed well under that.

KM - I didn't reload at all. I have a blind spot for the mission for Diaz in the boat ("Supply & Demand"), but it only wastes an hour or so to start over again from there. There is no other difficult mission for me.

3 hours should be doable - considering I managed a 3hr 14 and had to do three more missions than I had planned for originally.